go ahead

  • na.取得进展
  • 网络继续;前进;干吧

第三人称单数:goes ahead 现在分词:going ahead 过去式:went ahead 过去分词:gone ahead

go aheadgo ahead

go ahead


最常用的英文日常用语_爱问知识人 ... Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。 Go ahead. 继续。 Help me out. 帮帮我。 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get ahead 进步,获得成功 go ahead 前进;干吧 aim for 力争…,针对 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get ahead 进步,获得成功 go ahead 前进;干吧 aim for 力争…,针对 ...


关于初中词组、短语_已解决问题_搜狐问答 ... )give back 归还,送回 )go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧 )go round 顺便去,绕道走 ...


关于初中词组、短语_已解决问题_搜狐问答 ... )give back 归还,送回 )go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧 )go round 顺便去,绕道走 ...


关于go的短语_爱问知识人 ... go against 反对,违背 go ahead 向前,干吧,说吧,用吧 go by 从旁经过 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... go against 违反 go ahead 进行,进展,干吧,说吧,先走 go all out 全力以赴 ...


英语六级高频短语,词组 - 豆丁网 ... give way 让路,让步 go ahead 开始,进行 go into effect 施行,实行,生效 ...

"In that case go ahead with the project, " she said, mollified by his agreeable manner. “在那种情况下继续执行计划,”她说,她已被他那彬彬有礼的态度所软化了。
His little blue eyes glittered and he moistened his lips with the tip of his tongue. "Go ahead, " he said hoarsely. 他小小的蓝色眼睛又开始闪光,一边用舌缘湿润着嘴唇。“继续,”他哑着嗓子说。
(to colleague) Next call, go ahead, open. . . . (to Sam) If there was one question I was allowed to ask. (对工作人员)下一位,继续,接通……(对山姆)如果我可以问个问题的话……
Go ahead and accept the fact that the decisions you make will not always be perfect. Then, go ahead and decide. 接受现实吧,你的决定并不总是完美的,因此,别再迟疑不定了。
Give her to me, Archie. Yes, I can carry her. Miss Pitty, go ahead with a lamp. 阿尔奇,你把她给我,我能抱得动,皮蒂小姐,您拿着灯去带路。
So when another team finds out how much this will make their lives better too, what's the harm in letting them go ahead and use it? 因此,当另一团队发现这也会使他们的工作更轻松,那么允许他们继续使用这些函数又有什么危害呢?
However, those familiar with the trader's plans said that it had "not reached a final decision" to go ahead. 但熟知托克计划的人士表示,托克尚未“做出最后决定”是否要继续推进。
We would rather be seen to act in accordance with your protocol, but time speeds on and we are fully ready to go ahead with our plans. 我们宁愿被看见与你们的协议签订的那样行动,但是时间在加速,我们完全准备好了实行我们的计划。
Bangkok has been under a state of emergency since April, but Sunday's protest was allowed to go ahead. 曼谷从四月份开始进入国家紧急状态,但是周日的抗议活动被允许进行下去。
i want so much to be with you, even if the way ahead is so rough, as long as you are with me, i will go ahead with determination. 好想和你在一起,即使自己面前的道路是多么的坎坷,只要有你在我身边,自己也会奋勇向前。
"Go ahead. " Ford commanded, "And stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time is required. " “动手做。”福特一声令下,“不论花多少时间,做到交差为止!”
We're going to throw all that away anyway. Go ahead and build it as a sanity check, which should go through fine. 我们打算把这些多余的东西抛到一边,做一个比较完善的检测,就可以继续往下。
So don't wait for the next cairo release; go ahead and download the current version and try it out! 所以不必等待cairo的下一个版本了,现在就下载并试用当前版本!
Go ahead and act on all that you know. 尽管对所有你知道的事采取行动。
Be assured everything is ready to go ahead, meaning that the period of disruption and uncertainty will be relatively brief. 请相信,每件事情都准备好了继续发展,这表示破坏与不稳定的时期将相对短暂。
moment for me. But it was all too late. Despite that, I still go ahead and add the button inside the app with an update. 虽然已经错过了最好的时机,但是我还是在下次更新的时候加上了这个按钮。
So now go ahead, and now you are trying to generate 120 watts of power. You think you can do it? 现在去吧,你现在试着,产生120瓦电力,你觉得你能做到吗?
He made it clear that he wanted the earlier deployment plan to go ahead and suggested that blocking it had undermined the British mission. 他曾明确表示,希望早期部署计划能够进行,并指出阻止它损害了英国的使命。
There's no doubt that hot tubs are luxuriously soothing, and if you're willing to take a slight chance, go ahead and plunge in. 没有热水缸奢侈抚慰的怀疑,而且如果你愿意利用一个微小的机会,前进而且倒下在。
You go ahead, disco- boy. I'm going to see Norah Jones if I can't get tickets to Phantom of the Opera. 去吧,男孩。如果我买不到剧院魅影的票我就去看的演唱会。
Obama said he learned of her death Monday morning while campaigning in Florida and said he planned to go ahead with campaign appearances. 奥巴马说他是周一早上在佛罗里达州参加竞选时才得知外婆死讯的,并表示他准备继续参加竞选活动。
At this point I feel that I should go ahead and include the ship before I get too far along with the rest of the painting. 我觉得现在是时候继续深入刻画了,当然包括之前的飞船。离画完还有很长的距离。
We have just come out of a series of meetings, and are ready to go ahead with a plan that removes the dark. 我们刚刚参加完一系列的会议,而且已准备好按照计划对黑暗势力进行清理了。
Officials hint that the go-ahead for such a resumption would be given only if no negotiations had begun by then. 官员们暗示说,除非从那时起没有开始任何谈判,重建是不可能实现的。
It will clear the way for others that are almost ready to go ahead, and relies on our allies completing their groundwork. 并且可以为那些准备陆续出现的事情清理道路,也依赖于我们的盟友完成他们的地面工作。
Robert: Go ahead, it's for your reference. While you're at it, make me a special agenda. 罗伯特:拿去吧,这是给你作参考的。你着手写的时候,给我拟一个特别日程表。
Rio needs shareholder approval for the deal to go ahead and a vote is likely to take place in July. 力拓需要股东批准此交易,投票可能在7月份进行。
You want to know if I've ever had a boyfriend? " I said. " Just go ahead and ask if I've ever fucked anybody. “你是想知道我交没交过男朋友?”我说:“直接问吧,问我有没有和人干过。”
If you are able to manage this, and you think you can handle it each month, go ahead and bid. 如果你可以管理这个,你认为你每月可以处理它,继续和出价。
Berlusconi's counsel has said the prime minister would be available to testify if the court gave the go-ahead. 贝卢斯科尼的律师表示,如果法庭允许,总理可以出庭作证。