give it up

  • 网络放弃;放弃吧;放弃它

give it upgive it up

give it up


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... give an example 举例 give it up 放弃;鼓掌欢迎 give me a hand 帮我一下 ...


色拉... ... Oh Helen! I love you! 哦,海伦!我爱你! Give it up! 放弃吧! You’re just wasting your time! 你纯粹是在浪费时间! ...


it up是什么意思_百度知道 ... put it up, 把它放上去 give it up, 放弃它 push it up, 把它推上去 ...


九年级英语短语_百度知道 ... 放弃做某事 give up doing sth 把它放弃 give it up 改变某人的生活 change one’s life ...


《用美国小孩的方法学英文动词》- 京东图书... ... give in 让步 give it up 劝某人放弃 give up 放弃 ...


Action English... ... " give somebody grief " 为难...欺负... " give it up " 鼓掌,欢呼 " time of need " 最需要帮助的时候 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... give an example 举例 give it up 放弃;鼓掌欢迎 give me a hand 帮我一下 ...


Give It Up_百度百科 ... You've got to believe in 相信它能够创造奇迹 Give it up 放弃执念吧 Give it up 你无需忧虑 ...

When you falling in love with someone but you can't being with him, you will facing the choice to give it up or go on loving. 当爱一个人,却无法拥有他时,自己面对着一个选择:放弃还是继续。
You can certainly get the money back. But when coming to think of the devil to pay, I advise you to give it up. 你可以把那笔钱要回来,考虑到今后的麻烦,我劝你不要的好。
In Britain, 70% of smokers say that they would like to stop smoking, and of these smokers, 83% have tried more than once to give it up. 在英国,有70%的吸烟者说他们愿意戒烟。同时,这些吸烟者当中,有83%的人已不止一次地试过把烟戒掉。
"Give it up, " he jeered at me. "You've got a good job here. Give it up. You'll never make it. " “放弃吧,”他嘲弄地对我说:“你在这儿得到了一份儿不错的工作。拉倒吧,你永远也别想做出什么好曲子。”
Choosing to give it up for something you think is "better" is a foolish thing to do. 为了那些你认为是更好的东西,而选择放弃自己的性格是一件很愚蠢的事。
Suffice it to say that I really like the interface and would hate to give it up. 我很喜欢这个界面也很舍不得放弃它。
He plays tennis since the age of 6, but he will have to give it up because he's running out of time with so many activities in his agenda. 他打网球,自6岁以下的,但他将不得不放弃的话,因为他的时间不多了这么多活动,在他的日程。
Arrow ou: so what? I am also lost. Vernon, i know this teardrop is of big importance for you, and you shouldn't give it up so easily. 欧雅若:那又怎样?我一样是输了。天骐,我知道这份泪珠对你来说意义重大,你不应该这样轻易放弃的。
He had been smoking for twenty years when he decided to give it up. 当他决定戒烟时,他已有二十年的烟龄了。
but, even if I could withhold it, am I in conscience bound to give it up? 即使可以拒绝交出钱包,凭心而论,难道我不是必定要放弃钱包吗?
It is not for me to take it away, but for you to give it up. 那不应该是我带走的,而是你需要放弃的。
promised to give it up. so i put down the poker we were playing, and went back my room, locking the door. 真正的起因很简单,他在我面前抽烟,而他之前承诺过他会戒掉。我丢下手里正在玩的扑克牌,回到房间把门锁起来。
You ca new great certainly get the money bair conditionerk. But when coming to think of the devil to pay; I tell you to give it up. 你可以把那笔钱要回来,但是商酌到今后的麻烦,我劝你还是不要的好。
Well, I used to do haiku, but I had to give it up because I couldn't think of any good lines. 哦,我以前喜欢俳句,但是因为再也想不出什么好句子也就放弃了。
I'm going to do my thing, at my pace, and give it up for distribution to a company of my choice. 我选择用我的不掉去做我自己的事情,而不是让公司来分配我的选择。
I had to give it up once I got to the pre-operative area and I gladly turned it over because I wanted it when I was finished. 一旦我进入手术区时我必须停止听音乐,我愿意将其上交,因为当手术结束后我才需要它。
You are going to tell me that this is the right thing to do, to give it up? 你现在想告诉我说选择放弃是正确的吗?
I can't give it up. If it takes a hundred years it would be a pity. But I'm going to see how far I can go in my lifetime. 我不能放弃。假如还需要一百年,那的确很遗憾。但我一定要看看,以我的毕生精力能不能完成。
When love has gone away, whomever it has happened to, the only outlet is to give it up and let it go. 当爱远走,无论它是发生在自己或者对方身上,放弃和放手都是惟一的出路。
Maybe, even if I should wrap him with flatteries, he would not give it up! 我就是给他连戴十顶高帽子,只怕也不管事。
I asked God to take away my habit. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. 我请上帝拿掉我的坏习惯,上帝说“不”。他说“不应该是我将它拿掉,而应该是你将它戒掉。”
The real love is not easy to give it up, only partner is glad for you, happy for you. 真正的爱情,是不轻言放弃的。只要对方开心,幸福。
He was about to give it up when he got a piece of good news. 他正要放弃而在那时得到了一条好消息。
I have to give it up to someone else that I apparently like the most. 我不得不把显然我很喜欢的东西放弃
Having been given such a good chance, he wouldn't give it up to others. 人家给了他这么好的机会,他不会给别人的。
She had to fight like a dog to get that job, I don't think she's going to give it up very easily. 她费了很大的力才得到那个工作。我想她不会轻易放弃的。
So difficult was the math problem that we eventually decided to give it up. 这道数学题如此难以至于我们最终决定将其放弃。
Compared to the time you and your boyfriend have been together, she has seniority, and she's not going to give it up. 与你和你的男友相处的时间相比,她无疑比你先来先到,她肯定不会放弃的。
That scalp business hasn't turned out at all profitable, and I've pretty much concluded to give it up, and to follow a less bloody calling. 割头皮的生意没给我们带来一点好处,我决定洗手不干了。要另外找稳妥一点的营生干了。
So if it keeps turning worse and we are unable to hold on, I'll have to give it up. 如果还继续这样恶化,而我们却无法坚持的话,我只能放弃。