new life

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new life


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下一篇 » Paul Cardall -《崭新的生活》(New Life)[FLAC]更多 资源发布:zhangyl 资源状态:精华资源 发布时间:2011/06/23 2…


  日前,电影网独家编译一段《阿凡达》删节片段“新的生命New Life)”中文字幕。片段中的场景是在视觉效果完成前被删节的…


... In Celebration of Trees/ 树的乐章 New Life:Can You Feel Me?/ 生活新主张:明明白白我的心? The Old Corral/ 那一片老畜 …


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The universe is trying to call you into a new life adventure. . . 星运正引导你寻求新的生活,新的冒险。
It's the moment you decide whether you stay in the comfort of the town you know or pack your bags and start a new life. 这一刻,是你决定留在熟悉舒适的城市还是收拾包裹开始新的生活。
Fortunately it doesn't have to be the end of the story , but can be the beginning of new life . 幸好这未必是故事的结局,而可能是新生活的开始。
Living in the commune is like a chance to experience yourself very strong and to stay with it, a chance to start your new life. 社区给你一个机会去体验一个非常强壮的你,并且让你跟这样的自己呆在一起。社区也给你机会开始你的新生活。
Having lost his wife to cancer, Sam Baldwin moves from Chicago to Seattle in an attempt to escape the memories and start a new life. 妻子因癌症病势之后,萨姆.鲍尔温把残缺的家庭从芝加哥搬到了西雅图,以逃避记忆,开始新生。
So the union between you and Christ must be uninterrupted; your faith must accept Christ and depend on Him to sustain the new life. 所以你与基督之间必须毫无隔阂,你当凭信接受基督,并依靠祂来供应这新生命。
English aristocrat goes to Australia to sell an inherited property, only to get swept up in adventure, romance and a new life. 一个有韧性的英国贵族前往澳洲去出售继承的遗产,结果是开始了冒险,浪漫和新生活的旅程。
I am going to start my new life as an MBA student soon and thanks to EF for providing me with such a great studying experience. 我将要成为一名MBA的学生,感谢EF英孚海外游学提供给我如此难忘的一段游学经历。
The report arrives just as a Chinese court has breathed new life into a potentially precedent-setting AIDS discrimination lawsuit. 这份报告出炉之际恰逢一家中国法院受理一桩有可能成为判例的艾滋病歧视案件。
When the new life structure has been established, we are ready to move on to the next period. 当新的人生阶段构建起来时,我们又要准备走入下一个时期。
Yes ah, the birth of a new life, with a total to go through some hardships, but that it was ultimately up to. 是啊,一个新生命的诞生,总要经过一番磨难,但它毕竟是要向上的。
I said goodbye to the captain and Xury, left the ship, and went to begin a new life. 我告别了船长和苏里,离开了船。继续开始了一个新的生活。
On Richards, who was established upstairs in a state of honourable captivity, the dawn of her new life seemed to break cold and grey. 理查兹以一种体面的被囚禁的状态被安顿在楼上;对她来说,她的新生活的黎明是寒冷与灰暗的。
It has taken you a long time, but all that will be forgotten quite quickly as you put it behind you and enjoy your new life. 它已经牵制了你们相当长的时间,但是所有这一切将很快被忘却,你将把它丢在脑后完全的融入你们新的生活中。
It was more than I had had in my hands at one time for several years. I felt elated, as though perhaps a new life was opening before me. 我已有好几年没有一次拿到过这么多钱了,我兴高采烈,也许一种新生活就要在我面前展开了。
In fact, I pleased indeed, as she can out of that period of pain, freed himself to re-start their new life and happy. 其实我该高兴才对,为她能走出过去那段伤痛,把自己解脱出来,重新开始自己崭新的生活而高兴。
This was his first long trip by train at the start of his new life, Leaving his village and his home for the last 16 years. 这是他第一次乘火车作长途旅行,开始他的新生活。16年来第一次离开离开家乡。
She said: "My daughter is amazingly understanding of my new life as a woman. " 她说:“我的女儿完全理解我。”
But now, in her new life, temporal and spaceless , she was more tranquil. 但现在,在她短暂又无限的新生活里,她更安静了。
Throughout my life, I have never felt so peaceful; I feel as if I have been born anew, and am embarking on a new life. 在我一生中,从未感觉如此平和过,我觉得自己彷如重生般,开始了一个崭新的生命。
If Britain can put on a show its people can be proud of, it may create a sense of optimism that will breathe new life into the economy. 若是英国能够办出一场国人都能感到骄傲的盛事,也许创造出来的乐观感就能让经济重生。
The egg has always been a symbol of new life. Christians have long used the egg as the symbol of Christ's rebirth. 蛋一向是新生命的象征。长久以来,基督徒都以蛋作为基督复活的象征。
The door of basketball is closed, but another door has just opened which will lead me to a new life waiting for me to experience. 今天我退役了,一扇门关上,但另一扇正在徐徐打开,门外有崭新的生活等着我认真品读。
I began to wonder if it was realistic for me to expect to find a new life partner. 我开始怀疑,对我来说,期待着能找到新的生活伴侣是不是很现实?
'We were trying to accommodate him, ' he said. 'We want to help him as much as possible with his new life. ' 他说,我们尽量顺应林书豪的要求,我们希望尽己所能来帮他开始新生活。
Now we're trying to ask, can we regenerate life, or can we create new life, out of this digital universe? 现在我们在尝试提问,我们是否能够再造生命,或者我们是否从这个数字世界中能创造新的生命?
Chaos Theory shines by breathing new life into the classic story concept of a man frustrated by his life. 《混沌理论》因给一个被生活所挫败的男子的传统故事内容注入新的活力而超群出众。
Parkinson 's disease is not the end of life , but the beginning of a new life ! 帕金森病不是生命的终结,而是新生活的开始!
He's dedicated himself to the new Utopia. Tania wants me to go back there with her, to the Crimea preferably, and start a new life. 塔尼亚要我同她一起回去,最好回到克里米亚,去开始新的生活。
But just as Johns new life begins, the truth about his past leads to a tragedy he would never escape. 但正当约翰的新生活即将展开,与他过去有关的真相却要把他拉进无处可逃的不幸中。