
美 [noʊt]英 [nəʊt]
  • n.笔记;注释;音符;注意
  • v.笔录;注目;特别提到;表明
  • abbr.(=noe of the above)把选票上的名字全勾掉
  • 网络备注;备忘录;记事本

复数:notes 现在分词:noting 过去式:noted

make note,add note,send note,note difference,note receive
brief note,important note,explanatory note,cautionary note,careful note



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Lectures might be hard for this person to sit through, and that's why it's important for them to sit in the front and take notes. 讲课人可能很难坐到,这也是它的重要,让他们坐在前座做笔录。
He took the sailor's notes and deliberately folded them, and put them with the shillings in a high remote pocket, with an air of finality. 他拿起水手的钞票,从容地折叠起来,把票子和先令放进顶里边的口袋,现出一副收场的神气。
If they get 'Melo, they get him on the agent's desire to include cap-crushing Richard Hamilton(notes) into the deal. 如果他们得到了卡梅隆,他们就得接受经纪人把能挤爆工资帽的汉密尔顿加到交易中。
The main requirement for new banks was that they post collateral of government bonds equal in value to the notes to be issued. 对新银行来说,他们发行票据前必须有等值的公债担保。
Gordon Chan said the mainland from the film " Cat and Mouse " when he began the ancient Chinese stories of interest to the notes. 陈嘉上说,从在内地拍《老鼠爱上猫》那一年起,他开始对中国古代的笔记小说感兴趣。
Ould Abdallah notes that the poor physical condition of many manuscripts does not always reflect poor storage practices. 乌尔德·阿伯大尔注意到许多手稿的残破状况并没有真实反应糟糕的实际保存状况。
He notes that Windows Mobile devices have some restrictions around memory use and that's what his team is now trying to work around. WindowsMobile系统手机对内存使用有一些限制,这是他们小组正在努力解决的问题。
But, ISI also notes, every dollar of stimulus extended now will add a dollar to the extent of the fiscal contraction felt a year later. 但同时ISI指出,未来一年对美元的刺激加深将会增加财政紧缩的程度。
With its large display and onscreen keyboard, iPad makes it easy to jot down quick notes and keep important information on hand. 由于有大的显示屏及屏幕式键盘,iPad使得随意记下留言及随时保留重要信息更加容易。
LG: That's so funny because I had a lover who was a writer, and I used to leave him notes in his book, so it meant a lot to me. 真是太有意思了,我曾经有个恋人就是作家,我就会在他的书后给他留言,所以这对我来说很有意义。
While only half of candidates send thank-you notes, it seems to be an easy gesture everyone should use to greatly impact the hiring process. 虽然发送感谢信是每个人都应该有的简单的且能够在很大程度上影响招聘过程的举动,但仅仅只有一半的候选人会这样做。
As the NBA draft approached, the grim truth about Yao Ming's(notes) broken left foot hung like an anvil over the Houston Rockets. 随着NBA选秀的临近,姚明左脚伤势的严峻事实像一块铁砧悬在休斯敦火箭上空。
"Both of these expose parts of the body that aren't particularly attractive, " he notes. 他解释说:“它们暴露出的身体部位都不是特别吸引人。”
Secretary Rice has said the United States does not object to a formal agreement, but notes it is important to know what would be formalized. 美国国务卿赖斯说,美国不反对签订一份正式条约,但是她指出,了解正式条约的内容非常重要。
Economic fundamentals are 'going awry, ' notes Neil Mellor, a currency analyst at Bank of New York Mellon in London. 纽约银行驻伦敦外汇分析师梅勒(NeilMellor)说,经济基本面开始出现问题。
It had been quite a long time since I'd last seen it, and I'd written about it, so I decided to fire it up and take notes. 它已经相当长的时间,因为我最后一次看到它,我会写它,所以我决定火起来,做笔记。
For one, as one aligns all notes upon the scale to create a rainbow, there is no room for the "dark" to be present in the field. 一个就是,当你沿各等级排列音调来创造一条彩虹时,不会给“黑暗”留下能量场的空间。
I shall tune it to the notes of forever, and when it has sobbed out its last utterance, lay down my silent harp at the feet of the silent. 我要调拨我的琴弦,和永恒的乐音合拍,当它呜咽出最后的声音时,就把我静默的琴儿放在静默的脚边。
In this connection, we will be showing examples of counterfeit notes and coins, which have never been shown to the general public before. 同时,我们更会展出一批伪制纸币与硬币,这些都是过去从未公开展出的。
Now, shoot. I wrote this out of my head without looking at my notes and I might have forgotten things. 现在,拍照。我写的这些都是我记忆中的,没有看我的笔记本,也许我会忘记些事情没写。
"If he had listened to what everyone told him, he would never have done it, " notes one of Mr Tata's friends. “如果他当时听了别人的话,他就永远不会取得这样的成就。”塔塔先生的朋友们说。
All that music playing in his head would ultimately wake him up to notes he would put down on the paper. 所有那些在他的脑袋中弹个不停的音乐会最终将他唤醒,催促他将那些曲调音符一个个记录在纸上。
in both hands, the piano goes over into a sprint of octave-chords and single notes, jumping manically up and down the keyboard twice a bar. 钢琴的两只手以半音阶短倚音向上,转变成八度和弦和单音符,一个小节内在键盘上狂躁地上上下下跳跃两次。
Indeed, he notes that the Greek rescue was more an attempt to hide the losses of banks, particularly French banks, than to save Greece. 实际上,他指出,希腊援助计划与其说是在努力拯救希腊,不如说是在掩盖银行的损失——尤其是法国的银行。
Just a week ago, on a cold night in Milwaukee, he had gone to the scorers table to substitute for Shannon Brown(notes). 只是一周前,在密尔沃基的一个寒冷的晚上,他走向记分台边准备换下香农-布朗。
For a time she had been beset with a madness for writing notes which she addressed to Seth. 她曾经有一段时间害了怪毛病,象疯了似的给赛特写书柬。
Outsiders trying to reach him are, in fact, reduced to passing notes or letters, to which there is usually no reply. 事实上,外面那些想接近他的人,最终都只能给他递纸条和写信,而且通常是收不到回复的。
He notes the details, returns to his own time and teaches the theorem to a student, who then writes it up for Scientific American. 他记下了细节,回到他自己的时代,并且把该定理教给一位学生,而这学生为《科学人》撰写了这个定理;
I started to think about converting my notes into a book about five years ago. However, it took a bit of time before I really got started. 五年前,我就开始想把这些笔记结集成书,但到真正开始着手这件事又拖了一段时间。
As it is just a draft, many of the developer notes explaining what they are trying to accomplish are still present. 因为这只是一份草案,文档中依旧存在不少开发人员注解,说明目前还正在设法完成某些内容。