new hampshire

美 [nju:'hæmpʃiə]
  • n.【城】新罕布什尔州
  • 网络新罕布夏州;美国新罕布什尔州;新汉普郡

new hampshirenew hampshire

new hampshire


新罕布什尔州New Hampshire)Amoskeag布厂制作的9oz牛仔布料制作的501诞生,当时此型号裤款被称为「XX」1890年 …


新罕布夏州,亦有译作新罕布夏州New Hampshire)是位於美国新英格兰地区的一个州。绰号叫「花岗岩州」,因为本州盛 …


美国新罕布什尔州New Hampshire)达特茅斯塔克商学院(Dartmouth誷Tuck School of Business)副教授。其研究主要专注 …


他的新汉普郡New Hampshire)司法部长办公室的同事在庆祝他1976年被擢升为司法部长时,在庆典蛋糕上这样写道“迈人19 …


美国的50个洲的洲名中英对照_百度知道 ... 内华达州 Nevada 新罕布希尔州 New Hampshire 新泽西州 New Jersey ...


美国新罕布夏州(New Hampshire)的"枫"景也是很有名的, 公路沿线风景就是如此,有如在彩色的油画中行车。

Brazilian correspondents have fanned out to Colorado, Nevada and New Hampshire, offering daily coverage of every shift in the polls. 巴西记者纷纷前往科罗拉多州、内华达州、新罕布什尔州,每天都对民意调查中的风吹草动进行报道。
For years, it was a sort of journalistic sport for newspapers and magazines to send reporters to New Hampshire in hopes of a sighting. 多年以来,报纸和杂志新闻派记者去新罕布什尔州希望能见到他,好像这是一种新闻竞赛。
New Hampshire's Old Man of the Mountain was one of the most famous rock faces. 美国新罕布什尔州的“山中老人”(OldManoftheMountain)是最著名的人面岩石之一。
While campaigning in New Hampshire, Romney said, "The president's actions make reaching a long-term solution more difficult. " 在新罕布什尔州进行竞选宣传的罗姆尼说:“总统的举动使得达成长期的移民政策更困难了。”
Yet the Democrats of New Hampshire were probably right to ask for a bit more (had Mr Obama won, he would surely have been unstoppable). 如果Obama获胜,那么他将是无人可挡的;所以新罕布什尔州的民主党人略微过分的要求似乎是正确的。
He just wanted to get out of New Hampshire for a bit and was offered airfare to speak at the conference. 他只是想离开新罕布什尔州,出来走走,有人付旅费,请他在会议上发言。
And since New Hampshire, he had been giving me advice on health care, which he knew more about than I did. 自新罕布什尔州初选获胜以来,他一直为我提供医疗保健议题方面的建议,在这个领域他懂得比我多。
In private meetings in New Hampshire last week, he suggested that he thought the US mission in Afghanistan was all but hopeless. 上周新罕布什尔州的非公开会议中,他说他认为美国在阿富汗执行的任务只是徒劳。
Campaigning in the northeastern state of New Hampshire, Romney continued to criticize the president's economic policies. 罗姆尼在美国东北部的新罕布什尔州从事竞选活动时,继续批评奥巴马总统的经济政策。
The settlement of New Hampshire did not happen because those who came here were persecuted out of England. 除了被迫离开英国的人,新汉普郡没有迎来其它居住者。
I cannot think of any place I would rather be as Election Day draws close than running an underdog campaign in the state of New Hampshire! 在选举日即将来临的时刻,我除了来到新罕普什尔之外,不可能会想到任何其它地方去开展处于劣势的竞选!
The next morning she had taken the children away with her to her parents' house in New Hampshire. 事情发生后的第二天清晨,她就带着孩子回她在新罕布什尔州的娘家了。
Final polls in many of those states, from Virginia and Ohio to New Hampshire, Colorado and Wisconsin, also find the race too close to call. 最终的民调显示,在大多数摇摆州,包括弗吉尼亚、俄亥俄、新罕布什尔、科罗拉多和威斯康星,两人的支持率同样难分高下。
When some of my hard comments about him became public during the New Hampshire primary, all I could do was apologize. 在新罕布什尔州的初选中,我针对他说的一些难听的评论流传开来,我唯一能做的就是向他道歉。
Scott had learned that his wife, who was traveling downriver from New Hampshire to visit him, had drowned in an accident en route. 斯科特听说他妻子在从新罕布什尔州(NewHampshire)出发顺流而下来探望他的途中不幸淹死。
It was the fifth anniversary of the day a young man from New Hampshire was killed in Afghanistan, but she made no mention of that. 那是一个来自新罕布什尔州的年轻男子当天在阿富汗丧生的五周年,但她并没有提及这个。
Uncomfortable as it might be for the West, the next monetary order is more likely to be made in Beijing than in New Hampshire. 虽然对于西方国家会有些不舒服,但下一个掌控货币秩序的将是北京而不是新罕布什尔。
If Gregg leaves the Senate, his replacement would be appointed by the Democratic governor of the Northeastern state of New Hampshire. 如果葛瑞格离开参议院,他的替代人选将由新罕布什尔州民主党州长任命。
And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. 如果美国要成为伟大的国家,这一点必须实现.因此,让自由之声响彻新罕布什尔州的巍峨高峰!
Added to his earlier win in New Hampshire, this has made him the favourite, albeit an uncertain one, to win the Republican nomination. 再加上他在新州赢得的一局,虽不能肯定他最终能够获得共和党内的提名,但是他已成夺冠的热门人选。
"I'M A margin-of-error guy, " Jon Huntsman cheerfully admits to an audience of a few dozen at a grand lakeside home in New Hampshire. “我是民意调查报告中可忽略的误差值”乔恩•亨茨曼在新罕布什尔州的一座豪华湖边别墅的家里很高兴的对几十位听众的承认说。
Last week, Clinton came in third in the Iowa caucuses, and most recent polls projected that she was far behind Obama in New Hampshire. 上周,克林顿在爱荷华州的政党基层会议选举中名列第三,而最近民调显示,她在新罕布什尔州的支持率远远落后于奥巴马。
They could be a large segment of the vote in a very small state and a very independent-minded state like New Hampshire. 在新罕布什尔州这样一个很小但是非常有独立意识的州,独立选民可能会在选举中占很大一部份。
The brand-new, state-of-the-art submarine was conducting a routine test dive off the coast of New Hampshire when an induction valve failed. 由于一个感应阀失效,这艘当时最先进的崭新潜艇在新罕布什尔海岸进行常规潜水实验时不幸遭此大劫。
McCain's victory in this year's New Hampshire primary in January put him on course to win the Republican Party's presidential nomination. 麦凯恩今年一月在新罕普什尔州初选中的胜利把他引上赢得共和党总统候选人提名的道路。
Once there was an 11-year-old boy who went fishing with his father in the middle of a New Hampshire lake. 从前,有一个11岁的男孩跟他爸爸去新罕布什尔湖中央钓鱼。
Dylan Wagner and his colleagues at Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire, therefore decided to investigate the question. 因此位于新罕布什尔州德的达特默斯大学DylanWagner和他的同事决定调查这个问题。
He was the bard of the farmers and workers of New England and his quiet verse mirrored the staid New Hampshire countryside . 他是新英格兰农民和工人的歌唱者,他的闲适的诗歌反映着新罕布什尔宁静的农村生活。
But at least the New Hampshire Primaries together with the Iowa Caucuses tell how well candidates are doing with grassroots Americans. 然而新罕普什尔州初选和爱奥华州政党基层会议至少说明了侯选人在基层美国人中有多少威信。
But M sought to turn his age into an asset as he addressed a crowd of supporters in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. 但在新罕布什尔州普次毛刺的对一群支持者演讲中,M正寻求把他的年龄转化成自己的一项财富。