
美 [nu]英 [njuː]
  • adj.刚出现的;新的;新近推出的;新买的
  • n.新东西;新事物
  • abbr.〈美(=net economic welfare)纯经济福利
  • adv.同“newly”
  • 网络新建(New.);新品;全新

比较级:newer 最高级:newest



从前没有not existing before

1.刚出现的;新的;新近推出的not existing before; recently made, invented, introduced, etc.

新买的recently bought

2.新买的recently bought

从未用过not used before

3.没被用过的;未曾被人占有过的;崭新的not used or owned by anyone before


4.有别于从前的;新颖的different from the previous one

不熟悉not familiar

5.刚体验到的;初见的;不熟悉的already existing but not seen, experienced, etc. before; not familiar

新到recently arrived

6.~ (to sth)初来乍到的;初学乍练的;新鲜的not yet familiar with sth because you have only just started, arrived, etc.


7.(用于构成复合词)新的,新近的used in compounds to describe sth that has recently happened


8.现代的;最新型的modern; of the latest type

初始just beginning

9.[ubn]刚开始的;初始的;重新开始的just beginning or beginning again

有新鲜活力with fresh energy

10.富有朝气的;生气勃勃的having fresh energy, courage or health

新近产生recently produced

11.新近产生的;新开发的;时鲜的only recently produced or developed


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也有全新( NEW)的含意还有还有,也有自然(NATURE)的意思 谢谢杰克先生,让我那天又学到了新的知识 也欢迎KK的客人提 …


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So it is a very new framework, just sort of starting out on its journey. 所以这是一个非常年轻的框架,一切才刚刚开始。
New research suggests that, besides being too small to be alive, they may also be made of something not much more complex than simple chalk. 新的研究表明,除了他们太小不能存活,他们也许是由一些比简单的粉笔复杂多的物质组成。
Q: How much memory do you recommend for a new computer running Vista Home Premium? 问:对于运行VistaHomePremium版的新电脑,你推荐多大的内存?
People said he had created a new kind of American dance by mixing modern, tap and ballet in an athletic way. 人们说他创造了混合在一个现代的运动方式,挖掘和芭蕾舞蹈的一种新的美国。
With the move to Manhattan, he said the agency may increase its New York staff. 他说,迁往曼哈顿后,新华社可能会增加在纽约的人手。
The only big new spending scheme would be for research into cleaner forms of energy, which would receive $15 billion a year. 唯一大的支出方案是针对更清洁的能源形式的研究,每年要150亿美元。
Love does not just sit there, like a stone, it had to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new. 爱不是一块蹲踞的石头,它必须像面包一样做出来,做了又做,不断翻新花样。
Thus Barack Obama captured one of two powerful global trends forcing pharmaceutical giants to look for a new business model. 目前全球有两种趋势迫使制药巨头们寻求某种新的业务发展模式,奥巴马的这一有关民生的问题就涉及了其中之一。
At the beginning of this year, Pepsi launched a new design globally, with a regularly changing series of images, all in shades of blue. 该公司今年初在全球范围推出了新包装设计,但图案的变化仍是常规性的,背景色依然全部是蓝色。
And he's not a rebel at all. As you see in the film, he is a big Berlusconi fan, he's a reactionary, there's nothing new in his ideology. 你在这部片子里可以看到,他是贝鲁斯科尼的超级粉丝,他是个保守主义者,他的意识思想并无任何新奇之处。
During the closure of the RST, performances will take place in a new theatre up the road, called the Courtyard. 在皇家莎士比亚剧院关闭期间,演出将在路前方叫做“庭院”的新剧院进行。
But, he said, a decision on a new longer-term bailout will be delayed until July amid disagreement over the role of private investors. 但是奥利.雷恩说,由于私营部门对新的长期援助计划中的角色有分歧,因此将要拖到7月才能对这个计划作出决定。
The fact that it tells the true story of two gay penguins at the Central Park zoo in New York does not appear to have placated opponents. 这本书虽然讲述的是纽约中央公园动物里一对雄性同性恋企鹅的真实故事,但它似乎也没能让反对者们罢休。
But as you know to start with we'll have more difficulty with new product. 但是,您知道,刚一开始销售新产品,我们会有更多的困难。
Would the speed increases of these new processors prompt you to update your smartphone, or be enough to draw you into the tablet market? 这些新的处理器在速度上的提高是否会诱惑你换新的智能手机,或者让你瞧瞧平板设备市场呢?
Vancouver seems to have become its new centre, thanks to its importance as a hub for the production and export of marijuana. 由于温哥华是生产和输出大麻的集散地,看起来它正成为新的帮派中心。
The Old Lady is ready to move and shake and a number of new arrivals are expected to land at Vinovo in three months. 老妇人已经准备好采取行动了,一些新援将有可能会在三个月后抵达维诺沃基地。
The term is often used in the New Testament, and it was a central theme in the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus. 上帝之国一词常用于《新约》,施洗者圣约翰与耶稣布道过程的中心主题。
The lion's share of its library and all its new releases will be on the internet within a year or two. 它的图书馆中最大最好的一部分以及所有新发行的电影都会在一两年都会放到互联网上。
he was a slave on board the brig creole , of richmond , bound to new orleans , that great slave mart , with a hundred and four others. 他与一百零四名其它黑奴一起关在里士满的“克里奥”号双桅帆船上,运往奴隶大市场新奥尔良州。
New Delhi has interpreted this as a challenge to its sovereignty over Kashmir, the subject of a dispute with neighbour Pakistan. 新德里视这种行为是对可是米尔地区主权的挑战,引发其与邻国巴基斯坦的争端。
Aggressive pharmaceutical advertising is nothing new, but the campaign was a revolution for a vaccine. 具有冲击力的药品广告并不是新鲜的事。但对于疫苗,这场活动是一次变革。
The new king, Henry VIII, was something of a poet himself. 新国王,亨利八世,仍是一个诗人自己。
Like scholars of jurisprudence lost in a state of nature, corporate-governance gurus are scraping around, trying to formulate new rules. 正如法学学者在原始状态下就迷失了一样,公司管理的头头们也急得抓耳挠腮,尝试去指定新的规则。
Thank you for your letter of September 26. We shall be very pleased to see you and discuss your new monitor, but October 6 is not suitable. 我们将很高兴与您会面并与您商谈新的显示器,但10月6日不太合适。
Scott had learned that his wife, who was traveling downriver from New Hampshire to visit him, had drowned in an accident en route. 斯科特听说他妻子在从新罕布什尔州(NewHampshire)出发顺流而下来探望他的途中不幸淹死。
In an effort to turn over a new leaf, Chen has also changed the middle character of his name. 为了翻开人生的新篇章,陈九霖把原来名字中间的“久”改成“九”。
Eventually, I graduated from high school and moved away for college, beginning to build my life in a new city. 接下来,我中学毕业,去外地上大学,开始在新的城市生活。
Even if new IMF funding is needed, the official added, Berlin is not prepared to finalise any package by the end of the summit today. 这位官员补充称,即使需要新的IMF资金,德国政府也不准备在今日召开的欧盟峰会结束时敲定任何方案。
Every new acronym I hear turns out to be another dirty trick designed to allow rich countries to go on with business as usual. 我所听到的每个新缩写词原来都是另一个鬼把戏,旨在允许富裕国家照常进行一切活动。