
美 [ˌnɪrˈbaɪ]英 [ˌnɪə(r)ˈbaɪ]
  • adj.附近的;邻近的
  • adv.在附近;不远
  • 网络就近;左近;不远的

nearby hospital,nearby area,nearby town,nearby village,nearby building


1.[ubn]附近的;邻近的near in position; not far away


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... first-aid 急救 nearby 附近的 shelf 架子 ...


最新英语新课标必修3英语单词表_百度知道 ... mutton n. 羊肉 nearby adv. 在附近 novel n. 小说;长篇故事 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... skein n. (一)束, (一)群, 一团糟 nearby adj. 附近的, 邻近的 manual n. 手册, 指南 ...


就的意思 - 解释 - 网络字典 ... 就教〖 askforadvice〗 就近〖 (doorgetsth.)nearby〗 就就〖 intact;whole〗 ...


左字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 左强〖 extremeandstubborn〗 左近nearby;intheneighbourhoodof〗 左邻右舍〖 neighbours〗 ...


人教版•九年级英语词汇表(附音标) - 豆丁网 ... Reading aid 帮助,援助,救助,救护 nearby 位置近的,不远的 shelf 架子,搁 …


自考综合英语一 A - 人人听力网( ... worse off adj. (情况)更糟糕的,更贫困的 nearby adj. 在附近的 log n. 木 …

Luckily the frog, who had been hunting butterflies nearby, saw him and with all his strength pushed him back into the pond. 幸运的是,青蛙正好在附近捕蝶,他看见了鲦鱼,于是用尽全力把他推回到了池塘中。
It had been planned that the tunnel would reach into a nearby forest, but the first man out emerged just short of the tree line. 原本计划是让隧道延伸至附近的一片森林中,但头一个爬出去的人却正好在树林边缘外现身。
Colonel Qaddafi decided it was time to leave, and planned to flee to one of his houses nearby, where he had been born. 卡扎菲做出的决定是,到时候该离开了,他计划逃到他出生时所在的那处房子。
Her mother is always nearby watching out for Bertha. 她的妈妈总是在附近看著柏莎。
The eruption from the fissure was not the only news, as a river nearby began boiling from the heat of the Earth. 来自于裂缝的喷发不是唯一的新闻,附近一条河流由于地热开始沸腾。
It was Ann Peters' husband that (who) rushed her to a nearby hospital last night. 昨晚,正是安妮.彼德的丈夫,立即送她去了附近医院。
She ran out in her pyjamas to tell men who were cutting trees nearby. 穿着睡衣的她,跑到外面告诉正在附近砍树的人们。
She looked down to see that her hand lay upon a pile of silk stockings. A sign nearby announced that they had been reduced in price. 她低头一看,原来她的手放在了一堆丝筒袜上,旁边一块牌标示它们正在打折。
After doing these and reporting back to your former executive assistant, she asks you to help out goblin miners at a nearby cave. 干完这些事然后回去找你的前执行助理,她会叫你去帮助附近一个洞窟里的地精矿工。
Tons of paper had flown through the air when the towers collapsed. Some of it had been blown through the broken windows of nearby buildings. 双子塔倒塌时,碎纸张如雪片般纷纷散落。有许多是从附近建筑的破碎的窗户里飞出。
Thinks the article, runs to her seat nearby on, clenches teeth is called me to leave. 思文,跑到她座位边上,咬着牙叫我离开。
But if there is only one nearby mine that can be relied upon as a supplier, the electricity generator tends to own it. 但如果附近只有一家煤矿可以依赖为供应商的话,电厂趋向于来收购这家煤矿。
Besides, it was a peaceful part of the mountains, possibly due to the influence of a gentle forest monk who lived nearby. 再说,这是山中一处宁静的地方,可能是受附近林里住着的一位和蔼的和尚影响吧。
He was swept up into the center of them and my link with him was broken as I was carried up to the top of a high building nearby. 他被卷入到这群车队中去了,而我却被带到附近一座高层建筑的顶部,于是我同他的联系也就中断了。
It was a fine day, and crisp sunlight was shining through the first pale leaves on the trees nearby. 那天天气不错,清亮的阳光透过附近树梢上初萌的嫩叶洒下。
He said the authorities were trying to find shelter for the passengers at nearby schools, conference halls and other public facilities. 他说官方正在努力在附近的学校、会议大厅和其他公共设施中给旅客寻找容身之处。
They were settling into the new community when a nearby farmer told Joe that there was gold in the dirt of his new property. 他们安定入新社区当一位附近的农夫告诉了乔有金子在他的新物产土。
he set off at a brisk pace , past an empty inn and a few houses . according to a clock on a nearby church , it was almost midnight. 他迈着轻快的脚步走着,经过了一家空荡荡的小酒馆和几所房屋。从附近一座教堂的钟上看,时间差不多已经是午夜了。
One of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby company and honored him for helping him with his career planning. 班里有一个男孩去到附近的一家公司,来到一位年轻的主管面前,感激他帮助自己制定了一份职业计划。
Staff at a nearby hotel said the quake had been strong enough to shake television sets off tables and smash them. 附近的酒店人员说,这次地震厉害得把他们的电视机都从桌子上搞下来并敲到他们。
If it had grown up in those cities, he thinks, it might have evolved to serve the sophisticated multinationals nearby. 如果这个网站在那些大城市里发展话,也许现在它就在给周围那些实力雄厚的跨国公司提供服务。
as with Harry Hochheiser and me, one of your outriders may well find a huge win nearby that you were just a little too close-focused to see. 就像浩赫海斯和我一样,你们随行中的一个很可能发现一个宝藏——你只不过太专注了一点而看不到。
Nearby discharge more of a strong 1045, the Great Music has no income, the air has been filled with casual attitudes of gunpowder incense. 近处燃放的可就更强烈了,震耳的大音还没有息,空气里已经散满了幽微的火药香。
I think it would be so darn funny if Gates whipped out his revolver and shot that new Chinese stealth fighter down as it flies nearby. 我想如果盖茨在这架隐形战机飞近时掏出左轮手枪,一枪把它击落,这一定非常有趣。要是这样的话,哥们,我一定会笑死的。
He told her his house was undergoing a renovation and instead drove her to a nearby hotel, where they spent the night together. 他告诉她,他的房子正在装修,然后开车带她去了附近的一个酒店,在那儿他们共度春宵。
Police also found a two-year-old girl with a gunshot wound to the chest in a nearby van. 警方在案发地点附近的一辆小货车上发现一重伤两岁女童。
Few astronomical sights excite the imagination like the nearby stellar nursery known as the Orion Nebula. 很少有天文景观能像这个邻近的星星育婴房-著名的猎户座星云-激发著人类的想像力。
Zen: It's possible. We are sieged here by enemies, Ju Ba and Xie Yu included. . . . We must find out how much dynamite is still left nearby! 战:有可能,我们在这受到了围攻,其中包括朱魃和獬貐…我们必须赶快检查一下这附近还有多少炸药!
He thought Lora distinctive and agreed with him donation some of the dividend to the dystrophy dweller nearby as the duration drought. 他以为劳拉是与众不同的并且能够同意他把红利的一部分捐赠给附近因为持续的干旱而营养不良的居民。
"The sky is always grey here, " one resident, who grew up on Xikuangshan, a nearby hill where antimony mining is concentrated, says. “这里的天总是灰的,”一位在锡矿山长大的居民这样说道。那里离冷水江不远,是锑矿开采的集中地。