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gou)卦至坤卦为消卦,表示阴气逐渐增长的过程。姤为一阴生,遁为二阴生,否为三阴生,观为三阴生,观为四阴生, …


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粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 改 Goi Gou 各 Gok ...

重庆市旅游学校吧_百度贴吧 ... Gou8 3-6 ...

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Gou on Tuesday said he isn't trying to shirk anything. 周二,郭台铭说他没试图推卸任何责任。
Mr Gou said the opening between Taiwan and China had convinced him to give Taiwan a chance. 郭台铭表示,台湾与中国大陆之间的开放,让他有信心给台湾一个机会。
In a statement, Foxconn Technology Group said Gou had been discussing his vision for the company. 富士康科技集团在一份声明中表示,郭台铭一直在探讨他对公司未来发展的看法。
Gou Zhongwen, vice-mayor of Beijing municipal government, said the animation and comic industry is one of the city's most vibrant strengths. 北京市副市长苟忠文称,动画和喜剧产业已成为北京市最具活力的发展动力。
It was Mr. Gou's first interview with Western media since 2002, following more than five years of requests by The Wall Street Journal. 这是郭台铭2002年以来首次接受西方媒体的采访,此前5年多的时间他一直对《华尔街日报》的采访要求置之不理。
Mr Gou apologised repeatedly, and said he had trouble sleeping but would not stop trying to solve the problem. 大约从深圳记者那得到消息,郭台铭一再道歉,并说他一直失眠但不会停止努力去解决此问题。
Mr Gou yesterday said he was taking back the contract limiting the company's responsibility as he felt the language was inappropriate. 郭台铭昨日表示,他将收回这份限定公司责任的协议,因为他觉得协议内容的表述失之偏颇。
Despite being one of Taiwan's richest men, Mr Gou continues to work from a spartan office when he is at the Shenzhen campus. 虽然身为台湾首富之一,但在深圳厂区时,郭台铭一直在一个条件简朴的办公室工作。
In the Spring and Autumn Period, the State of Wu defeated the State of Yue, and took the king of Yue, Gou Jian, and his wife prisoner. 春秋时代,越国被吴国打败了。越王勾践和他的妻子都被带到吴国做苦工。
The colossus that Gou (pronounced "Gwo" ) runs today started with a $7, 500 loan from his mother. 郭台铭拥有今天的巨大成就源于从他母亲那里得来的7500美元贷款。
His country became strong within a few years. Then Gou seized a favorable opportunity to wipe off the State of Wu. 几年后,越国又变得强大起来,于是勾践抓住一个适当的机会消灭了吴国。
The company is one of the biggest exporters in the Czech Republic, where Mr. Gou bought a castle several years ago. 鸿海公司成为捷克共和国最大的出口商之一,几年前郭台铭还在那买下一座城堡。
"Although this seems like a dumb measure, at least it could save a life should anyone else fall, " said Mr Gou. “尽管这似乎是个愚蠢的措施,但至少可以挽救那些其他跳楼的人的一条命。”郭台铭说。
Thanks in part to Gou, Chinese laborers may make it over the course of a few years. 但是中国的劳工完成这一过程仅需要几年。这部分得益于郭台铭。
"A lot of things cannot be said at this point, but we are quietly doing our job, " CEO Terry Gou told a business forum on Monday. 总裁郭台铭周一在一个商业论坛上说,“现在,很多事情都还不能明说,但我们正在小心地做我们应做的。”
As he had made most of his fortune in China, he felt it was time to give something back, sources close to Mr Gou said. 了解郭台铭的消息人士指出,由于他的大部分财富是在中国大陆赚取的,他觉得现在应该做些回报了。
After a few years, his country became strong. Then Gou seized a favorable opportunity to wipe off the State of Wu. 几年后,越国又变得强大起来,然后,勾践抓住一个适当的机会消灭了吴国。
As he squeezes costs throughout his empire, Gou also takes huge risks on behalf of his major clients. 当他在他的帝国抽取利润的时候,他同时也承担着主要客户利益受损的风险。
Since Mr. Gou founded the company in Taiwan in 1974, it has come to dominate the business of outsourced electronics manufacturing. 自郭台铭1974年在台湾建立该公司以来,鸿海已经开始在外包电子产品制造行业占据主导地位。
As they had done so much contribution, both Fan and Wen was awarded great riches. Gou Jian even offered half of the state to Fan. 因为范蠡和文仲为越国作出了巨大的贡献,越王就赏给他们很多财宝,还把国土的一半分给范蠡。
As they had made so much contribution, both Fan and Wen were awarded great riches. Gou Jian even offered half of the state to Fan. 因为范蠡和文仲为越国做出了巨大的贡献,越王就赏给他们很多财宝,还把国土的一半分给范蠡。
Gou's ambition and discipline come through in his interactions with subordinates, according to people who have worked with him. 曾与郭台铭共事的人说,从他与下属的接触中就可以看到他的抱负和纪律。
Mr. Gou is trying to build industrial centers that hire more local labor. 郭台铭正在努力修建可以雇用更多当地劳动力的产业基地。
Many years later , he was set free . Gou secretly accumulated a military force after he went back to his own state. 多年后,勾践被释放。在他返回他自己的国土后他秘密的聚积了一支军队。
Mr. Gou on Wednesday expressed regret over the worker deaths, but defended Hon Hai's practices and its response to the suicides. 郭台铭周三对员工的死亡表示遗憾,不过为鸿海的做法和对自杀事件的反应进行了辩护。
The crisis passed, and Gou, hungry for growth, set his sights on the 200 million-unit-a-year notebook market. 金融危机已经过去,郭台铭迫切需要增长,他已经瞄准了年出货2亿台的笔记本市场。
I often think, gain and loss of life on the road as if wading through rivers and crossed the Gou Gou Kankam, or twists or flat. 我时常想,人生路上的得与失如同趟过的河流和迈过的沟沟坎坎,或曲折或平坦。
Listen to me to teach, darfur's governor Gou but big grams of shame, gentleman, but eating drunk full. 其尔典听朕教,尔大克羞耇惟君,尔乃饮食醉饱。
Go , make others warm with heart of gou , g-o , help others with hand of you , go , persuade someone else with your action. 去吧,让别人温暖的心的你,去,帮助别人的手,你去,说服别人你的行动。
Gou secretly trained his army after he went back to his own state. 回到他自己的国家后,勾践秘密地训练自己的军队。