
美 [ɡʌlf]英 [ɡʌlf]
  • n.海湾;鸿沟;隔阂;波斯湾
  • v.吞没
  • 网络深渊;海湾地区;漩涡


northern gulf,vast gulf,wide gulf
bridge gulf,widen gulf,narrow gulf



1.[c]海湾a large area of sea that is partly surrounded by land

2.[sing]波斯湾the Persian Gulf, the area of sea between the Arabian peninsula and Iran

3.[c][ususing]~ (between A and B)分歧;鸿沟;隔阂a large difference between two people or groups in the way that they think, live or feel


海字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 海外关系〖 overseasrelation〗 海湾gulf;bay〗 海碗〖 largebowl〗 ...


高中英语第一册词汇表 ... continuous adj. 连续的;持续的 gulf n. 海湾;鸿沟 northward adv. 向北方 ...


新概念第四册单词总汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... continental shelf 大陆架 gulf 深渊 snag 意外的障碍 ...


"深渊"用英语怎么表达_百度知道 ... abyss 深渊 gulf 海湾, 深渊, 漩涡, 隔阂 n. 吞没, 使深深卷入 ...


手机入网许可号怎么查询?_上海_丁丁问吧 ... 0551527:uae 阿联酋 0551528:gulf 海湾地区 0551529:north africa 北非地区 ...


"深渊"用英语怎么表达_百度知道 ... abyss 深渊 gulf 海湾, 深渊, 漩涡, 隔阂 n. 吞没, 使深深卷入 ...


美莎石油公司继续向海湾石油Gulf)公司和菲利浦石油(Philips)公司发出收购根绝,都以失败告终,但却从回购协议中得到 …

It has shored up vulnerable gulf states and, up to this point, contributed to hopes for U. N. action to end the war. 西方的介入给脆弱的海湾区国家予有力的支持,并且到目前为止,带来了联合国采取行动终战争的希望。
For now, at least, the Gulf states -- and their economies -- seem to have dodged a bullet. 至少到目前为止,海湾各国和他们的经济似乎已经躲过了一劫。
The company is still the leading driller in the Gulf, and operates more leases there than any other company. 在墨西哥湾地区,该公司仍是重要的钻探公司,它运作的租约比其他任何公司都多。
The counting of dead wildlife in the Gulf is more than an academic exercise; the deaths will help determine how much BP pays in damages. 计算墨西哥湾死亡野生生物数量不仅是项学术活动,还将有助于确定英国石油公司的赔偿数额。
Many of you morn the animals in the gulf, but fail to see the total destruction your food animals deal with daily. 你们很多人为墨西哥湾的动物们悲痛,却看不到日常里你们的食用动物所遭受的全部毁灭。
For Dubai, just like the other small Gulf sheikhdoms, the economic crisis does not automatically translate into a social issue. 就像海湾地区其他一些小的酋长国一样,对迪拜而言,经济危机并不会自动成为一个社会问题。
The contamination is already spreading up the East Coast, so be watchful anywhere the Gulf waters may have contact with you. 污染已经扩展到东海岸,所以请戒备海湾任何地区可能接触到你的海水。
Bahrain was perceived to be a liberal oasis in the Persian Gulf, with a robust banking sector and a per capita income to rival Europe's. 巴林被视为波斯湾的自由绿洲,拥有健全的银行业和与可与欧洲竞争的人均收入。
And in 1995, after four years of deception, Iraq finally admitted it had a crash nuclear weapons program prior to the Gulf War. 1995年,在进行了四年的欺瞒之后,伊拉克终于承认在海湾战争前曾有一个重点核武器计划。
Now the company is said to be in talks with Norway's StatoilHydro about a deal in the Gulf of Mexico. 现在据说这家公司正在与挪威国家石油公司(StatoilHydro)磋商在墨西哥湾的一项交易。
Researchers have collected the bodies in an attempt to determine whether the turtles died due to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. 研究人员已经收集了这些死海龟的尸体,他们试图确定它们的死因是否与墨西哥湾漏油事件有关联。
When Hazen's team put oil samples in a laboratory setup designed to mimic Gulf conditions, it had a half-life of between one and six days. 当黒曾团队将油样放入模拟的海湾背景下的实验室,油样有一个在一天和六天之间的半衰期。
Wealthy families and industrial groups from the oil-rich Gulf countries make up the majority of the bank's founding shareholders. 来自盛产石油的波斯湾国家的财团和企业组织组成了创办银行的大多数的股东。
By 1980, he was launching CNN, although it was not until the Gulf war that the often-derided channel came into its own. 到1980年,特纳创办CNN,不过这个经常受到嘲笑的频道在海湾战争后才进入全盛时期。
a state in S United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War. 美国南部墨西哥湾的一个州;在美国内战时期属于南部联邦。
The British oil company BP's Gulf of Mexico spill has given President Obama one of the biggest problems of his presidency. 英国石油公司BP在墨西哥湾的漏油事件成了奥巴马总统在其任期内最大的问题之一。
Marine reef ecologist Scott Porter works to remove oil from his hands in the Gulf of Mexico south of Venice, Louisiana. 路易斯安那威尼斯南墨西哥湾,海礁生态学家斯科特·波特费力地清除手上的石油。
As he prepared to leave for the Gulf, my husband was complaining to a friend about his uniform. 当我准备前往海湾,我的丈夫向一位朋友抱怨他的制服。
Heading to the US BP says a mile-long tube is funneling crude oil from the ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico into a tanker on the surface. 据美国表示,英国石油公司利用一只一英里长的管子将原油从墨西哥湾破裂的石油井中抽取出来,储存到表面的油轮上。
of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her. 她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。
The Gulf is trying hard to set out a vision of why people should go there and, at the heart of that vision, is architecture. 海湾地区正努力展示一幅美景,好让人们有理由来这里,而这幅美景的核心内容就是建筑。
The spread of oil on the water's surface in April was a clue used to determine the size of the leak from the Gulf of Mexico rig disaster. 墨西哥湾泄漏原油在水面扩散,4月,科学家将此作为评估此次灾难影响的线索。
It sometimes feels as if in Latin America, with its even bigger gulf, the same thing is true on a larger scale. 生活在拉美国家,有时候会感觉,可能这里的海湾比较大,所以同一件事情也必须拿放大镜来看才会了解真相。
'The company is still producing and its one refinery is operating at capacity, ' said Ahmed Sharif, head of Arabian Gulf Oil Co. 阿拉伯海湾石油公司油井建设部负责人谢里夫(AhmedSharif)说,公司仍在生产,其中一个炼油厂正在满负荷运营;
And in the name of connectedness, the only thing she wanted before she died was to be brought home by her beloved Gulf of Mexico. 这也有关联的是,她临终前唯一希望的事情就是把她带回家带至她至爱的墨西哥湾。
Will the oil and petrol fumes released into the air over the Gulf accumulate to the degree that such a firestorm might occur today? 这种释放进入海湾上空空气中的油类和汽油气体会聚集到某种的程度,以至于今日也可能这种发生火暴吗?
A price increase is of course inevitable, but there is likely to be a very wide gulf between the buyers' and suppliers' price ideas. 当然,价格上涨是不可避免的,但买家和供应商之间的价格差距可能会非常大?
How much oil might actually lie in Cuba's sector of the Gulf of Mexico is a matter of dispute. 到底在古巴段墨西哥湾的实际石油储量到底有多少目前还存在争议。
They know there is nothing a man in Washington can do to plug a hole a mile down in the gulf. 他们知道政府官员想要把海湾石油泄漏的大窟窿堵住是绝无可能的。
I have never been madder at anything in my life than I was at Halsey during Leyte Gulf. 我生平从来没有一次象在莱特湾对海尔赛那样恼火过。