
美 [ˈvɜrʒ(ə)n]英 [ˈvɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n]
  • n.描述;变体;变种;型式


current version,original version,final version,special version,modern version
use version,get version,create version,complete version,produce version



1.变体;变种;型式a form of sth that is slightly different from an earlier form or from other forms of the same thing

2.(从不同角度的)说法,描述a description of an event from the position of a particular person or group of people

3.(电影、剧本、乐曲等的)版本,改编形式,改写本a film/movie, play, piece of music, etc. that is based on a particular piece of work but is in a different form, style or language

Otherwise, you might accidentally introduce a bug that only shows up in the Release version of your program. 否则,可能会意外地引入一个只在程序的发布版本中出现的bug。
Bill Clinton entered the White House with plenty of brown hair remaining, but left it with an early version of his current snowy mane. 克林顿当选总统的时候还有很多棕色的头发,但离开白宫时已开始显出白发苍苍的老太。
This point cannot be stressed enough: Do not uninstall the previous version of Application Server. 这一点怎么强调都不为过:不要卸载ApplicationServer的先前版本。
I always loved Godzilla growing up, and I had a toy version of him. 我总是喜欢哥斯拉长大,和我对他的玩具版本。
Scientists have changed the colour of a dark-striped zebrafish to uniform gold by inserting a version of the pigment gene into a young fish. 科学家把其中一种含有色素的基因注入一条小斑马鱼体内,从而把这条深色条纹的斑马鱼变成了金色。
She was struggling to gain control over the pain and indignity by unconsciously acting out a more pleasurable version of her abuse. 对于自己受到的虐待,她表现的很愉快,这并不是无意识的,用这种办法,她努力控制着痛苦和屈辱。
If you change one of these pieces of information, an end user might be unable to update her version with the newer version. 如果你改变了它们中的一个,那么用户可能无法更新他们的应用到最新版。
They were both striking, and strikingly like a luxed-up version of the designer's ready-to-wear. 它们都很惹人注目,惹人注目得就像这位设计师成衣的奢华版。
How much of EJB version 1. 0 technology is still alive? 有多少1.0版的EJB技术仍有生命力?
There being no security on this version, it was easy for users to destroy the system while trying to customize the appearance. 这个版本并不安全,用户在试图自定义外观时很容易破坏系统。
His prediction, therefore, was that better emotional memory would be associated with the rarer version. 因此,他推测:较少见的那种变体会促成较好的情绪记忆。
That said, it seems like a cop out to say the best way to compete with Facebook's version of social is not social, but mobile. 有人说,与Facebook版本的社交网络相抗衡的最好办法不是社交而是转向移动设备。这种说法看起来似乎有点逃避的意味。
The WindowBlinds version will come in a week or two. 在WindowBlinds版本将在一两个星期。
People liked it a lot and many started to ask for a lower case version. 大家很喜爱它,许多人要求推出小写字体版本。
I believed by the end of that year an advanced version of that software would have been developed, but I was wrong. 到去年为止我还相信一个先进的翻译软件将被完成,但我错了。
And you know that if you could just be together, that this person will help you, become the best possible version of yourself. 而如果你知道你们能长相厮守,这个人会帮助你,成为你自己能成为的最好的样子
A features study is a handy tool when trying to decide on which product or version of technology to implement for your project. 在决定为一个项目应该选择哪个技术产品或版本时,做一次特性研究不失是个好方法。
COM components can also be without prejudice to the case of the old customers have been upgraded into a new version. COM组件还可以在不妨碍老客户的情况下被升级成新的版本。
If I click an image, the whole page dims and a box appears in the middle of the page with a zoomed-in version of the photograph I selected. 如果单击某个图像,那么整个页面会变暗,同时一个方框出现在页面中间,显示放大后的所选图片。
Beijing looks as if it is formulating an east Asian version of America's Monroe Doctrine. 北京似乎正在制定美国门罗主义(MonroeDoctrine)的东亚版本。
Though the Mini is popular and seems to carry some component of joy, the electric version of the car is nothing special technically. 尽管Mini既融合了流行元素,也带有些许驾驶快感,电动版技术上却没有任何特殊。
You can decide if you want to see Help on start-up or not (and which version of the main Help page to see). 您可以决定启动时是否显示「说明」(以及显示哪个版本的「说明」主页)。
"It all looks damned fishy to me, " he said, "but in the absence of any evidence, I suppose I must accept your version. " “在我看来,这件事非常可疑,”他说,但是既然没有证据,我想也只好接受你的说法了。
The Roman Aurelius Cassiodorus rendered a few parts of the Greek works on mathematics and astronomy in his own poor version. 罗马人AureliusCassiodorus用蹩脚的译文翻出了一小部分希腊数学和天文学著作。
Write down the version of your current radio (to be able to restore it if needed) and try a few ones. 记下你现在正在用的RADIO版本(这样以后便于恢复)并尝试一些新的。
There is another version about this anecdote which says that Chruchill had nothing on when he heard someone knocking at the door. 对于这则轶事,有另外的记载,说是丘吉尔赤着身子时,听到有人敲门。
"So to take the 2-D version off the screen is quite normal, " he said, according to China Daily, a state-controlled newspaper. 据中国国家报纸中国日报,张先生认为“把阿凡达从2D银幕上撤下很正常。”
Chanel is about to launch a softer version of this scent for a new generation, suitable, so they say, for day-time wear and a younger crowd. 香奈儿就要为新一代人推出这款香水的柔和版了,他们说,这会适合白天涂抹以及更年轻的人群。
The website host company rolled back the site to a version they had in their backup that was just a few days old. 该网站主机公司回滚的版本的网站在他们的备份这仅仅是一个几天大了。
If (as is the case at the time of this writing) the latest version of SQLObject is less than 1. 0, there is nothing to install. 如果(在本文编写时情况就是如此)SQLObject的最新版本小于1.0,那么这会什么也不安装。