
美 [ɡæs]英 [ɡæs]
  • n.气体;天然气;煤气;汽油
  • v.用毒气杀伤;使吸入毒气;闲聊;空谈
  • abbr.(=gasoline)
  • 网络气态;第二类气体;燃气

复数:gases 复数:gasses 现在分词:gassing 过去式:gassed

natural gas,high gas,hot gas,poisonous gas,large gas
use gas,produce gas,buy gas,vent gas,take gas


n. v.

非固体╱液体not solid/liquid

1.[c][u]气体any substance like air that is neither a solid nor a liquid, for example hydrogen and oxygen are both gases

2.[u]气体燃料;煤气;天然气a particular type of gas or mixture of gases used as fuel for heating and cooking

3.[u](外科手术用)麻醉气a particular type of gas used during a medical operation, to make the patient sleep or to make the pain less

4.[u](战争用)毒气;(警察用)瓦斯a particular type of gas used in war to kill or injure people, or used by the police to control people

车辆in vehicle

5.[u]汽油a liquid obtained from petroleum , used as fuel in car engines, etc.


6.[sing]有趣的人(或事物)a person or an event that is fun


民航处 - 空运危险品 ... 爆炸品( Explosives) 气体( Gases) 易燃液体( Flammable Liquids) ...


... gas up a car;gassed up before the trip. 给小汽车加油;在出发之前把油加好 gases (1)气体;气态 a gas cooker 煤气灶 ...


... 第一类爆炸物( Explosives) 第二类气体( Gases) 第五类氧化性物质;有机过氧化物( Oxidizing substances; Organic peroxides…


北京纽威利科技有限责任公司 ... Reboilers 再蒸馏锅(重沸器) Gases 煤气 燃气 Chlorine 氯 ...


求解几... ... 3 stying 猪栏, 肮脏的地方 4 gases 气体, 煤气, 毒气, 汽油 5 figure out 合计为, 计算出, 解决, 断定, 领会到 ...


北京纽威利科技有限责任公司 ... Reboilers 再蒸馏锅(重沸器) Gases 煤气 燃气 Chlorine 氯 ...

Air is drawn in at the front by a large fan, and pushed out the back. Exhaust gases are also ejected, at a higher speed. 一个大的鼓风机把空气从前面拉入,从后面推出。尾气高速喷出。
The system can be custom configured to monitor a variety of conditions, including VOCs, dew point, oxygen and a number of other gases. 该系统可定制,根据需要监控的各种条件而特定配置,这些条件包括挥发性有机物,露点,氧气和其他很多很多气体。
The prime minister, Manmohan Singh, said the error did not change the facts regarding the harmful impact of greenhouse gases on the planet. 总理曼莫汉·辛格表示,这个错误改变不了温室气体对地球有害影响的事实。
That includes how much warming to expect in the future from the releases of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. 内容包括来自温室气体排放热量捕捉在将来期望有多暖。
These gases build up in the earth's atmosphere, and trap the heat from the sun. 这些气体聚集在地球的大气层中,使得太阳的热量无法散发出去。
In an address today he said he still opposes the mandatory cuts in green house gases encouraged by European nations. 在今天的发言中,他表示他仍然反对欧盟国家所倡议的温室气体强制减排。
like this tornado, it's now pulling the gases in it so suddenly you can see the, the presence of this vortex, a strong swirling wind. 你现在看到的这个“龙卷风”,正是由于将大量的气体卷入其中,从而形成了非常强的涡流而显形。
One improvement would be to stop trying to deal with so many gases at once (see article). 一种改进的方法是不要同时谈判如此之多有关排放气体的事宜。
Instead, he said, the administration will push Congress to enact legislation setting national caps on greenhouse gases. 他说,实际上,政府会推动国会针对全国减排温室气体进行立法。
Tiny oceanic microorganisms solidify carbon and oxygen gases dissolved in sea water to produce a salt which settles on the sea floor. 微小的海洋微生物将溶入海水的碳和氧固化,生产出一种散布在海床的盐。
Early man did not know how to explain the difference between gases, solids and liquids. 早期人们不懂如何解释气体、固体液体之间的差别。
These gases act like the glass of a greenhouse in that they allow energy from the Sun to enter but prevent energy from leaving. 这些气体的行为,如玻璃温室,因为它们允许能源来自太阳的进入,但阻止能源离开。
and a government that was willing to be very receptive, and from my viewpoint - you know, pollution, greenhouse gases? 从我的观点来看,政府对此愿意接受-你知道,污染,温室气体?
While some of these gases are radioactive, they did not pose a significant risk to public safety to even the workers on site. 当一些这些气体是放射性的,他们不构成重大风险,甚至公共安全,工人们在现场工作。
And with our hyper-consumption of those animals producing greenhouse gases and heart disease, kindness might just be a bit of a red herring. 并且随着我们对于这些动物的过度消耗产生温室气体和心脏疾病,仁慈可能仅仅是一种逃避的方式。
A gas exerts the same pressure in a mixture of gases as it would exert if it were in the container alone. 在混合的几种气体中,每一种气体所具有的压力就与它单独在容器中的压力一样。
The intense pressure at the bottom of the deep water causes gases to be absorbed into the water, like carbonation in a can of soda. 在湖水底部的高压气体导致气体喷出水面,就像是在苏打饮料中的碳酸气体一样。
A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances, which may be solids, liquids, gases, or a combination of these. 两种或两种以上物质的同质混合物,这些物质可以是固体、液体、气体或这三者的结合
That energy itself must be produced in ways that do not emit greenhouse gases for hydrogen to be a truly green fuel. 最理想绿色燃料则是按照一定的方式自己产生能量而且不会产生二氧化碳、甲烷等导致温室效应气体(如同氢气)。
Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and methane, trap heat down near the surface. The result: colder temperatures in the stratosphere . 象二氧化碳、甲烷等温室气体将热量限制在接近地球表面的范围内,结果同温层的气温更低了。
That powder is able to soak up gases, which combine with the water molecules to produce a hydrate. 这样的粉末能够吸收气体,与水分子结合在一起生成水合物。
cylinder , aluminium, whether or not welded, of any capacity, for the transport of storage of compressed or liquefied gases. 各种容量铝制气瓶,无论是否焊接,用于运输或储存压缩或液化气体。
It allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases, which had become part of the earth's atmosphere, into the oceans and seas. 它使地球把曾经存在于大气层中的有害气体溶解在海洋里。
However, it is so far from the sun that even gases like carbon dioxide are frozen solid. 然而,它离太阳太远了,以至于像二氧化碳这样的气体也是冷冻的固体。
For real gases, there's a whole bunch of equation the states that you can find in textbooks, and I'm just going to go through a few of them. 这是理想气体的状态方程,对实际气体,你可以在教科书里,找到许多描述它们的,状态方程。
Gases may also be treated as incompressible if the pressure changes are very small, but usually compressibility cannot be ignored. 气体不可压缩也许并且对待如果压力变动非常小,但压缩性无法通常被忽略。
The best heat-insulating solids own their insulating properties to the air or to other gases contained in cells within the material. 最好的隔热材料在空气和材料细胞中拥有自己的绝热性能。
Raman LIDAR is also used for measuring the concentration of atmospheric gases, but can also be used to retrieve aerosol parameters as well. 拉曼激光雷达也可用于测量气体浓度的大气,但也可用于检索以及气溶胶参数。
In a similar way there are several gases in the atmosphere which trap the heat produced by the sun and prevent it from escaping. 同样的道理,大气层中的多种气体可以捕捉太阳产生的热量,并阻止它扩散。
The theory was that 'brown clouds' were cooling the lower atmosphere and therefore masking some of the warming effects of greenhouse gases. 有一种理论认为“棕色云”让低层大气变冷,从而掩盖了温室气体的一些致暖效应。