
美 [laɪ]
  • n.谎言;休息;虚伪;诺言
  • v.躺;在于;欺骗;位于
  • 网络说谎;撒谎;你的谎言

复数:lies 现在分词:lying 过去式:lay 过去分词:lain

tell lie,believe lie,lie bed
deliberate lie,downright lie,blatant lie,obvious lie


v. n.

1.[i]说谎;撒谎;编造谎言to say or write sth that you know is not true


lie through your teeth

满口谎言;撒弥天大谎;睁着眼说瞎话to say sth that is not true at all

lie your way into/out of sth

由于撒谎而处于某种境地(或摆脱某种处境)to get yourself into or out of a situation by lying


韩国的《谎言》(Lies)则是通过棍打虐待才能”性”致勃勃; 法国尚热内的《情歌恋曲》(Un Chant D’Amour)展示的变态同 …


哪位高手帮忙?英语单项选择题_百度知道 ... C. lie 说谎 D. lies 说谎 A. In no case 绝不 ...


Nothing really matters - 博客大巴 ... ). Exaggeration 夸张, 夸大其辞: ). Lies 撒谎: ). Concealments 掩盖事实真相: ...


英语翻译_百度知道 ... 4. lying,laying 乔在晒太阳,而杰克在玩积木。 2.lies 平躺,位于 2.lies (位于的意思) ...


葛瑞·盖斯_百度百科 ... 4. Too Soon To Say Goodbye 不要说再见 5. Lies 你的谎言 6. Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now 停不了的 …


废话少说,这次看中了两个韩国片,《棒虐谎言》(LIES)和《阳春惊情》(《CHUNHYANG》)。不好意思,实在不知道国 …


诳_互动百科 ... 诳惑【 hoax】 诳语lies;falsehood】 诳 - 诳 kuáng ...


诳_英文_英语_诳用英语怎么说_翻译_读音... ... 1. (哄骗; 欺骗) deceive;hoax 1. (谎话lies 1. [书] (虚伪的) sham ...

The question of origins really lies in the realm of the historical method, not the scientific method. 来源问题其实是属于历史方法考证范围,并不是属于科学方法范围。
He concedes that there is no proof for any of those theories. But a DNA test could at least settle the question about who lies in the tomb. 他承认目前还没有证据证明任何一种推测的真伪。进行DNA测试的话,至少查出躺在拿破仑坟墓里的人到底是谁。
Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between. . . and. . . lies solely with. . . 对人们行为的多年观察使我能够得出这样的结论:……和……的主要区别仅仅在于……
As is usual with right natures, the deity that lies ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him like a ray. 像光明的天性通常那样,被卑鄙耻辱地锁在倏忽幻灭的肉体里的神明,像一道光线一样,从他身上射了出来。
And yet, in the end, though each of these things is absolutely critical, the true strength of our military lies someplace else. 尽管这一切都毫无疑问是非常重要的,然而归根结底我们军队真正的力量去不在于此。
But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth. 但几乎没人知道在这块冰封的土地下究竟有多少原油。
He used to tell a lot of lies as a young boy but he grew out of that later on. 他还是个小男孩时,常常说谎,可是后来大了就不那样了。
For me, a young man who do not know exactly where his or her future lies would have no chance to start any SERIOUS relationship with anyone. 对于我来说,一个连自己的未来都无法确知的年轻人是不具备合适的时机去投入到一份真正严肃的感情中的。
I believe that the seeds do not mature lies to her land, rain, and she have the strength to prove that life is what kind of stubborn. 我相信,成熟的种子没有谎言,给她土地、雨露,她就有力量证明,生命是一种怎样的顽强。
Well, if your partner gives you lies, and you know for sure that it is such, well, try to ask yourself. 那样的话,如果伴侣说话,而且你确信这一点的话,尝试先问问自己。
If you focus on what you've left behind, you'll never be able to see what lies ahead. 如果你一味留意过去,你将永远看不见前方的道路。
And he said: No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of our knowledge. 他说道:无人能够启悟你们,除了那半醒着躺在你们悟性晓光中的东西。
Neither the wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him. 聪明的人与勇敢的人都不会卧在历史的车轨上,等待未来的火车在他们身上辗过。
Men had told lies about him, yet he smiled at them in such a way that even his enemies could see Jesus Christ in his face. 面对著一群诬衊自己的敌人,司提反竟能保持平和与从容,以致连敌人也可以在他的脸上看见耶稣基督。
As an investment that does not produce income, its attraction lies solely in the hope that its value will rise or at least be maintained. 作为一种投资品,黄金本身不能创造价值,它的吸引力仅仅来自于其本身价值的上升或者至少保持当前的价值。
From the moment we met, you have done nothing but lie. Our whole relationship, just lies. 从我们相识那刻起,你就开始撒谎。我们的感情全都是谎言。
Women have no social rights and status at all in this culture of asphyxiating atmosphere. Their only value lies in the appendage of men. 在窒息性的这种文化氛围中,女性毫无独立的社会地位和社会权利,她们所有的人生价值只是做男子的附属物。
Made your choice when you spread your lies but we've seen what you'd like to hide on the surface you may appear to be right. 制造你的选择,当你传播你的谎言,但我们已经看到你想隐藏你表面上看起来是正确的。
She hath wearied herself with lies, and her great scum went not forth out of her: her scum shall be in the fire. 这锅劳碌疲乏,所长的大锈仍未除掉。这锈就是用火也不能除掉。
Yes, this work lies ahead, but how much can you ask in a year of war and recession? 是的,这一事业摆在眼前,但是,在战争和经济衰退交织的一年中,你还能要求什么呢?
But we have seen years when the land has not been used to feed people and lies idle, " he said. " 但是我们看到,这片土地多年来已经没有用来喂养人们,它们被搁置不用。
There lies in the heart of every man and woman a quiet hunger: a longing for an earth shaking significance from love. 在我们每个人心中都深藏着一份无声而真实的渴望:一种创造辉煌人生的爱的渴望。
But the power of science lies in open publication, which, with the rise of the Internet, is no longer constrained by the price of paper. 但科学的力量罗列在公开刊物之中,再加上网际网路的兴起,科学之力已经不再受限于纸张的价格。
The whole story is nothing but a pack of lies. 整个故事只不过是一派谎言。
This comfortable, friendly home-from-home lies near the beautiful quiet countryside, but just a drive away from the sea. 这是一个舒适,亲和,宾至如归的旅馆,位于美丽宁静的乡村附近。开车即可到海边。
She became a star and a billionaire media tycoon by saying yes to opportunity, but part of her talent lies in her willingness to say no. 她之所以成为明星及亿万富翁,正因为她懂得把握机会,但她的天才之处在于她懂得取舍。
If a person really care about you, so ta can always crowded draw time with you, there was no excuse, lies, no cash not pledge. 假如一个人真的在乎你,那么他总能挤得出时间陪你,没有什么借口、谎言,没有兑现不了的誓言。
Andy lies in the dark, studying the chunk of concrete in his hands. Considering the possibilities. Wrestling with hope. 安迪躺在黑暗中,研究手中的混凝土,思考可能,斟酌希望。
C-Note lies to his wife, telling her that he's been "driving trucks, eating dates, trying to keep the sand out of my eyes. " C-Note对他老婆撒谎,告诉她,他一直在“开卡车,期望混过服役的日子,尽量不让沙子入眼。”
The responsibility for creating a deep, loving bond lies with you, and with your partner. 能不能创建一段深厚的感情取决于你和你的伴侣。