later on

  • na.过后;后来
  • 网络以后;随后;稍后

later onlater on

later on


初高中英语单词词组汇总_百度文库 ... just now 刚才;不久以前 36. later on 后来;稍后 37. less than 不到;少于 38. ...


九年级英语单词MP3下载 人教版_百度知道 ... solution 解决;解答 later on 以后;随后 realize 认识到;了解到 ...


On的用法(转载)--转眼之间 ... 3. from now on 从此以后,今后 4. later on 过后,以后 2. spend … on 在……花费 ...


九年级上册英语重点短语 句式(珍藏版) - 豆丁网 ... begin with 以…开始 19. later on 随后 20. in class 在课堂上 21. ...


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... solution 解决 later on 稍后 realize 了解 ...


嗣_百度百科 ... [adopt] 如:嗣母(继母)。 [later on] 如:嗣后(自此以后)。 [inherit sovereignty] 嗣,诸侯嗣国也。——《 …


中考英语复习:湘教版八年级... ... 没有时间这些天 have no time 往后 later on 37把某物送给某人 send sb sth send sth to sb ...


365天英语... ... The early bird gets the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃 later on 以后; 嗣后; 他日 该起床了。 It’s time to get up. ...

In the beginning, it only served as a decoration of snuff bottles and grew into a unique craftwork later on. 最开始是为鼻烟壶作饰,继而成为一种独特工艺。
The mother nuzzles up to her pup and sniffs it. She does this so that later on, she will be able to recognize it by its smell. 母亲用鼻子触碰她的幼崽并嗅它。它这样做以便日后能够用嗅觉来认出它(指小海豹)。
There were two other films that I saw later on, in the mid-1960s, that had just as much of an effect. 后来,1960年代中期,我还看了另外两部对我影响深远的电影。
Later on, we found out that it was one of our friends playing a prank on us. 后来我们才发现原来那是我们同去的一个朋友在和我们开玩笑呢。
Every time he does something horrendous, think how much you will enjoy retelling the anecdote later on. 每当他做出一些可怕的事情,就想一想你随后讲述这段轶事的时候将是多么有趣。
When it got to its feet, it was happy to find that the load on the back was gone, so it desided to try it later on. 当它站起来后,它很高兴的发现它背上的重担消失了,所以它决定今后还用这招。
Later on, when I worked with him in his office, it was definitely more formal. 后来,当我在他的办公室和他一起工作时,这种安排就变得更正式了。
And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. 我跟着我的好奇心和知觉走,遇到的很多东西后来被证明是无价之宝。
Later on, Obama Sr. told immigration officials that he thought of himself as divorced in Kenya before he arrived in the United States. 此后不久,老奥巴马告诉移民局的官员在他到达美国之前已经在肯尼亚离婚。
Later on, I could only hear music with the headphone. There was no sound when I unplugged. There is still ring tone though. 隔几天,只能插入耳机才能听音乐,外放放不出声音了(但来电铃声是有的)
He never taught me about why it was a bad idea to date loony, but that's one I learned for myself fairly effectively later on. 他从没告诉我为什么不能和一个疯子约会,但是这一点这是我很快就自己弄明白了。
There was no time to investigate the release order that had freed them, either, but Lang promised to look into the matter later on. 目前也没时间调查那个释放他俩的命令,但朗允诺今后一定会调查。
Mamma, " Later on, I found Mummy to be a little bit troublesome and wordy , but I had no antipathy. " 起初,我还能接受,有时回复一句:“妈,放心吧!”后来,渐渐地觉得妈妈有点啰嗦,但并不反感。
he said later on that the bacteria has spread to blood vessels, the spread of the whole body, so people are feeling the pain of each site. 后来又说病菌已扩散到血管里,蔓延全身了,所以身上每个部位都感觉疼痛。
Prague is expected to issue a statement on the matter after receiving a formal document from Washington later on Thursday. 布拉格预计周四晚些时候从华盛顿得到正式文件后,将就此事发表声明。
He used to tell a lot of lies as a young boy but he grew out of that later on. 他还是个小男孩时,常常说谎,可是后来大了就不那样了。
And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosyty and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. 凭我的好奇心和直觉所涉足的许多事情最后被证明是无价的。
despite of the fact that this may later on cause internal conflict of interests at a later stage. 尽管这些可能后来就成为家族企业内部利益纠纷的缘由。
About a week later (on 11 September) FitzRoy took Darwin out to see the Beagle at Plymouth. 大约一个星期以后(9月11日)菲茨罗伊带达尔文去普利茅斯看贝格尔号。
The opportunity came a week later, on that never-to-be- forgotten Friday. Of course it was a Friday. 一个星期后,机会果然来了。那是在一个永远不能忘记的星期五,当然是一个星期五。
We shall see later on how much truth there was in this. 将来我们就会知道他究竟是怎样的一个人。
Later on her tutor Anne Sullivan (Anne Sullivan), she learned to speak, and began to communicate with others and accept education. 后来凭借着她的导师安妮·莎莉文(AnneSullivan)的努力,她学会了说话,并开始和其他人沟通并接受教育。
and that I got sort of a date later on tonight, so I'm going out. 晚上我有个约会所以我会出去一会
My advice is to think carefully at the design stage about whether a singular datum might have siblings later on. 我的建议是,在设计阶段,就单个数据是否在以后需要多个兄弟数据,要仔细考虑。
I don't think she'll buy that. She wasn't born yesterday, you know. Maybe I can come later on. 我想她不会相信的。你知道,她不是那么容易上当。或者我晚一点再去吧。
Later on I took him to Dover to see our heavy batteries glaring across the Channel at the coast of France-for us Germany. 后来,我带他到多佛去视察我们的重型炮台,这些炮台雄视着英吉利海峡那边的法国海岸--对我们来说是德国海岸。
Connect the nurse who rushes through later on to see my eyes also suddenly cachinnation, connect the opportunities of Wu mouth all have no. 就连随后赶来的护士见到我的眼睛也豁然大笑,连捂嘴的机会都没有。
I felt that the dust -- I had an intermittent cough, you know, but that all came to a head when I chased a suspect later on. 我能感觉到那些灰尘——那时我已经患上间歇性的咳嗽,你知道,后来当我追捕一个犯罪嫌疑人时,所有的症状才表现出来。
The paper added that the value of the deal, which is likely to be announced later on Tuesday, had not been disclosed. 该报补充说,交易的价值没有披露,它有可能在星期二晚些时候公布。
Later on, at the time of wheat harvest, Samson took a young goat and went to visit his wife. He said, "I'm going to my wife's room. " 过了些日子,到割麦子的时候,参孙带着一只山羊羔去看他的妻,说:“我要进内室见我的妻。”