like this

  • na.这样的;像这样;“like this/like so”的变体
  • 网络是像这样吗;就像这样;如此

like thislike this

like this


卡雷尔JAVA的学习的机器人 ... the 的 like this: 像这样: general 一般 ...


提出要求_旺旺英语教学网 ... How's this?( 这样做怎么样?) Like this?( 是像这样吗?) Like what?( 像什么?) ...


LP上海演唱会曲目歌词及翻译 ... Would have you running from me 会使你离开我 Like this 就像这样 You 不 ...


这 - 搜搜百科 ... [such] 这般;此类 [like this] 如此 [such] 如此,这样 这般仔细的一个人 ...


这 - 搜搜百科 ... [such] 如此,这样 这般仔细的一个人 [like this] 像这个样子 这帮 [here] 在这里 这程子 ...


Chinese Intermediate Course Vocabulary List ... to like 喜欢 like this 这么 line up 排 ...


This_百度百科 ... by this time 到这时 like this 象这样 ... from this day forth 从今天起 ...

So you are from out of town, what do you think when you come to Canberra and you see art like this? 那么,你是外乡人,当你来到堪培拉,看到这样的艺术形式,会有些什么感想?
And in an economic meltdown, the government - sort of like this new, less choosy daddy who has to marry a mommy that nobody wants. 所以,在经济崩溃时,政府就有点像这个不太挑剔的继父,不得不找一位谁都不想娶的妈妈。
So if I mention him, and if I have him in my mind before a game like this, it's clearly because you are not enemies. 所以如果我在如此的一场比赛之前提及他,又或者想起他,显然地这是因为我们并无不和。
Don't forget that I cannot explain myself as well as I should like. This is why i'm not always accurate. 不要忘记尽管我很想,但无法自己解释清楚。这就是为什么我不总是正确无误的。
I want to stop the poaching as much as you do, but you've crossed over the line, and I can't go on like this. 我也和你一样希望阻止偷猎行为,但是你已经越界了,我不想这种情形再继续下去了。
But for your mom to open up to me about something like this. 但是既然你妈妈摊开说了这事,我能袖手旁观么。
If it was a guy it would be more like you want punch on? For girls its not like that, so for girls its like this. 如果这是一个护卫那更像你想要打吗?女孩不喜欢它,所以对女孩像。
I don't know if I can believe this poll, because it's not easy to take a poll like this in China. 我不知道我是否可以相信本次调查,因为在中国举行这样一个民意调查不容易。
If you have had an experience like this, it's possible you were having a "panic attack. " 如果你有类似的经历,很可能你患有“惊恐发作”症。
The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: if you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting. 探索的物理性原则大致可以这样说,如果你能够勇敢到可以放下所有你感到舒适又熟悉的一切。
"But with more foreign exchanges like this, the navies will have a chance to exchange their views on the maritime order, " he said. 他说,“但只有更多像这样的对外交流,中国海军才有机会在海事秩序问题上交换意见”
Good! Now watch, i will pick up the can with a kitchen tongs like this and put it face down in the cold water in the pan. Ready? 对了!现在,我要用餐钳像这样将易拉罐夹起来,并将其正面放在有冷水的平底锅里。准备好了吗?
Once the army arrived at Valley Forge, it was time to start building camp ovens, like this one, a representation of what was used in 1777. 一旦军队抵达山谷热,现在是时候开始建立这样的一个营地烤炉,一个是,在1777年使用的代表性。
I returned to the inn and sat down by the window. A peaceful and common day drew to a close like this. 回到客栈,坐在窗前看云朵幻化成小狗模样。白云苍狗的一天,就这么落幕了。
If can make her like this sit by him, ability so of looking at him, take out a smoke to calculate what, 100s are all all right. 如果能让她这样坐在他身旁,能这样的看着他,抽一根烟算什么,一百根都没问题。
Breast achievement women like this body, and its beauty and health is up to you. 乳房成就女人如此这般的身体,而它的健康与美丽却是由你决定。
Yeah, I'm worried. If it's like this tomorrow, our big outdoor party will have to be canceled. 是啊,我好担心。假如明天天气还是如此,那么我们的大型户外派对就得取消了。
Perhaps I won't be able to go on like this forever, but I've been able to create a steady stream of images for some time now. 可能我无法永远继续这样的风格,但是我在一段时间能够创作稳定的画作。
He is one Jiang, always not say oneself envies her life like this and have no does the matter pick up argue. 他一僵,总不好说自己嫉妒她这样的生活,没事找碴呢。
"Remember this conversation, " I instructed my young nephews. "The last time people talked like this was before your granddad was born. " “记住这次谈话!”我教导年轻的侄儿们,“上次人们谈论这样的话题还是在你们的爷爷出生之前。”
To me, these are the tools that kids need out of a consumer education class , and materials like this should be taught in every high school. 对我来说,这些是孩子们在消费教育课程之外需要的工具,而且应该在每一个中学教授像这样的材料。
To be here for this game means to be on top of the world and to be able to play in a game like this gives the team a great feeling. 来到这里参加这项比赛意味着我们站在世界之颠,能够参加这样的比赛也让我们感觉非常不一样。
In cases like this, business logic needs to be kept behind a secure set of firewalls (often called a DMZ). 在类似这种情况下,需要将业务逻辑置于一组安全防火墙之后(经常称为DMZ)。
Look, hold it up in the air like this. 看着,像这样把它举在空中。
But you don't always have to go down to the depths of the ocean to see a light show like this. 但你不必为看这些灯展而总潜到深海去。
Like this class, Tonglu not only on the schools, have been going "home" in the door, placed in fair at home and abroad. 像这样的课堂,桐庐人不仅放在学校里,也不断走出“家”门,摆到国内外的博览会上。
That made sense -- that suited both the content and device, and we're going to see more unique interfaces like this to come. 这非常的合适--既考虑到了内容又考虑到了设备,我们会看到更多这这类独特的界面。
If it goes on like this, we will have no fresh air to breath, no pure water to drink and no nutritious food to eat. 长此下去,我们将呼吸不到新鲜空气,喝不到纯净的水,吃不到营养的食物了。
Needless to say, Republicans won't go along with anything like this. They balk even at the president's modest plan. 不必说,共和党人是不会同意的。他们会阻碍奥巴马政府计划。
My week of single parenthood had begun. As Martin Sheen says in "Apocalypse Now" : "I never want another mission like this again. " 我又当爸又当妈的一周开始了,正如马汀·西恩在《现在启示》中写的那样;“我再也不想过这样的日子了。”