
  • abbr.【化】同“niton”
  • 网络新台币;神经降压素(Neurotensin);中和试验(neutralization test)




同问新台币NT$)货币兑换问题。 登录 忘记密码? 2012-02-21 23:16 提问者: 匿名 现在NT$(新台币)6890等于人民币多 …


神经降压素NT)ELISA试剂盒, NT ELISA试剂盒测定牛ELISA试剂盒 植物ELISA试剂盒 其它动物ELISA试剂盒(鸭、兔 …

中和试验(neutralization test)

中和试验(NT)来鉴定或滴定流感病毒时常用鸡胚或组织培养细胞,操作方法与其他病毒(如NDV)的中和试验相同。病毒中和实 …


血生化检查_百度百科 ... 谷草转氨酶( SGOT) 5'-核苷酸酶( 5'-NT ) 钠( Na) ...

北领地(Northern Territory)

- 北领地NT)州担保技术移民(190 签证)担保职业;- 昆士兰(QLD)州担保技术移民(190州担保,489地区)担保职业;- …

The NT Rights of the Terminally III law has left physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications. 澳北州通过的晚期病人权益法使得无论是内科医生还是普通市民都同样地力图从道义和实际意义两方面来看待这一问题。
I'll ha'nt that tavern every night for a year! I'll sleep all day and I'll stand watch all night. 我愿每晚去盯那客栈,盯一年都行,白天睡觉,晚上盯个整夜。
When using a computer running Microsoft Windows NT 4. 0 Or later, it might be possible for two or more users to share the temp directory. 如果所使用的计算机运行的是MicrosoftWindowsNT4.0或更高版本,则有可能会有两个或更多用户共享临时目录。
Have i ever sent you a picture of me ? If i have'nt i will find one for you. I do not keep many pictures of me on my computer. 我给你发过我的照片吗?如果没有的话我会给你找一张.我电脑上不存很多自己的照片。
The NT Rights of the Terminally Ill law has left physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications. 澳大利亚北部各州所通过的晚期病人权益法使得医生和市民都必须尽力去处理它的道德和实际的意义。
He had several flavors of *nix, an NT server farm, and a fair collection of networking and remote access equipment. It was all his to rule. 他有几台*nix主机,一个NT服务器中心,一个漂亮的网络集合和远程访问设备,这些都归他管。
He said he wanted to copy my homework, but I did'nt give my homework. 他说他想抄我的作业但我没有给。
And if you guess the first three finishers in a row, the Brass Monkey pays your bill up to NT$1500 (yes you can buy during the last lap)! 此外只要猜对前三名赛车手顺序,铜猴子就帮你买单!(额度最高NT$1500,比赛最后一圈仍可点单!)
To be engaged in more areas? Yes, I want to see the world. Is'nt it a luxury to enjoy the most beautiful landscapes in the world. 能够涉及更多的领域?是的,我想要周游世界。难道享受世界上最美的景色不是一种奢侈吗?
The research make clear : the model of the CAST'S strategic transformation is'nt that of gradualness , but of revolution. 研究表明:五院战略变革的模式为一转型式,而不是渐进式;
Chen and his wife Wu Shu-chen are charged with embezzling NT$104m in public funds and accepting bribes of about $9m in a land purchase deal. 陈水扁和妻子吴淑珍被控挪用公款1.04亿新台币,购地收受贿赂900万美元。
On this basis raised the question of how to cultivate and raise NT sports postgraduate research ability and recommendations. 在此基础上提出了如何培养和提高西北地区体育类研究生的科研能力的方法和建议。
But it is not always proper to analyse all sheet metal forming problems in planar isotropy since most sheet metals are'nt planar isotropic. 然而,绝大多数板树为面内异性,因此对所有板材的塑性变形问题一味在面内同性之条件下研究未免就有不妥之处。
I often use hatred to protect myself, but if I were more firm, I would'nt have to use it as a weapon. 我经常以恨来自卫,但如果我坚强些,我就不必使用这一武器。
The "conservative and frugal" group prefers native flowers with "clean and consistent" design and of "less than NT$400" . 群较喜好国产花卉、长度「平整一致」的设计以及「400元以下」的商品;
It would have been disappointing if the Rockets did'nt take advantage of their fresher legs and outwork the Lakers. 如果今天火箭不能利用相对更充沛的体力打败湖人的话,那将是很令人失望的。
As long as Samba is used appropriately, it has proven to be a very reliable solution, often much more reliable than Windows NT itself. 只要使用适当,Samba就是一种非常可靠的解决方案,往往远比WindowsNT本身可靠得多。
In the film arena, sexy Golden Horse Best Actress Shu Qi came in first with earnings exceeding NT$12m a year. 影视圈中,性感的金马奖最佳女演员舒琪以超过一千两百万台币首次进榜。
SC is a command line program used for communicating with the NT Service Controller and services. SC是一项用于与NT服务控制器及服务进行交流的线性命令程序。
The NT dollar appreciates, but textile manufacturers do not share the benefits with clothing manufacturers. 汇率升值,但上游的纱、布厂商并未将利益与成衣业者分享。
It tends to focus on various pasta dishes, each delicious and filling, making them well worth their 200+ NT price. 菜式以各种义式面食为主,样样可口而且分量十足,以台币200多元的价位而言,绝对物超所值。
Brock's plate of clams only cost US$10 (NT$325). But an expert has said the find could be worth thousands. 布鲁克夫妻的这盘蛤蜊只花了十美元(新台币三百二十五元),但一位专家表示,这颗珍珠可能价值数千美元。
He could'nt do much about the German's second goal - though it was ultimately not an issue as England went on to win 4-2 after extra time. 对于德国的第二个球,他无能为力——最终英格兰还是加时赛后4:2取得胜利。
Then in the NT, Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again in order to see and enter the kingdom of heaven. 在新约里﹐耶稣告诉尼哥底母他必须要重生才能见到和进入天国。
From Monday to Friday Jing Zhao Yin offers a set Chinese afternoon tea of two pastries and a covered cup of tea , for from NT 198 per head . 京兆尹在非假日期间有平价中国午茶,盖杯茶饮配上两客宫廷点心,每人198元起。
In this article, we'll take a look at a performance analysis of Domino transaction logging on Windows NT. 在本文中,我们将介绍WindowsNT上Domino事务日志的性能分析。
Human cases of NT-MRSA are extremely rare in Canada but could become more common if the infection spreads among the pig population. 人类NT-MRSA病例在加拿大尚极为罕见,但可能因感染在猪群中的蔓延而变得更为常见。
SOLVER NEXT is the state-of-the-art NT-MDT development, designed to meet a researcher's current and future needs. 规划求解NEXT是国家的最先进的NT的联合化疗的发展,旨在满足研究人员的当前和未来的需要。
The overselling limits are more liberal, meaning that the Central Bank's limits on the depreciation of the NT dollar are looser. 对买超的限制却比较宽松,可以看出央行对新台币贬值的限制比较宽。
At the early jointing stage, the photosynthesis and transpiration rates of maize showed no significant difference among MT, NT and CT. 在拔节后期、抽穗期和灌浆期,覆盖免耕玉米蒸腾和光合速率均比翻耕显著提高;