go out

  • na.出去;灭;辞职;下台
  • 网络熄灭;外出;过时

第三人称单数:goes out 现在分词:going out 过去式:went out 过去分词:gone out

go outgo out

go out


介词短语_百度百科 ... go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开 go out 外出;熄灭 go over 检查,审查;复习,重温 ...


关于go的短语_爱问知识人 ... go wrong 出毛病, go out 出去,熄灭 go around 到处去,传开 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... go off 爆炸,发射;动身,离开 go out 外出;熄灭 go over 检查,审查;复习,重温 ...


六级通过必备——六级高频词组汇总_新东方网 ... go on 继续,升 go out 熄灭,停止,过时 go over 浏览,检查,复习,走过去 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go on 继续下去,进行;接近 go out 走出(房间等);罢工 go out of one's way 特别费心(做事) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go on 继续下去,进行;接近 go out 走出(房间等);罢工 go out of one's way 特别费心(做事) ...


幼儿园课堂英语律动 - 东莞幼师网 ... Big bad wolf( 打狼) Go out双手推狼出去) Daddy mummy look at me( 同上) ...


2011届高考英语动词和短语动词 ... go on doing 继续做(同一件事) go out 出去,熄灭,离开,下台,退休 go over 温习,检查…

They operate states courts and they decide how much tax you pay when you go out to eat or you buy clothes. 当你出去吃饭或买衣服的时候他们运作州法院并决定你需要付多少税。
Isn't it a bore I've got to go out at three o'clock? " she muttered. " “我非得在三点钟出去不可,这不够烦人的吗?”她低声说。
The first I'd been trying to go out with all semester. The second I had gone to dinner with and he seemed nice. 第一个是我这个学期一直想约的人,第二个是和我吃过一次饭、看起来还不错的男生。
The girls from the Children's Home were never allowed to go out on their own in town. 来自孩子之家的女孩们从来都不被允许独自在城镇里行走。
When afternoon came she did not go out to work, because she could not leave with her painful duty unfulfilled . 那天下午,她没有出去工作,因为她要尽这责任虽然很痛心,可也不能不尽。
Also, don't assume the public knows what you know about RFID. Go out of your way to explain how you are safeguarding the public's privacy. 而且不要认为公众对“RFID”的了解程度和你一样,你应该积极地走出去向人们主动解释你是如何保障个人的隐私。
If the timing's right, I'm ready to go out with a guy spur-of-the-moment. 如果时机合适,我会不假思索地跟一个男人出去。
"I've had a wonderful 18 years of staying injury-free, so I just want to go out with my head up, no regrets, " he said. “我18个赛季都没有收到伤病困扰,这非常美妙,所以我只希望能够毫无遗憾地抬着头走出去。”他是。
Put the word Dead on your forehead before you go out the door. Take it off and say, Im alive again! When you get out of this retreat. 所以你们在出发前,先在自己的额头贴上个死字,打完禅再把它拿下来,告诉自己:我又活过来了!
Imagine being an elderly mother or father who cannot go out to the cinema or to dinner because there is no one to care for your child. 试想作为一个年迈母亲或父亲的人,不能走出去电影院看电影或吃饭,因为有没有人照顾你的孩子。
There has never been a moment of "You get to go out there and work, and I'm here at home. " 从来不会埋怨说“你出去抛头露面我么呆家里”那样。
I cannot go out with you for it is raining outside. 我不能和你出去了,外面正下雨呢。
"I guess I'll not try to go out to-day, " he said to Carrie at breakfast. "It's going to be awful bad, so the papers say. " “我想我今天就不出去了,”早饭时,他对嘉莉说。“天气将会很糟,报纸上这么说的。”
Be in this accession, it is graph king encourages to me, let me go out to come loose beguilement, before that, I never had given Sichuan. 就在这个时侯,又是图王给我打气,让我出去散散心,在那之前,我从来没有出过四川。
If you could tear Patrick away from his game, perhaps we could all go out for a drive. 要是你能让帕特里克别玩那游戏,或许我们大家可以一起开车出去玩玩。
Initially she cancelled all her appearances and said she wasn't going to go out to LA to do her new TV show. 这位知情人还说,最初波特尔取消了所有的外事活动,还表示不会去制作自己新的电视秀。
His greatest love was for his wife Laurene and his family. Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts. 他伟大的爱留给了他的妻子劳伦和他的家庭,谨向他们,向所有被他超凡天赋触动的人们聊表心意。
It would be a sin not to go out on such a nice day. 这么好的天气不出门真是种罪过。
I finally managed to persuade her to go out for a drink with me. 我最后终于想法子说服她跟我一起出去喝一杯。
One cold morning in winter mother was ready to go out selling, and asked me to pull her cart to a place for her. 一个严冬的早晨,母亲又要外出去叫卖,让我先给她推到一个地方去。
Also, try voicing out your fantasy to him, and you can be assured that he will go out of his way to make it a reality. 同样,试着说出你的幻想,你要确信他可以用自己的方式使之实现。
They do not know, are for me to leave back for those left behind my people, for the people who can not go out. 他们不会知道,我离开是为了回来,为了那些我留在身后的人,为了那些无法出去的人。
A visual method to help you learn timing is to ask a friend to use a digital camera and go out with you when you train. 一个帮助你掌握时机的可见方法,是训练的时候叫上一个朋友带着数码相机。
Feeling drowsy, I stood up and got ready to go out for some exercise and cool fresh air. 由于感觉很昏沉,我便起身准备到大殿外活动一下,顺便呼吸清凉的空气。
He wanted to go out on night patrol alone; that was the kind of situation of personal risk in which he revelled. 他希望在晚上独自外出巡逻,他就喜欢这样亲自担点风险。
You don't want to go out in such rotten weather. It's better for you to stay at home to stretch your legs and do physical exercises. 这种糟糕的天气让人不想出去,你还不如在家舒展一下筋骨,做做运动。
I used to think how inconvenient it must be to have to go out in rain to go to bed. 我常常想在下雨天,去睡觉肯定要往外走,这该有多么不便啊。
Even so, we're going to go out on a limb here to say that this shift will go unnoticed by our media brethren. 即便这样,我们也想冒险说一句,肯定要有变化,只是各位媒体同仁注意不到而已。
MONICA: Ya know, you had no right to go out with him. 你知道,你没有权利跟他出去。
Twiss there scholarship is good from boss, he ridicules Chelsea to be still unable to go out in the unfavorable situation shadow. 特维斯从老板那里学艺不错,他讥讽切尔西依然无法走出在失利的阴影。