
美 [ɡrænd]英 [ɡrænd]
  • adj.壮丽的;堂皇的;重大的;(用于大建筑物等的名称)大
  • n.1 000 元;1 000 英镑
  • 网络宏伟的;盛大;宏伟大

比较级:grander 最高级:grandest

grand opening,grand scale,grand occasion,grand prize,grand entrance


1.壮丽的;堂皇的;重大的impressive and large or important

2.[obn](用于大建筑物等的名称)大used in the names of impressive or very large buildings, etc.

3.宏大的;宏伟的;有气派的needing a lot of effort, money or time to succeed but intended to achieve impressive results

5.(informal)极好的;快乐的;美妙的;出色的very good or enjoyable; excellent

6.(对上层社会的人的称呼)大used in the titles of people of very high social rank


a/the grand old age (of…)

高龄a great age

a/the grand old man (of sth)

元老;资深前辈;老前辈a man who is respected in a particular profession that he has been involved in for a long time


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... grain n. 谷物, 谷粒, 颗粒 grand a. 宏伟的, 重大的 grasp vt. 抓紧, 掌握 ...


2010年高考英语高频... ... 119. grant vt. 授予,同意,准予 119. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的 122. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... grammar n. 语法 grand a. 宏伟的 grandchild n. (外)孙或孙女,孙辈 ...


懋字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 通“贸”。交易、买卖〖 trade〗 通“茂”。大;盛大grand〗 美好〖 fine〗 ...


2010年高考英语高频... ... 119. grant vt. 授予,同意,准予 119. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的 122. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... pas n. 舞步, 舞蹈 grand adj. 盛大的, 豪华的, 重大的, 主要的, 极重要的 roles n. 角色, 任务 ...


对房子的形容词 好的方面的!_百度知道 ... luxurious 特级的 grand 豪华的 plush 豪华舒适的 ...

One of the few things the French make on a grand scale. Artistically done, too, as if they cherished a deep affection even for the symbol. 这是法国人大规模制造的为数不多的东西之一,而且造得很精美,仿佛他们对这种象征物也怀着深深的爱。
It seemed to me a fine thing that the pilot could do as he pleased, without asking so grand a captain's permission. 我感到这是一件好事,未经问询船长大人是否同意,引水员就可以随心地做他想做的事。
But all I could see was that this was a grand chance to test the accuracy of my work, of my hobby. 但是,我所看到的是,这次是检验我我的预测,我的工作我的爱好,是不是准确的大好机会。
Meanwhile, negotiations over a "grand bargain" to eliminate America's gaping deficits seem to hinge on sweeping tax reform. 同时,商讨消除美国日益增加的赤字的“大方案”似乎集中于全面的税制改革。
Laurie: Well, it's been a perfectly wonderful evening, George. It was grand of you to ask me out. 劳丽:噢,乔治,今晚过得太好了。多谢你约我出来玩。
So all this turned out to be a grand charade -- and politicians are great at charades. 所以超级委员会原来就是一场盛大的躲猫猫,而政客们,是最擅长躲猫猫的。
We've always been told our kids and grand kids are going to have to pay for our reckless spending. Now WE have to pay? ! 我们一直被告知,我们的子孙两代将不得不为我们的肆意消费买单,现在得由我们自己买单了?
Bent over a Grand Prix, I glanced from Nick to Mary Ann for signs that everything was, all of a sudden and horrifically, out in the open. 当时我正俯身在一辆庞蒂亚克车上忙着。我的目光从尼克瞟到玛丽安身上,想要找出点线索,看看是不是我们之间的事情突然彻底暴露了。
A second mate would be listed after all the children, grand - children, and later progeny of the first mate were listed. 第二次交配后,会列出所有的孩子,大-孩子,后来交配后代的第一个上市。宗教信息来源网站
The general manager of the company made a grand financial mistake and was sent into prison. 那个公司的总经理犯了一个重大的金融错误,被送进了监狱。
He went into real estate, eschewed Park Avenue, and established himself in a storefront right on the Grand Concourse. 他进军房地产时,避开了公园大道(ParkAvenue),大广场街上的店面房帮着他立住了脚跟。
The effort expended in the name wars would be better spent on smartening up what was once a wonderfully grand provincial metropolis. 将力气耗费在姓名大战中总比用在争辩那座城曾是宏大的一省之都要强多了。
Freshmen in college to meet the meeting, our principal, said the arrival of our grand welcome, and wish we had a wonderful college life. 在大学2010届新生见面会上,我们校长对于我们的到来表示了隆重的欢迎,并祝愿我们有一个美好的大学生活。
Every woman I see leaves his office with a beatific smile on her face, as if she was in the throes of a grand passion. 我所看到的每个离开他办公室的女人脸上都洋溢着幸福的微笑,仿佛她刚刚经历了一个无比壮丽激动的产前阵痛。
But music made of works up to climax and ceases. The Grand Canyon is all climax, a chord echoing into eternity. 人类的乐曲渐入高潮,止于无声,而大峡谷则高潮迭起,是永远回荡不止的和音。
I happened to pass by the Grand Theater and see the poster of her solo concert this afternoon. You know what? I'll definitely go for it. 我今天下午碰巧经过大戏院并看到玛丽亚·凯瑞个人演唱会的海报。知道吧?反正我是绝对要去的。
And together they walked, he and his wife and young son and daughter, 60 blocks or so up to Grand Central and safety. 他和妻子,带着一双年幼的儿女向北走到了60个街区之外的中央车站,走向安全。
At my first job out of university , I was only * twenty grand a year . 我离开学校的第一份工作,一年只有两万元。
Whether or not a dramatic historical tale can preserve the allure of these grand old dames of Parisian tourism is up for grabs. 无论一个戏剧性的历史故事可以保存的这些旧达梅斯巴黎旅游的吸引力大,是可以争取。
Each year, it takes place in a grand Capitol Hill auditorium full of members of Congress and a hundred or so Washington notables . 每年,颁奖仪式都在宏伟的国会礼堂举行,礼堂里坐满了国会议员和一百多个华盛顿知名人士。
In Garbage Hole on Grand Bahama, Kenny Broad squirms through a narrow section, spooling out a guideline for a safe return to the surface. 在大巴哈马的“垃圾坑(GarbageHole)”里,肯尼·布劳德正通过蠕动身体来穿过一片狭窄的区域,他带着的引导绳可以让他安全的返回海面。
Bettany Hughes: It could be, then, that this is just a moral fable, that the Atlantis story is just one grand political allegory? 贝特妮·休斯:就这样,可能亚特兰蒂斯就这样成为了一则关于道德的传说。那么,亚特兰蒂斯的故事只是一个伟大的政治寓言?
'It's just not clear to me that the Chinese government is able to direct these things in such a grand strategic sort of way, ' he said. 他说,我不认为中国政府能够以如此具有重大战略性的方式来引导这些事。
In the early years, it was unclear how much Mr. Gates was pursuing each opportunity as it came, as opposed to carrying out a grand strategy. 我们不清楚在早期,当每次机会来临时盖茨是怎样不顾反对坚持追求,促成伟大战略诞生的。
It was our hope that by this time the grand movement would have taken place but as you can see this has not unfolded. 我们本希望这次重大的运动会发生,但是如你们所见还没有呈现。
And Edgar Kraft himself was nothing but a part of this grand design, nothing but a cog in a gigantic machine. 埃德加·卡夫特自己只是伟大计划的一个部分,只是庞大机器的一个齿轮。
There was a sense of a grand reunion in the midst of this historic event. 在这个具有历史意义的事件中,有一种场面隆重团聚的感觉。
But how much is 300 pounds in the grand scheme of things? 但是300磅到底是一个什么概念呢?
Grand as Jim's watch was, he sometimes looked at it with shame on account of the old leather strap that he used instead of a chain. 尽管吉姆的手表很贵重,但是他还是有时怀着羞愧看看它,因为他用老的皮表带替代了金属的。
Sophorae shade of a grand opening, which looks like the turnover of the spray, near look like a powder snow Yingying, gratifying! 绿荫中的槐花开得轰轰烈烈,远看像翻卷的浪花,近看像粉莹莹的雪团,煞是喜人!