go through

  • na.认真检查;仔细地搜;(提案或法案)通过;被批准
  • 网络经历;经受;仔细检查

第三人称单数:goes through 现在分词:going through 过去式:went through 过去分词:gone through

go throughgo through

go through


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go over 检查;从头至尾温习 go through 经历;完成;检查 go together 相配;恋爱 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... crack vi 发破裂声;劈啪地响 go through 通过;经受;仔细检查 destroy vt 摧毁;毁坏 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... crack vi 发破裂声;劈啪地响 go through 通过;经受;仔细检查 destroy vt 摧毁;毁坏 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... crack vi 发破裂声;劈啪地响 go through 通过;经受;仔细检查 destroy vt 摧毁;毁坏 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... go over 检查;从头至尾温习 go through 经历;完成;检查 go together 相配;恋爱 ...


仁爱英语八年级下册词组汇集 ... beat sb. 嬴某人, 打败某人 go through 穿过 total time 总时间 ...


经常_百度百科 ... 治理【 administer】 经过,经历【 go through】 经营;料理【 manage;run】 ...

We're going to throw all that away anyway. Go ahead and build it as a sanity check, which should go through fine. 我们打算把这些多余的东西抛到一边,做一个比较完善的检测,就可以继续往下。
I was able to go through all the stages in the qualifying and I decided to have a one stop race. 在排位赛中我能通过所有的阶段,并且决定采用一停。
A good exercise is to go through the day with a little piece of paper and put a tally mark for each time you get an urge. 有个好办法可以锻炼这一能力,拿一张纸,回忆一遍,每次有冲动时就记次数。
Most of the attacks are "sample bites" from the curious fish as they try to decide whether to go through the effort of a full attack. 大部分的袭击只是它们因好奇而“试着咬咬看”,通过这样的试探,大白鲨会决定之后是否全力攻击。
You know what, I go through the exact same thing. Every time I put on a little weight, I start questioning everything. 我也经历过同样的事,每次我的体重增加那么一点,我就开始质疑一切。
He kept the dent10 to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. 他保留着那处凹痕以提醒自己生活不应如此行色匆匆,等别人扔来砖块才引起自己注意。
However, whether or not charges should be adjusted to go through the owners agreed to the General Assembly. 但收费标准是否要调整要经过业主大会同意。
But why are we prepared to give up on the day by noon while pending work mounts, and there is so much more to generally go through? 但是,当紧迫的工作在增加,有很多事需要去处理时,我们为什么要在一天的中午就放弃呢?
The agent entrusted to go through the related procedures shall abide by all the provisions of these Regulations pertaining to his client. 接受委托办理有关手续的代理人,应当遵守本条例对其委托人的各项规定。
At this point, one is forced to go through a dramatic incident or at least its fear. 当行运北交点与月亮呈冲相时,此人会强制性经历戏剧性事件或至少是其恐惧的事。
He said they had come to the city because his wife needed to go through a surgical operation for her stomach. 他说他们来北京是因为他的老婆要做一个胃部手术。
He wants to go through you and he wants to make sure that you know that it hurts. 他要通过你而且他要确保你知道这很疼。
Before I could participate in the study, I had to go through a screening process to see if I would be allowed to participate. 在我参加试验之前,我要经过筛选过程,看看我是否有资格成为参加者。
"It might be unusual for a child to go through childhood without ever stealing anything, though the parent may not know, " Dr. Stein said. “小时候根本没有偷过什么东西才奇怪呢,只是可能家长不知道罢了。”斯坦博士说道。
There will be, certainly, a crisis time that we go through but thats part of a passage into a more organized and enlightened society. 当然,我们将会经历一个危机的时期,但这不过是通道的一部分,通向一个更具组织性、更具秩序以及更加开明、进步的社会。
First, think of something that you do or have done "in the heat of the moment" , and keep it in mind while we go through this material. 首先,想一件你在万不得已的情况下要做或已经做过的事,了解过程中在脑子时一直想着这件事。
If you go through your white flour in less than a year, however, you can safely keep it on the counter in an airtight jar or canister. 不过,如果您可以在不到一年的时间里用完您的白面粉,那您就可以放心的把它放在柜台上的一密闭瓶或罐中。
We would like to arrange a conference call with you to go through the details. 我们想要和你们安排个电话会议来讨论这细节。
You certainly do not want to go through all of that every time you want to put in a step number. 你当然不会想要每次都重复插入步骤编号的过程。
From this point you can go through and accept or reject changes as you could normally. 之后,可以按正常过程进行接受或拒绝改变的操作。
It's a normal process of letting go of your child, " she says. " You've got to go through all of this. “这是将其放下的一种正常过程,”她说。“你必须经历这一切。”
I challenge you to go through a single day exploring every aspect, not from what is realistic, but instead from what is possible. 我建议不妨这样度过一天,不是从现实的角度,而是从可能性的角度去考虑所有问题。
'I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back. . . ' 我认识到,双手都戴上接球手套是过不了一生的,你总得扔掉些什么…
Colonel Mason says if the cuts go through. . . . it could take his wing up to a year to recover. 梅森上校认为,如果执行削减,恐怕需要一年的时间才能让他的队伍恢复战斗力。
For a project to be approved as a CDM project it has to meet various obligation and go through a defined project cycle. 一个项目一旦确定为CDM项目,就要遵循各种规定和项目流程。
And it takes a year and a half for the deal to close cause it has to go through and I trust the business in a US center era. 交易完成就需要,一年半的时间,因为合并势在必行,而且我对美国中心时代的商业操作很有信心。
Many traditional couples feel like they go through this stage at the beginning of their relationship, then settle into a pattern. 很多传统的夫妻在开始亲密关系之初都会感觉他们经历了这一步,然后才安定下来。
Mr Halfens said he was inspired to create the company after watching a college friend go through a painful separation. 哈尔芬斯说,他之所以会产生创立这一公司的灵感,是因为看到一个大学朋友经历了痛苦的离婚。
If exercise isn't a priority for you and you'd like it to be, take some time to go through these steps and answer a few questions. 如果你不太重视锻炼,但是你又不想放弃的话,那么,花点时间来完成以下这些步骤并回答一些问题。
If the person you were engaged to marry had an accident and become a paraplegic , would you go through with the marriage or back out of it? 如果你的未婚夫因为车祸瘫痪了,你会坚持和他结婚,还是退婚呢?