getting over

  • na.同“get across”
  • 网络后起之秀;无女;她说我想忘掉

第三人称单数:gets over 现在分词:getting over 过去式:got over 过去分词:gotten over

getting overgetting over

getting over


涂鸦 - 搜搜百科 ... DOPE: 称赞某人的作品。 GETTING OVER后起之秀。 FILL-IN: 上色。 ...


12字qq名,12个汉字的QQ昵称,非主流系殇花禁... ... 亲密心事‖ Robbie Rivera - 无女 GETTING OVER 尾戒▍ ForgetRecollect ...


如果 (if only) 能让我跟她说我想忘掉 (getting over) 她8. What I've figured out is that when you love somebody that much, th...


[SS/HP翻译]穿越心防Getting Over) 原作:Naatz[SS/HP][翻译]薄暮(In The Gloaming)女鬼[SS/HP] [翻译-R]What men w…

I could tell there was no trouble on the other end of the line, and Mother could tell I was getting over my homesickness. 我听得出来,电话那一头没有什么麻烦,母亲也能听出我开始不再那么念家了。
Today, as a means of getting over my abusive ex, I decided to write his name on a piece of paper and light it on fire. 今天我为了让自己忘记那个没口德的前男友,就把他的名字写在一张纸上然后用火烧掉。
He had never been away from home before. Every little thing, from washing his socks to getting over loneliness, was a big task. 他以前从来没有离开过家,每件小事,从洗袜子到摆脱孤单,对他都是个大任务。
"Whatever, Bella. " She glared out the windshield instead of looking at me. She seemed to be growing angrier rather than getting over it. “无所谓了,贝拉。”她没看我,反倒是怒瞪挡风玻璃外的景物。看来她还没气消,倒是越来越生气了。
I've got a girlfriend who's just getting over a terrible love affair, it's been about eight months, she's beginning to feel better. 我的一位女朋友刚从一段痛苦的恋情中恢复过来,经过了八个月,她终于好多了。
Getting over his shyness, De Niro hung out with the street kids and gangs from his neighborhood throughout most of his years as a teenager. 为了克服自己害羞的性格,少年时期的德尼罗大部分时间里都跟社区里街上的孩子们泡在一起。
Also, Russia's still smarting at the humiliation over Kosovo (though May 11 elections show Serbs seem to be getting over it). 而且,俄罗斯仍然为科索沃问题上的耻辱而痛苦(倒是5月11日的选举显示塞尔维亚人已经克服了这种心态)。
"Huming early says not to be getting over. " The Qin Dynasty is like to discard waste and directly threw him to in the floor. “哼,早说不就完了。”秦朝像丢垃圾一样,直接把他扔到了地上。
She was just getting over the flu when she had a stomachache. 她刚刚从流感中恢复,又突然开始胃疼了。
Getting over culture shock depends upon you. Ultimately, it is you who must take positive steps to feel better. Here are a few suggestions. 适应文化的差异(文化冲击)还得靠你自己。最终,你必须要采取一些积极的步骤来使你自己感觉更加良好,这里列出几项建议。
Fortunately, nobody has harvested any penguins, and we're getting over 100, 000 tourists a year to see them. 幸运的是,还没有人扑杀任何企鹅,大概一年有10多万的游客来看它们。
This has pretty much affirmed outwardly what I felt inwardly about finally getting over the learning curve of blogging. 这种使我的内心绝对表露出来的习惯最终能克服我写博客的学习曲线。
Effective competition is one factor that could contribute to Apple's getting over itself and of course to mobile innovation in general. 有效的竞争可以让苹果战胜自我,并有利于整个手机领域的革新。
The trainer was lucky it was the male getting over-excited as females launch much more devastating attacks. 驯兽师很幸运,这次是雄狮变得很激动,要是雌狮发怒就会发动更为可怕的攻击。
What we're really trying to do is beat the historical trend by getting over it more quickly. 我们真正要做的就是打破历史常规,缩短解决周期。
One of my favorites is listening to music, so here are some of the best songs for getting over the hump! 我最爱的方式之一就是听音乐,所以这里介绍的都是些适合帮助你渡过难关的好歌噢。
For this reason, you should know how to deal with shyness and take steps towards slowly climbing your way up in getting over it. 由此,你应该知道如何克服你的害羞并且采取措施慢慢的直到最终克服它。
"Andy is fit and well - better than he was last season when he was getting over his injury, " Dalglish said. “卡罗尔现在身体状态都很好,要比上个赛季他刚从伤病中恢复出来好很多”达格利什说。
Doctors in Argentina have found it helpful as a rehabilitation technique for patients getting over heart surgery or coronary problems. 阿根廷的医生发现探戈作为一种康复疗法有助于心脏病或冠心病人的术后康复。
The biggest factor may be getting over the idea that happiness is fixed--and realizing that sustained effort can boost it. 最重要的一点也许是尽快克服“幸福水平一成不变”的想法,而应该认识到,持续的努力是可以提高幸福感水平的。
These and many other suggestions-all sorts of devices for scamping and getting over the work-schemed out by Crass and the other sub-foremen. 诸如此类的建议--各种马虎了事和匆匆赶工的花招--都是克拉斯和那些副工头挖空心思想出来的。
One tactic I've found useful in getting over the perfectionist tendency is a shock therapy called soliciting feedback. 我发现“休克疗法”所谓“征求意见”可以帮助你克服追求完美。
Victoria is apparently getting over a bout of tonsillitis while David is recovering from dental surgery . 维多利亚前一阵子扁桃体发炎,现在已经好多了,而此时贝克汉姆动完牙齿手术后开始慢慢恢复。
"There's nothing easy about it, confronting [a weight problem], getting over the stigma of being here, " she says. 她说:“这一点也不容易,面对(体重问题),克服窘迫。”
But I think for getting over that final hurdle, I think we are a little bit away. 不过,对于越过这最后一道坎,我认为我们还有一点距离。
They were excited. It was breaking the ice, it was getting over a stigma, and I think that's also what design can do. 他们很兴奋。可以说破冰了,它打破了难为情,我认为这也是设计能做到的。
Getting over wanting things has been a long journey for me and I suspect that is true for many others. 抛弃想要的东西对我来说是一场艰辛的旅程,我怀疑对许多人来说这种行为是否正确。
But high temperature and drought affected strawberry's growth , and restricted strawberry directly getting over summer in south of China. 而我国南方夏季的高温干旱,影响了草莓的生长,直接限制了草莓在南方地区的越夏。
Bottling up your feelings is actually a useful strategy for getting over a traumatic event. 将你的感受守口如瓶实际上是将伤心事抛到脑后的有效方法。
Okay, well, I don't know, it's just me. I'm still getting over this breakup with kurt and this thing with doug would st ju be rebound sex. 我不知道,是我的问题。我还没从跟科特的分手中完全恢复,跟道格在一起是为了复健性爱。