
美 [ʃɔrt]英 [ʃɔː(r)t]
  • adj.缺乏;不足;短缺;缺少;短的;短暂的;矮的;低的
  • adv.不足;缺少;未达到;不及;缺乏;不足;突然;忽然
  • n.概略;要点;不足;缺乏;少量烈酒;(尤指在正片前放映的)电影短片
  • v.卖空(股票);故意少给;欺骗;【电】使短路;欺骗;卖空(股票);故意少给;【电】使短路
  • 网络更矮的;较短地;更短的

比较级:shorter 最高级:shortest 复数:shorts 现在分词:shorting 过去式:shorted

short period,short story,short hair,short duration,short walk
come short



1.短的measuring or covering a small length or distance, or a smaller length or distance than usual


2.个子矮的small in height


3.短的;短期的;短暂的lasting or taking a small amount of time or less time than usual

4.[obn]短短的seeming to have passed very quickly

不足not enough

5.[nbn]~ (of sth)不足;短缺not having enough of sth; lacking sth

6.(informal)~ on sth缺乏,缺少(某种品质)lacking or not having enough of a particular quality

7.[nbn]紧俏;紧缺not easily available; not supplying as much as you need

8.[nbn]~ (of sth)少于;缺少;未达到less than the number, amount or distance mentioned or needed


10.~ for sth简略的;缩写的being a shorter form of a name or word


11.[nbn]~ (with sb)简单粗暴;简慢无礼speaking to sb using few words in a way that seems rude


12.短音的ashort vowel is pronounced for a shorter time than other vowels


a brick short of a load, two sandwiches short of a picnic, etc.

冒傻气的;不大聪明的stupid; not very intelligent

get the short end of the stick

抽到倒霉签;被派做苦差事to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task

give sb/sth/get short shrift

不重视(或同情);不受重视(或同情)to give sb/get little attention or sympathy

have/be on a short fuse

动辄发火;性情暴躁;脾气不好to have a tendency to get angry quickly and easily

in short order

麻利;简单省事quickly and without trouble

in the short run

从短期来看;眼下concerning the immediate future

in short supply

不充裕;短缺;紧缺not existing in large enough quantities to satisfy demand

little/nothing short of sth

可以说是;无异于;近乎used when you are saying that sth is almost true, or is equal to sth

make short work of sth/sb

干净利落地打败(或处理);三下五除二就打垮(或解决)to defeat, deal with sth/sb quickly

short and sweet

短暂而美好;简明扼要;紧凑pleasant but not lasting a long time


小学六年级毕业英语复习资料 ... taller 更高的 shorter 更矮的 stronger 更强壮的 ...


新概念英语第二册... ... d. sugar( 方糖) 这3个选择都不符合题目意思。 d. shorter( 较短地) 这3个选择都与 a. asked( 问,打听); ...


小学英语分类单词表 ... taller 更高的 shorter 更短的 older 更老的 ...

Stylist: If you're going to cut the top that short, then might I suggest that you fade the sides a little shorter as well? 发型师:如果您想把上面再剪短些,那我建议您两边也要跟着短些。
My younger brother , if shorter as compared with you , is much taller than I. 我弟弟虽然比你矮一些,但是比我却高多了。
Miss Riggi was shorter than I remember, though unmistakable with her still-long, still-black hair and bright, intelligent eyes. 里奇小姐比我记忆中要矮一些,但她那长长的黑发和充满智慧的双眼一点没变。
Myfirst impression upon receiving the book was that it was shorter (fewer pages)than I had expected. 我接触该书的第一印象是它比我原先设想的要短(页数不多)。
OK, then I'll introduce her to you. She has big eyes, and is blonde and a little shorter than I am. 好,到时我再给你介绍。她个子比我矮一点儿,金黄色的头发,大眼睛。
seemed shorter. It was the ALERT, cold face of a man of about five-and-thirty. 这是一个大约三十五岁的人的一张警觉、冷静的脸。
Because it is often shorter than the rest, the last line in a paragraph may remain unjustified after this command is invoked. 因为段落最后一行的长度通常比其他行短,因此调用此命令后,段落最后一行可能保持两端不对齐的状态。
As you can see, this method can be applied only when the surface to be ground is shorter than the width of the grinding wheel used. 正如料想的那样,这种方法只在要磨削表面比所用砂轮宽度短时才使用。
A variable name is often shorter and easier to remember than the full path of methods and properties necessary to access the object itself. 变量名通常要比访问对象本身所需的方法和属性的完整路径短和容易记忆。
Another backed her up, saying that had the taller men had a criminal record she might have been swayed to choose a shorter man. 另一位女子附和说,如果高个男子有犯罪记录,她可以考虑选一位稍矮一些的男人。
If the rope were shorter, it would cause the foal to hold his head up in an unnaturally high, fatiguing position. 如果绳子再缩短一点,这会导致马驹必须让他的头保持一个不自然的高而且容易疲劳的姿势。
As expected my energy level began to wane after a few months on the road, and my original ambitious itinerary grew a bit shorter. 正如所料,几个月后我的体力有所下降,对原本热望的旅程进行了缩减。
The change rate of half year is higher half than a year. because he loan time is shorter, the bank's management charge is higher. 半年的期货款的利率往往超过一年期货款利率的一半,因为货款期限越短,银行的管理费用就越高。
"Hmmm, " said the Abbot as they reached the heated brass doors of the shorter abishai's domain. "Do I hear another wager being made? " “嗯…”议员说。这时他们已走近了矮个子的办公室的黄铜大门,“我是不是听到你又开了一桩赌?”
Xiamen other tenants rent on rent is usually shorter, especially for the kind of short-term travel or open meetings of the crowd. 另外厦门日租房通常房客租房时间较短,特别适合那种出外旅游或开短期会议的人群。
They began to look different than wolves. . . They were generally smaller than wolves, with a shorter nose. 它们开始看起来和狼有了一些不同……一般来说,它们都会比狼小一些,鼻子也会比狼短一些。
The US, however, seems to have fallen foul of a shorter-term reaction to the past year's events. 然而,美国似乎是因为对去年危机事件的一项短期应对措施而翻船。
IPF and Provident loan out smaller sums of money (the equivalent of a few hundred dollars, typically) at shorter durations and higher rates. 远景金融和国际个人金融(IPF)所提供的贷款,往往数额较小(放贷金额通常相当于几百美元),还贷时间较短,利率较高。
"But, as the amount of sleep became shorter and the regularity of sleep became less organized, the risk for obesity increased, " he said. 他还表示,那些达到了建议睡眠时间量的孩子并不存在会患上肥胖,糖尿病,以及心血管疾病的风险。
However, depending on the severity of your operation, it might be appropriate to use much shorter or significantly longer service intervals. 不过,根据您所进行的操作的重要程度,可以适当缩短或者增加保养间隔时间。
Now, lets figure how much you spend on each item in a given year For the amounts you know on a shorter timeframe, figure them out together. 现在,让我们找出你一年中在每一项中花费的时间。对于那些你知道花费了很少时间的项目,将它们组合到一起计算。
Is often used in introductions to tell someone else your name. You can also use a shorter form --- My name's. 经常用于向别人介绍你自己。你也可以使用它的简略形式。
Please make it a bit shorter in the back(on the sides). 后面(两边)请剪短一点。
The next day the girl wore an even shorter skirt the boy said to her again, "I bet you can't climb that tree" , pointing to a taller one. 第二天,小女孩穿了一条更短的裙子,那男孩指着一棵更高的树对她说:我敢打赌你爬不上那棵树。
that when he saw me without my covering, I was an exact Yahoo in every part, only of a whiter colour, less hairy, and with shorter claws. 它看到我身上没有遮盖物的时候,每个地方都完完全全像一只“野胡”,只是皮肤较白,没有那么多毛,爪子也短些罢了。
But she said men with shorter index fingers should not be "unduly worried" . 但她指出食指较短的男性不必过度焦虑。
It's made of aluminum and while it looks to be as thick as a standard pen or pencil, at 4 inches in length it's probably just a bit shorter. 它的质地是铝合金,长为4英尺(实际也许更短一些),外形酷似一只标准的钢笔或铅笔。
A television show called "Glee" may top the ratings, but nowadays blissful feelings seem to be in shorter supply than ever before. 一个名为“喜悦”的电视节目或许得到了最高评级,但是如今喜悦的感觉比以往任何时候都要短缺。
If you find yourself using comma after comma after comma, try making two (or even three) shorter sentences out of that long one. 如果你发现自己使用了好几个逗号,就要把句子截断,在分成两个或三个句子。
After his second bathroom break during the BD-Live screening of The Dark Knight, Nolan joked that he would make a shorter film next time. 在他第二次在屋宇署浴室突破现场的黑暗骑士检查,诺兰开玩笑说,他将在下次短电影。