
美 [sneɪk]英 [sneɪk]
  • v.蛇行;曲折前行;拖;拉
  • n.蜿蜒;【动】蛇;〈比喻〉奸诈之人;卑鄙之人
  • 网络贪吃蛇;贪食蛇;斯内克

复数:snakes 现在分词:snaking 过去式:snaked

venomous snake,poisonous snake


n. v.

1.蛇a reptile with a very long thin body and no legs. There are many types of snake , some of which are poisonous.


a snake (in the grass)

阴险的人;潜伏的敌人;虚假的人a person who pretends to be your friend but who cannot be trusted

人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... rainbow 彩虹 snake tiger 老虎 ...


特别版2:贪吃蛇(Snake) Virginia Reel(Continuous circuit mode),Virginia Reel 正面图与数据 90° 背面 270° 除夕特别版。祝R…


Cydia插件之《Barrel 3d翻页》:特效翻页 ... Whirl— 回旋,从四个角消失 Snake贪食蛇 Page Slide Up— 页面向上滑动 ...


我是斯内克Snake),我是一名战士,我无法了解所有人拼上性命的战斗的原因,他们为了自己的信念甘愿献出生命。然而, …


版块下周调整,数据将变更,请大家关注 -... ... Seventeam 七盟 Snake 蛇吞象 SuperFlower 振华 ...


外贸中satin和charmeuse用哪个好?_百度知道 ... 透明跟 clear heel 蛇纹 snake 珍珠沙 pearl ...




小学英语单词分类汇总_百度文库 ... elephant( 大象 大象) 大象 snake( 蛇) 蛇 bear( 熊) 熊 ...

The snake, found on just one island, sports highly desirable patterned skin that has made it a collector's item for hunters. 这种蛇只生活在这个岛上,身上图案极其漂亮的皮肤让他成为猎人收藏的珍品。
Like the legend of the snake-shaped genie who protects the gold from prospectors and holy men trying to exorcise it with tricks and prayers. 这里的晚上充满着噪声和故事。传说中蛇妖保护黄金,淘金者和虔诚的人试图用巫术和祷告来驱除妖魔。
Huge triangular snakeheads are suspended in his eyes; the tongue of the snake spit out his mouth slightest core almost touched his nose top. 一只巨大的三角型蛇头正悬浮在他的眼前,蛇嘴里丝丝吐出的舌芯几乎就碰到了他的鼻尖儿。
"If the snake had evolved the machinery that modern snakes have, it would have been able to take even bigger things, " he said. “假如这条蛇已进化成现代蛇所拥有的生理结构,它将能够吃更大的东西”,他说。
In thinking this thoughts, Siddhartha stopped once again, suddenly, as if there was a snake lying in front of him on the path. 席特哈尔塔想着这些,又一次突然停下了郐步,就好像有一条蛇横在他面前的路上。
that's a perfect description of you. you can do it, snake. but you've got to be flexible. . . adapt to each situation uniquely. 这句话用来描述你最合适不过了。灵活柔软的你能够做到,且适合任何非一般的情况。
Any of the hollow or grooved teeth of a venomous snake with which it injects its poison. 蛇的毒牙:毒蛇的中空或带钩的且常伸出喷射毒液的牙。
When they knew the kind of snake, they could give Mr Jackson the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day. 他们知道了这样的蛇,他们能给杰克逊先生正确的医学和他离开医院第二天。
So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, he lived. 摩西便制造一条铜蛇,挂在杆子上,凡被蛇咬的,一望这铜蛇,就活了。
The doctor said that this patient might have been bitten by a snake. 医生说病人可能是被蛇咬了。
Another woman, who found a snake in her Christmas tree, started a petition demanding that Helen get rid of her snakes. 另一位妇女,因为在她的圣诞树上发现了一条蛇,就发起签署一封请愿信的活动,要求海伦不再养蛇。
Sometimes, when the young man was lying in bed, he saw the snake slip in and out of his empty boots or up the sleeve of a coat he had worn. 有的时候,年轻人正躺在床上,就看见蛇爬进他的靴子里面然后又爬出来,或者爬到他的大衣袖子上。
After taking the pictures, we found a small poisonous snake baby, it moved fast, so it was difficult to take a nice picture for it. 拍照完,我们发现一条很小的毒蛇宝宝,它爬行速度非常快,所以很难拍出好的效果。
It was very sharp of him to see a shedding snake and warned the otheres. 他非常敏锐地看到了一条正在脱皮的蛇并警告别人;
They got out of the way, and the little snake went right to the Duke's tent and dropped the pearl at his feet. 他们让开了路,那条蛇径直向侯爷的帐篷爬去,把珍珠扔在他的脚上。
The next morning, he opened the drawer a crack to look at the snake's tail and was amazed to see that it had turned into human toes. 第二天早晨,当他把抽屉拉开一条缝去看那段尾巴,然而惊奇的发现尾巴变成了人的脚趾。
"Land Buddha that the beggar is justified, he said: " Well, you will become a water snake, three days in March every year to see the world. 土地菩萨觉得叫花子言之有理,便说:“好吧,你就变一条水蛇,每年三月初三去看世界。”
we're used to twists and turns like a Slytherin snake, while shocks hit the reader like a muggle seeing a flying car in the sky. 比我们以前曾看过的迂迴曲折的史来哲林巨蛇更为黑暗的阴谋,当震惊打击读者像麻瓜看到天空中的飞车一样。
The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital, and she returned home with a fever. 毒蛇咬了农夫的妻子,农夫飞快地把他妻子送到医院,农妇回家时还发着高烧。
"Has God told you that you can eat the fruit from all the trees? " the voice asked softly. Eve turned around to see a snake talking to her. “有没有上帝告诉你,你可以吃所有的树果?”的声音轻声问。除夕转身看到蛇和她说话。
It drives me crazy to think that I have not been able to snake this girl from the likes of him. 但让我气愤的是我没有能力夺得喜欢他的这个女孩的心。
See if there is any big buildings or obstacles to you, and produce geomantic learn referred to in "evil spirit" snake. 看看是否有任何大的建筑物或是障碍物对着你,并且产生风水学中所指的“暗箭煞”。
But how could he find one in such cold weather? So he decided to put the snake inside his clothes, right nest to his heart. 但在这个寒冷的冬天上哪找呢?所以他决定将蛇放到怀里,靠近他的心脏
When the snake stopped moving, the farmer put his hoe on his shoulder and went his way with a cheerful song. 当蛇再也不动了以后,农夫把锄头扛在肩上,哼着轻快的歌儿走了。
But even without the little snake incident, I knew that no matter what you did to these eggs, they would taste nothing but foul to me. 但是就算没有那次的“蟒蛇事件”,我也清楚的很:不论怎么做,它们对我来说也只会是反胃了。
When the auricles are divided but the division between the ventricles is incomplete, the human heart resembles that of the snake or turtle. 而心房之间有隔膜但心室的隔膜尚未完全形成,则这时的人类的心脏跟蛇或者乌龟的心脏很相像。
ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. 冬天,农夫发现一条蛇冻僵了,他很可怜它,便把蛇放在自己怀里。
He knew that the snake would not die before attaining the fruit of the holy word with which it had been initiated. 他知道蛇在获得自己授予的圣名的证果之前决不会死去。
And at a street fair in Central America, we see that Sara has a small, pendant-shaped scar on her shoulder in the shape of a snake. 在中美洲的一条街道集市,莎拉在她的肩上有一道小的蛇形的伤疤。
Later I moved back to my original house, and for a while saw no signs of the snake that had appeared at my door. 后来我搬回原来的住处,有好一阵子都没有再看到以前曾出现在我门前的那只蛇的踪影。