
美 [ˈswɑloʊ]英 [ˈswɒləʊ]
  • v.吞下;咽下;吞没;相信
  • n.吞;咽;燕;一次吞咽的量
  • 网络燕子;淹没

第三人称单数:swallows 现在分词:swallowing 过去式:swallowed

swallow food,swallow pill


v. n.


1.[t][i]吞下;咽下to make food, drink, etc. go down your throat into your stomach

做吞咽动作move throat muscles

2.[i](由于紧张等)做吞咽动作to move the muscles of your throat as if you were swallowing sth, especially because you are nervous

完全覆盖completely cover

3.[t][oftpass]吞没;淹没;侵吞to take sb/sth in or completely cover it so that they cannot be seen or no longer exist separately

用尽钱use up money

4.[t]~ sb/sth (up)用尽,耗尽,花光(钱等)to use up sth completely, especially an amount of money


5.[t]相信;信以为真to accept that sth is true; to believe sth


6.[t]~ sth不流露;掩饰;抑制to hide your feelings

忍受侮辱accept insults

7.[t]~ sth默默忍受(侮辱、批评等)to accept insults, criticisms, etc. without complaining or protesting


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高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下 suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. ...


踏字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 边走边唱;打拍〖 beattime〗 吞咽swallow〗 蹬〖 pressdownwiththefoot〗 ...


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... vanish vi. 消灭,不见 24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下 suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心 26. ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... seize vt 抓住;逮住;夺取 swallow vt 咽;淹没;吞没 drag vt 拖;拖曳 ...

"Farewell, then, farewell, you good, pretty little maiden, " said the swallow; and he flew out into the sunshine. “那么再会吧,再会吧,你这善良的、可爱的姑娘!”燕子说。
Hometown naive blue! The swallow eager from south fly back, in Zhan basket sky peep out so, as if in singing hymns of spring. 家乡的天真蓝啊!燕子迫不及待的从南方飞回来了,在湛篮的天空中叽叽喳喳的叫着,仿佛在唱着春天的赞歌。
The next day the little Swallow flies to the port. He looks at all the ships. In the evening he returns to the Happy Prince. 第二天,小燕子飞向港口。他注视着所有的船只。晚上,他又飞回到快乐王子身边。
The child was seized with an illness. swallow The next moment the first wave swept her down, swallowing the garden. 紧接着第一个浪头就把她打倒了。洪水吞噬了花园。
There's nothing like Kim Basinger's eager awaiting mouth ready to taste and swallow the next item Mickey Rourke has for her. 没有什么能像金·贝辛格19迫切等待的嘴一样性感,它急切的准备吞下所有米基·洛克准备给她的东西。
Ted: [On being dumped by his bride-to-be] Kids, you may think your only choices are to swallow your anger or throw it in someone's face. 特德:[在婚礼上被新娘甩了之后]孩子们,也许你们认为只有两种选择:忍气吞声或者把气撒在别人身上。
"Dear Prince, " said the Swallow, "I cannot do that" ; and he began to weep. “亲爱的王子,”燕子说,“我不能这样做,”说完就哭了起来。
The shark now had the surfer by the right thigh and appeared to be trying to swallow his leg whole. 鲨鱼现在咬住了冲浪者的右大腿,好像要把他的腿整吞了。
Swallow is a bird that has long and prong wings and a tail like a pair of scissors. 燕子是长着长长的尖翅膀,剪刀状的尾巴的可爱的鸟儿。
He reached for his tankard and took a slow swallow, to help conceal whatever might be showing on his face. 他伸出手去够他的酒杯,慢慢的吞着酒以掩饰脸上的表情。
Zeus was saved by his mother, who gave Cronus a stone dressed as a baby to swallow. 宙斯的妈妈用一个装扮成婴儿样子的石头代替他被吞掉了。
Her eyes are coloured with stibium, and her nostrils are shaped like the wings of a swallow. 她有锑色的眸子,鼻孔有如燕子的双翼。
Her condition means that she cannot walk, talk, keep her head up in bed or swallow food. 阿什利不能走路、说话,不能把头平放在床上,也不能吞咽食物。
I have to admit, I love it when KG goes bonkers, but tonight I found it a little tough to swallow. 我必须承认,我喜欢KG疯狂的样子,可今晚我却感到有点难以下咽。
and was ready to swallow up the happiness of a thousand other people with as little disturbance or change of mien. 黑夜还准备同样吞噬掉其他干万人的幸福,并且一点儿也不慌乱。
The Camarasaurus had a very good digestive system; it would swallow gizzard stones to help grind up the tough vegetation that it would eat. 卡玛拉龙有个非常强壮的消化系统,它会吞下砂石来帮助消化胃里其它坚硬的植物。
The business is like a leaf of boat in a rough sea, it may be swallow by the billow anytime when you have no preparation at all. 生意就像波涛汹涌的大海中的一页小舟,随时会在你全无准备的时候被肆虐的海浪吞噬。
We immediately began to swallow so fast that we finished our meals in one minute or two and rushed out of the dining hall. 于是,我们两个人立即狼吞虎咽,风卷残云般地吃光了盘中的饭菜;大步流星地走出了餐厅。
Take this product with at least 8 oz (a full glass) of liquid (swallow 1 capsule at a time) up to 3 times daily. 每日最多可服用三次,使用同时需饮一杯8盎司以上满杯的水或饮料,每次吞服一颗胶囊。
Change not know his opponent, fragrance swallow medicine, the body immediately Piaochi ground broken window, flew to the sky. 嫦娥知道自己不是他的对手,嫦娥吞下药,身子立时飘离地面、冲出窗口,向天上飞去。
"I think the more attention you draw to it, the worse it becomes, so it's better just to shut up and swallow your pride, " he said. 我想你越是在意那些事,那只会让事情变得更糟,所以还是闭上嘴,咽下那口气吧。
So the Swallow picked out the great ruby from the Prince's sword, and flew away with it in his beak over the roofs of the town. 于是燕子从王子的宝剑上取下那颗硕大的红宝石,用嘴衔着,越过城里一座连一座的屋顶,朝远方飞去。
Oh, god. Just the sight of him. Heart pounding. Throat . Absolutely can't swallow. Oh, usual symptoms. 哦,天呐。只要看他一眼,心跳加速,喉咙发紧,无法呼吸。唉~又犯老毛病了。
And she swallow her words, accompany with him in silence, share the happy moment, and grow up with him, day after day. 她明白这一点,所以,她什么都没说,默默的陪在他身边,和他一起分享,一起成长。
Swallow, the world's smallest cow "It's been a fantastic year for record breaking, " he said. 他说:“这将会是破吉尼斯纪录极不可思议的一年。”
To her bird companion she said, "Dear swallow, please deliver this news to my mother. " 王子对她的鸟同伴说道:“亲爱的小燕子,请将这个消息告诉我的母亲。”
They grasped at strangers and familiar faces alike, as if waiting for the earth to open up and swallow them again. 他们无论对陌生人还是熟人都紧抓不放,似乎在等待大地开裂再次把他们吞没。
"I will stay with you always, " said the Swallow, and he slept at the Prince's feet. “我要一直陪着你,”燕子说着就睡在了王子的脚下。
He asked him to swallow a stray body gems, gold take the matter to the suffering of people share. 他请求一只离群的小燕子把他身上的宝石、镀金拿去给苦难的人分享。
As flexible as a swallow, as fierce as a lion, it poured down from the sky and baptized me with a shower of happiness and refreshment. 如燕般轻灵,如狮般勇猛,它从天而降,给予我议常欢快和自由的洗礼。