the thing

  • 网络怪形;怪形前传;突变第三型

the thingthe thing

the thing


怪形The thing) 极度战栗 (KISS OR KILL) 邪灵复活(十字架-美丽尤物) (THE HAUNTING OF MORELLA) 13猛鬼 (Th…


1109 怪形前传(the thing )第 《怪形前传》海报,剧照 - - 糖 第一电影网资讯 致敬老牌科幻恐怖经典 《怪形 时尚服装 …


突变第三型》(The Thing)…南极科考队冰原遭遇外星生物入侵《漆黑一片》(Pitch Black)…外星球上生活在黑夜中的异形生命 …


极度惊恐》(The Thing)根据1982年John Carpenter导演的同名恐怖影片(The Thing)改编而成,20年后的今天它渐渐走 …


极地诡变》(The thing)观后感(微捏)订阅 作品资料夹 未分类 (5) 作者:渴求翅膀的猫│2011-10-19 12:39:47│赞助:2│人气…


  石头人The Thing),他是“神奇四侠”的成员。他外表是以橙色的石头组成,富有幽默感。


但是,赖雅坚决不要孩子,他称孩子为“东西(The Thing)”。爱玲最终是听从了赖雅的要求。


Topic 2 He is playing soccer on the... ... Phone number( 联系方式) Found:The thing( 被发现的物品) Where( 物品现存地) ...

But the thing I found most impressive was the way the film managed to make you feel exactly what it was like to grow up in real poverty. 但我最受感动的是,电影使你真实地体会到在穷苦中长大会是什么样子。
It hurt me more. . . but I gonna have to let you go. All the thing that you did, I will never be able to forgive you. . . I'm so sorry. 这伤害我太深了…但是我不得不让你走。你所做的一切,我永远都无法原谅你。我很抱歉。
As the old man looked over the thing in the yard that were to be sold, he stopped at a box of golden balls for Christmas trees. 当这个老人在院子里环顾这些要被卖掉的东西时,他在一箱用于装饰圣诞树的金色小球前驻足。
Everything is, as it were, in a space of possible atomic facts; I can think of this space as empty, but not of the thing without the space. 正如假设,每件事物处于一个可能的原子事实空间之中;我可以想象这样的空间为空,却无法想象一个无原子事实空间可依的事物。
It's just as natural for him to pick up the thing as fou you to throw it away! 翻译耸耸肩说:别在意,他捡这玩意儿跟你扔这玩意儿一样自然!
See, the thing is, all these attributes will come naturally when you know exactly what you're looking for in a woman. 知道了吗,答案很简单,所有这些特点在你明确追求你想要的爱人过程中会自然而然的拥有。
So this isn't an inconsistent term it is consistent throughout even if it's the sort of the thing you would be removing. 这是个不一致的术语,这一直是一致的,即使这是种你要去除的东西。
Bulkhead is a bit of a bruiser. He likes using his "wrecking ball" hand weapon and is rather like the Thing from the Fantastic Four. 挡板身材粗壮,喜欢应用他的“破坏性的球”拳头武器,相似于神奇四侠。
If it had not been for that thought, the thing would never have appeared. 如果没有这些思想,这些东西将永远也不会出现。
The thing was to find out how we stood. We emptied our pockets quickly and began to whack it up. 现在要做的是看看究竟还有多少钱,我们很快掏空了衣袋,把钱分成几份。
In the whole process, what most impressed me was that the game of " look for the thing collectively" and " the great wall" . 在整个过程中,给我印象最深的是“集体寻物”和“万里长城”这两个游戏。
Hence I cooperate to pull a cordage with him, the thing in the bottom of river the gradual son Long Be near the shore to come. 于是我和他合力拉着绳子,把河底中的东西渐渐儿拢近岸来。
l think you a bit the thing be to cheat mine. but I still believe you to have not cheat I. hope you to can do and get. 对于这件事情我觉得你有点骗我了。但我依然愿意去相信你没有骗我。希望你能去做为了得到那个结果。
But the thing is, as long as you don't do something gratuitously stupid or make a flagrant nuisance of yourself, nobody's going to stop you. 但是关键是,只要你不无缘无故地做蠢事,也不要让自己变得臭名昭著,没有人会阻止你。
Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman, he thought. But that was the thing that I was born for. 或许我不应该成为一个渔夫,他想。但是那是我生来的源由。
The thing that always struck me as I learned about the psychological theories of learning and development was the innocence of the child. 当我了解了心理学上的学习和发展理论后,最触动我的就是孩童的天真。
not certain . like be like good person not to have good cable certainly , the thing of existence may be very unreasonable. 不一定的。就好象好人不一定有好报一样,存在的东西可能是很不合理的。
Many of them seem to me to have read somebody else's report and then they wanted to be in the thing and made it up. 对我来说,他们中的许多似乎读过别人的报告,接着他们想要我介入此事来讲和。
The thing with feathers has turned out to be my nephew. I must take him to a specialist in Zurich. 结果发现,长羽毛的是我外甥,我得带他去苏黎世找位专家看看。
They, on the other side, told the whole order of the thing. And when he saw the wagons and all that he had sent his spirit revived. 及至他们将若瑟对他们所说的话,全讲给他听,他又看了若瑟打发来接他的车辆,他们的父亲雅各伯的心神才苏醒过来。
What was impossible for her to have was the thing we had no idea of. 我们想象不出还有什么东西是她所办不到的。
The thing is, if I had never sat down at the kitchen table and started HowStuffWorks, none of that would have been able to happen for me. 事实是,如果我从未在厨房的桌子边坐下来开始这个网站,上述这些都不会发生在我身上。
SIMON: That's the thing. He said he was bad at maths. 西蒙:是这样的,他说他不擅长数学。
The bustling streets of Seoul, I do not know, but forced himself in time, blurring the line of sight of the thing called. 首尔街道的繁华,我看不清楚,却在强制自己的时候,模糊了一种叫视线的东西。
But it was the game that got the ball rolling, the thing that finally convinced me that fitness is more about attitude than weight. 然而,游戏只是一个开端,最终它使我确信,健身中态度远比体重更关键。
Here's the thing, even if I could get it together enough to ask a woman out, whom am I going to ask? 问题是,即便我鼓足勇气去邀请某个女人,我又该去邀请谁呢?
She was competent, she did her job, but the thing about her that stood out was her legs and those shorts. 她工作认真负责,干劲儿十足,但最突出的仍是她短裙下的那双美腿。
And therefore, in recounting the numbers of those who have been killed in battle, I cannot but think you have said the thing which is not. 这样,我再重新计算一下在战争中伤亡的人数,我只能认为你所说的事实属乌有。
Would like to ask you a favor, that is, what trouble you to help him to stay there after the thing. 想请你帮个忙,就是麻烦你帮忙一下他到那边后的住宿事情。
The thing I was talking to my wife about, she's a gymnast, and I said to her, 'I shouldn't be in pain at all. 我和我妻子谈论这事的时候——她是个体操运动员——我对她说,‘我根本就不应该觉得疼的。