go to sleep

  • na.入睡
  • 网络睡着;去睡觉;睡着了

go to sleepgo to sleep

go to sleep


大学英语四级常用词组 ... skim over 掠过,擦过;浏览 go to sleep 入睡,睡着 slide into 不知不觉地沾染上… ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... skim over 掠过,擦过;浏览 go to sleep 入睡,睡着 slide into 不知不觉地沾染上… ...


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... be terrified of 被惊吓 go to sleep 去睡觉 on 在 ...


高一英语必修一词组归纳 ... 77.can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事 78.go to sleep 睡着了 79.for company 做伴 ;一起 ...


【拜吧】Hush_普洪吧_百度贴吧 ... Hush down now( 现在安静下来) Go to sleep去睡吧) H H H Hush( 安静下来) ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... sleep 睡觉,睡眠 go to sleep 上床睡觉; a residence in the country 在乡间的住处 ...


POPOLOOK_新浪博客 ... flitting round his eyes 在它眼前轻快的飞 go to sleep 去睡觉吧 don’t you cry 不要哭泣 ...

he looked at me, and I knew that he knew who I was. And then he closed his eyes as if he would go to sleep. 他看着我,我知道他一定知道我是谁,然后他闭上了他的眼睛,就像他睡着了一样。
Gradually adjusting your schedule like this usually works better than suddenly trying to go to sleep an hour earlier. 像这样逐步的调整就寝的时间往往比突然一下子早睡一个时间效果更好。
After blow-drying your hair at night, put it up in a high, loose bun on the top of your head, secure with a clip, then go to sleep. 晚上吹干头发后,将头发在头顶挽成一个松松的发髻,再用卡子固定好,就可以放心去睡大觉了。
he said at last in savage tones . " you know i don t like being bored . lets go to sleep , or things ll take a nasty turn . " 他终于用粗暴的声音说道,“你知道,我不喜欢人家来烦我睡觉吧,再争论下去就没有好结果了。”
And I said, oh yeah, I'll try to write a mantra that she can sing to herself to help herself go to sleep. 我说,没问题,我会写一段魔语,她一唱起来就容易入眠了。
Often she would lie very still in her bed, trying to go to sleep, while six feet away her roommate and boyfriend were making love. 她常常会安静的躺在床上,试着想睡觉,而在另一边室友与男友在做爱。
Around 6: 00 in the evening it wants to go to sleep and starts to store up the sugars (glycogen) to be used for the next day. 大约在晚上6点时它想要休息,以便开始储存各类糖份(以转化为肝糖原)以供第二天使用。
He lay down on the couch and tried to go to sleep, so as to forget all that had happened to him, but he could not do so. 他半躺半卧地倚靠在长沙发上想睡一觉,好忘掉他所发生的事情,但是他却办不到。
The children usually go to bed at half past eight and go to sleep about ten minutes afterwards. 孩子们通常八点半上床,大约十分钟后就睡着。
Now, this old woman was a good fairy in disguise and when the baker had done speaking she told him not to be troubled but to go to sleep. 实际上,这位老妇人是个好心肠的仙女装成的。面包师说完后,她让他别难过了,只管回去睡觉吧。
And soon I shall go to sleep, and die as they call it, but I shall wake up with beautiful wings to fly with, like a butterfly. 但是当我醒来就会拥有美丽的翅膀去飞,就像一个蝴蝶。
And that kind of attitude permeates my life from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. 每天,从早上睁开眼到晚上睡觉前,这种态度充斥着我的生活。
If you think about the information before you go to sleep, you might be able to rember it better . 如果你在睡觉之前温习你的信息,你会更好的记住它。
If you've got papers strewn around or you bring your laptop to bed, you bring that stress with you when you go to sleep. 如果你的卧室里到处都是文件或者你把手提电脑带到了床上,那你就等于是带着那份压力入睡的。
And if he was very tired, he would close his eyes and go to sleep under the doll's blanket. 如果他累得不行了,他会闭上眼睛盖着洋娃娃的毯子睡觉。
He did not respond when the judge harangued him, would look at none of the evidence against him, and pretended to go to sleep. 法官拿不处什么证据,只是喋喋不休地向他发问,而他假装睡着,以沉默应答。
I lay in bed to sleep, think of nothing, nothing whatever, go to sleep, let me temporarily forget the girl for a while. 好想躺在床上就此睡一觉,什么也不想,什么也不管,进入梦乡,让我暂时忘记丫头一会儿。
The instruction was that nobody be allowed to go to sleep until further orders. (表语从句)指示要求,任何人不得在接到进一步的命令之前去睡觉。
Yesterday, one of my classmates told me that he spent four hours in the night on his homework. He couldn't go to sleep until midnight. 昨天,我的一个同学告诉我前一天晚上他花了四个小时写作业,直到半夜才睡觉。
I stayed up in time. You just to say "don't too tired. Go to sleep early. . . " The telephone. Will sweet smile. . . But darling to sleep. 我在熬夜的时候…接到你只为了说声“不要太累。早点睡了…”的电话。会甜甜的笑着…而且乖乖的去睡…
When I ask who the boy is, a servant tells me that he is going to blow the town up, and I go to sleep in terror. 我问那个男孩是谁时,仆人告诉我,男孩将要把整个镇给炸翻,吓得我睡觉都害怕。
As a child you may have worried that there was a monster under your bed when it was time to go to sleep at night. 作为一个孩子,在晚上睡觉你可能担心有一只怪物在你的床下。
Then one night, just before Bear was ready to go to sleep for the winter, he smashed the granary door. 然而有一晚,就在熊准备为冬天睡觉之前,它撞碎了谷仓的门。
He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the door. 他告诉我有天夜里他睡不着觉,因为他听见从酒吧那儿传来一阵奇怪的声音。
At last, towards night, she utterly exhausted. I persuaded her to go to sleep and she fell sound asleep at once. 到深夜的时候,她终于完全没有力气了,我劝她睡觉,她马上就睡着了,而且睡得很沉。
We'll eat a great feast before we go to sleep, and that will keep us full all day tomorrow. -Feast? What feast? 我们将在我们睡觉之前好好地吃上一顿丰富的,这样我们明天一整天就不必挨饿了。-什么,丰富的一餐?
Your eyes are at work from the moment you wake up to the moment you close them to go to sleep. 你的眼睛从你此刻醒来你的片刻起是在工作中关他们去睡觉。
I've never had a problem with it though, since when I'm too sleepy to keep reading, I can just put the book down and go to sleep. 我一点都不排斥在床上看书,当我太困了以至于无法继续看书时,我就会把书放到一边,倒头就睡。
So you used to go to sleep with a football and wake up with it in the morning. 那么你曾经和一个足球一起入睡,早上抱着它醒来。
For 40 years I'd wake up and go to sleep with him in my mind. 40年来,我每天早上醒来,每天晚上睡下时都会想到他。