north korea

  • n.【国】朝鲜;北朝鲜;朝鲜民主主义人民共和国;位于亚洲东部
  • 网络韩国;C-朝鲜;朝鲜共和国

north koreanorth korea

north korea


世界国家英文名称_百度文库 ... 美 ['?nd??] 朝鲜 North Korea 老挝 Laos ...


首页-世界纸币淘宝店-淘宝网 ... 朝鲜 KOREA 北朝鲜 NORTH KOREA 韩国 SOUTH KOREA ...


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Africa News Monitor ... 地方: 韩国 South Korea 地方: 韩国 North Korea 地方: 中国 China ...


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转 历史双语词汇表... ... 大韩民国 South Korea 朝鲜共和国 North Korea 朝鲜战争 Korean War ...


HELP 请问... ... 朝鲜人民民主主义共和国→北高丽North Korea) 大韩民国→南高丽( South Korea) ...


航海及海运专业英语词汇(N3) ... north geomagnetic pole 北地磁极 North Korea 原北朝鲜 north latitude 北纬 ...

"Every time you do these scenarios, one of the first objectives is trying to find out what's going on inside North Korea. " 布什政府前亚洲顾问迈克尔J•格林表示,“每当你想分析一下当前情况,最先要做的是搞清楚朝鲜内部正在发生什么。”
"North Korea should take a step forward toward the dismantlement of its nuclear weapons, " he said. “北朝鲜应该向销毁其核武器迈进一步,”他说。
South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman Chun Hae-sung says North Korea is ready to talk about the Kaesong Industrial Complex. 韩国统一部发言人千海成说,北韩已经准备好讨论开城工业园区。
They did not agree about North Korea, or much else. But at least they avoided a row. 两国并未在朝鲜及很多其他问题上取得一致意见。但是,至少他们避免了争端。
Washington says it believes that North Korea is operating at least one more uranium enrichment site than Pyongyang has so far acknowledged. 华盛顿方面称朝鲜正在运行的铀浓缩设施比平壤到目前为止所承认的至少多一处。
Designed as an act of deterrence against North Korea, it has turned into something of a battle of wills with China. 演习的本意是威慑朝鲜,但实际上已变得有点像是与中国的意气之争。
While those tensions seem to have eased , the United States' nuclear disarmament deal with North Korea is also a concern. 紧张局势看起来减轻了不少,美国处理北韩的核裁军问题仍然备受关注。
Amid reports of a major political gathering in North Korea, communist history suggests post-Kim moderation is possible. 在有关朝鲜重要政权集会的报道中,共产主义的历史显示后金正日时代有可能出现温和路线
North Korea, a nuclear-armed state, seems to be increasingly unstable. What can the big powers do about it? 拥有核武器的朝鲜越发处于的不稳定状态。各大国对此有何高招呢?
His image in North Korea was one of a hero in the typical manner of the dictator's cult of personality. 而他在朝鲜的形象则被塑造成了一个英雄——独裁者搞个人崇拜的典型方式。
But he says any exhaust from such a small test could be very difficult to detect, and North Korea says there was no such exhaust. 但他也指出,任何从这么小的一个试验中排放出的气体都是很难被探测到的,而朝鲜也声称此次实验没有排放这样的气体。
Within a week I had decided to send Patriot missiles to South Korea and to ask the UN to impose economic sanctions against North Korea. 一周之内,我决定在韩国部署爱国者导弹,并要求联合国对朝鲜实施经济制裁。
Although the agreement obligates North Korea to abandon its nuclear programs, Hill said, the other five parties also have made commitments. 他说,9月19日的协议要求北韩放弃核计划,不过其他五方也已做出相应承诺。
That's an extreme step, but the nightmare would be if Iran simply decided to save time and buy a nuclear weapon or two from North Korea. 这是一种极端的做法,然而可怕的情景还是伊朗决定节省时间,从朝鲜那里购买一到两个核武器。
The White House said North Korea appeared to be telling the truth, an assessment shared by China and South Korea. 白宫表示,朝鲜所言似乎属实,这一看法也得到了中国和韩国的认同。
Now Chinese scholars and officials do indeed seem to be sending strong signals to North Korea that enough is enough. 现在中国的学者和官员似乎确实正在向北朝鲜发出强烈的信号---凡事要适可而止!
Al Gore is back in the news today because President Obama is saying he might send him to North Korea to negotiate with Kim Jong-Il. 阿尔·戈尔今天上新闻了,因为奥巴马总统说可能会让他去朝鲜和金正日协商。
And let me go onto a problem that has vexed us over the last two years and particularly in the last several months, namely North Korea. 让我来谈谈在过去两年,特别是过去几个月来困扰我们的一个问题,那就是北韩。
Even after Chinese forces began moving into North Korea a few weeks later, CIA analysts failed to understand what that movement meant. 即使在中国军队进入朝鲜几个星期后,中情局的分析员也没整明白中国军队的调动是什么意思。
Sin on Tuesday insisted that North Korea be allowed to conduct its own investigation of the site, a request so far refused by the South. 申善浩周二坚持说,应当允许朝鲜自己对现场进行调查。这一要求目前为止不为韩国同意。
Wen Jiabao, China's premier, can hail his visit to North Korea as a bit of a diplomatic coup. 中国总理温家宝可以欣然将其朝鲜之旅视为外交上的一种“出奇”之胜。
Kim noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of a friendship and cooperation treaty between North Korea and China, Xinhua reported. 据新华社报道,金正日强调,今年是北朝鲜与中国签订《友好互助条约》50周年纪念日。
North Korea would probably not be a nuclear power today if China had been prepared to exert more pressure on it in the past. 如果过去中国准备对朝鲜施加更多的压力,那么今天的朝鲜就不会成为一个有核国家。
China, for one, has so far sided with North Korea's protestation that this was a satellite launch, pure and simple. 中国,目前为止单方面支持朝鲜的抗议,认同朝鲜发射的是一颗卫星,动机简单纯粹。
But, as Mr. Wu said, "The resources are plentiful, North Korea has tax incentives, it was a perfect situation. " 然而,正如周福仁所说,“朝鲜资源丰富,还有税收优惠,当时的形势非常好。”
And I cannot believe that the Chinese should, in a mature fashion, not find it in their interest to restrain North Korea. 我无法相信,中方竟不能以成熟的态度,意识到约束朝鲜符合中国自己的利益。
' He said the international community won't accept North Korea 'unless it verifiably abandons its pursuit of nuclear weapons. 他说,除非朝鲜能切实放弃对核武器的追求,否则它将不被国际社会接受。
Clinton praised Chinese cooperation in dealing with North Korea's nuclear weapons but said the path ahead would not always be easy. 克林顿赞扬中国在处理北朝鲜的核武器上的合作态度,同时表示接下来的路并不好走。
HE MAY be a few pixels short of a picture these days, but as an auctioneer North Korea's nuclear-capable Kim Jong Il is without peer. 这些天他的相片上可能是少了一些像素,但是作为一名拍卖师,拥有朝鲜核能力的金正日是无人可比的。
They argue North Korea's unexpectedly strong announcement that it would never again attend six-party talks forms part of that strategy. 这些分析人士辩称,朝方有关永远不再参加六方会谈的异常强烈的声明,构成这种策略的一部分。