
美 [ˈnetˌwɜrk]英 [ˈnetˌwɜː(r)k]
  • v.联播;将…连接成网络;建立工作关系
  • 网络网路;网状物;电视台风云

复数:networks 现在分词:networking 过去式:networked

wide network,international network,extensive network,efficient network,worldwide network
develop network,operate network


n. v.;网状系统a complicated system of roads, lines, tubes, nerves, etc. that cross each other and are connected to each other

2.关系网;人际网;相互关系(或配合)的系统a closely connected group of people, companies, etc. that exchange information, etc.

3.(互联)网络a number of computers and other devices that are connected together so that equipment and information can be shared

4.广播网;电视网a group of radio or television stations in different places that are connected and that broadcast the same programmes at the same time


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The path can be to a folder on your local computer or to any folder available on your local area network. 路径可以指向本地计算机上的文件夹,还可以指向局域网上可用的任何文件夹。
More funny scene took place in 3 minutes, Amir cross Road Closed Area, Zhao Peng rescue when the ball rebounded onto Scott network. 更为搞笑的一幕发生在3分钟后,埃米尔横传禁区中路,赵鹏解围时将球踢在斯科特身上反弹入网。
While it may seem obvious, my additional advice once tools are available is to actually listen to what the network is trying to tell you! 虽然似乎很明显,但我还是要指出,在工具可用后,应该准确地了解网络的情况。
To learn about the differences between the standards and select the right one for your network, click here for an easy-to-understand chart. 了解之间的差异的标准,并选择正确的您的网络,请点击这里为易于理解的图表。
But it did not allow for the blocking of network in the preceding study of the way-network capacity and the time flow. 而以往对交通网络系统中路网容量和时间流问题的研究,都没有考虑到网络堵塞的情况。
LastPass reported last month that it had noticed some odd behavior in its network traffic logs and might have suffered an online break-in. LastPass上个月报告说,它已经在其网络流量记录中注意到一些奇怪的行为,而且有可能遭到黑客的网络攻击。
"Inductive network " the company thinks, their each situation that studies the object is stridden , found a new human lab in the help. “感应网络”公司认为,他们的研究对象迈出的每一步,都在帮助创建一个新的人性实验室。
Known as the network checker, this plug-in performs network socket open operations to any host or port specified in the properties file. 作为网络检查程序,该插件针对在属性文件中指定的任意主机或端口执行网络套接字打开操作。
Any station in a network can be accessed over the air by any of the remote user interface methods described above. 在一个网络的任何的车站能在空气之上被在上面被描述的任何一个遥远使用者接口方法所存取。
A virus that replicates itself by resending itself as an e-mail attachment or as part of a network message is known as a worm. 一个病毒复制了自己resending本身作为电子邮件附件或作为网络的一部分,信息是被称为一种蠕虫病毒。
Those concerns have been heightened by Google's move to go public with its objections after it investigated the breach of its network. 谷歌调查到网络被攻破后公开表达抗议,让上述担忧进一步加剧。
I wish my younger brother would desist from playing network games all day, otherwise he would have to discontinue his study. 但愿我的弟弟别再整天玩网络游戏了,否则,他将无法完成学业。
Therefore the total unraveled length of a network can be shortened by adding nodes to it! 由此,网络的总展开长度在增加节点后反而得以缩短!
Or she tells him the computer or network did not work when she said she will send him a E-Mail. 告诉他或她的计算机或网络不工作时,她说她会送他一个电子邮件。
The Axis 205's low price and easy set-up makes it a good choice if you want to set up multiple indoor network cameras. Axis205价格低,安装简单,如果你想同时安装多个室内网络摄像机,这是个不错的选择。
But now a laboratory in Cambridge, England, has found a way to turn a hacker's screen instantly blank if he infiltrates the network. 不过如今一家位于英国剑桥的实验室已找到法子让渗入网络的黑客一无所获。
The trained neural network model of this system, network model after training of can be able to predict water quality of the breeding ponds. 该系统训练后的神经网络模型,能实现对养殖池塘水质的预测。
These tools are extremely helpful when trying to determine the root cause of network performance problems. 当您尝试确定导致网络性能问题的根本原因时,这些工具将会非常有帮助。
Although the study found a link between human brain structure and online social network size, it did not test cause and effect. 虽然研究发现人类大脑的结构和在线社交网络规模之间存在联系,它没有测试出这其中的因果关系。
It is further desirable for the system and method to be easy to deploy and configured compared with prior network scaling techniques. 还希望该系统和方法相比于现有网络升级技术容易布置和配置。
This new and innovative network is all about helping children develop positive social and spiritual skills at a young age. 这种新颖和创新的网络,完全是为了帮助培养孩子早期的社交与心灵技能。
In one, the client sits on a server of its own and commands a network file server to back up to a locally attached storage device. 其中一个就是,客户位于自己的服务器上,并命令网络文件服务器备份到本地连接的存储设备。
Specifies the network address for the mirror server of a mirrored pair whose principal server is at the next_hop_address. 指定镜像对的镜像服务器的网络地址,镜像对的主体服务器位于next_hop_address。
Supported. If you do not know your proxy settings, check with your network administrator. 不支持,如果你不知道你的代理设置,与你的网络管理员协商。
Oddly enough, despite the youth-skewed demographics, they seek out parenting info more than users of any other network. 奇怪的是,虽然他们的年龄都比较年轻,但是他们对生育类的信息需求要比其他社交网络的用户大。
Sync-It with Atom is a network time protocol client that calibrates the system time of your computer with a timeserver on the Internet. 同步,它与原子是一个网络时间协议客户端校正系统的时间,您的计算机与时间服务器在互联网上。
Since it is limited to a single machine you need a powerful database server and a storage array network for it to be effective. 因为它仅限于单个机器,所以想要让它有效率,你需要强大的数据库服务器和存储阵列网络。
In the examples above, the company with all the overlapping clusters had grown their messaging network organically over the years. 在上面的示例中,所有集群相互重叠的公司的消息传递网络是经过多年逐渐发展起来的。
Prior to the sixth edition, he had tried to stay out of that fray and rely on his network of friends to defend his ideas. 在第六版之前,他一直都在试图避免这些争论,依靠自己的朋友圈来捍卫自己的思想。
Component allows you to watch for changes in files and directories on your system or on any computer to which you have network access. 组件可以监视您系统上或您拥有网络访问权限的任何计算机上的文件和目录中的更改。