
美 [ˈnukliər]英 [ˈnjuːkliə(r)]
  • adj.原子能的;核能的;核武器的;核子的
  • n.核武器主义者
  • 网络原子核的;核心的;中心的

nuclear station,nuclear weapon,nuclear war,nuclear explosion,nuclear disarmament


1.原子能的;核能的using, producing or resulting from nuclear energy

2.核武器的connected with weapons that use nuclear energy

3.核子的;原子核的of the nucleus (= central part) of an atom


英语词汇的奥秘 ... consular 领事的 nuclear 核子的 insular 海岛的,岛形的 ...


2013高考大纲英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... nowhere ad. 任何地方都不 nuclear a. 原子核的;核心的 nut n. 论 果 ...


PETS4词汇_百度知道 ... 400. nonsense n. 胡说,冒失的行动 401. nuclear a. 核子的,核能的 402. nucleus n. 核 ...


高一英语词汇表 ... engine n. 发动机 nuclear adj. 核子的;原子能的 economy n. 经济;节约 ...


【免费下载】考研英语词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... attempt n. 尝试 nuclear adj. 核心的 informally adv. 非正式地 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... weapons n. 武器 nuclear adj. [核]核子的, 原子能的, 核的, 中心的 pox n. [医]发疹的疾病, 痘, 疹, 瘟疫 ...

He said the nuclear reactor was intact and radiation levels were normal. 目前核反应堆工作正常,潜艇内的辐射指标符合标准。
Lee Grodzins supervised my senior thesis in nuclear physics and provided me with a wonderful research experience and with his friendship. 李·格罗津斯指导我做核物理的毕业论文,教给我宝贵的研究经验,也给了我许多友爱。
He said the province has focused on clean solutions by developing solar power, windmills, bio-fuels and nuclear plants. 罗省长说,海南省高端重视开发利用清洁能源,包括太阳能,风能,生物质能源以及核能。
And yet Taylor's story began much like David Hahn's, with a brilliant, high-flying child hatching a crazy plan to build a nuclear reactor. 从起点来看,泰勒的故事与戴维·哈恩德的经历颇为相似,两人都是心怀抱负的聪明孩子,都在构思一个组建核反应堆的疯狂计划。
The time it takes to plan and build a nuclear power station tends to be longer than most politicians are in power. 设计和建造一家核电厂花去的时间要比大部分政治家掌权的时间要多。
But America is still uncertain which is worse: to let Iran go nuclear , or to try to stop it by force. 但哪种情况更糟,美国还是摇摆不定:即要么让伊朗发展核武,还是用武力去阻止它。
He is said to be spoiled and belligerent, precisely the kind of man you don't want to have with a small nuclear arsenal at his disposal. 据说这位小王子是被宠坏的并且是好斗的,正是你不想让一个小型核武库由他处置的那种人。
He said the upgrade, a month after the nuclear accident, 'does not show that we delayed or underestimated the nuclear situation. ' 对此菅直人表示,核事故发生一个月后上调事故等级并不意味着我们的应急措施存在延误或是我们低估了核危机的严重性。
It seems to me not true to write that Italy is " trying to reduce [its] dependence on nuclear electricity" . 依我看来,意大利“正在试图减少对核能发电的依赖”这并不是事实。
In an editorial it pointed out that this is the first time nuclear power plants have been hit by an earthquake or tsunami. 该报在一篇社论中指出,这是核电站首次遭到地震或海啸的破坏。
Massive stars normally die when they run out of material to sustain nuclear fusion, and all that's left in their cores is inert iron. 大质量恒星死亡时,它们通常运行的材料进行维持核聚变,以及所有在其核心的左边是惰性铁。
The disaster led to a review of the country's energy policy that has left less than a quarter of its remaining nuclear plants still in use. 这场灾难也让日本重新审视其能源政策,目前只有不到四分之一的核电站在使用。
One way to see this is to compare the energy of a nuclear blast to that of the rotational motion of the Earth. 有一种方法可以说清楚这个问题:即把核爆炸的能量与地球转动的能量作一次比较。
All this is necessary because, despite its name, "spent" nuclear fuel still has something of a kick. 所有这一切都是必须要做的,因为虽然就名义上而言是用过的“乏燃料”,但它们仍具有一定的危险性。
The land-based nuclear reactor became fully operational in 1970 and was ready to be fitted on the submarine. 陆基核反应炉在1970年实现完全运行并准备好在潜艇上安装。
On July 13th Mr Kan said he wants Japan to reduce nuclear power on safety grounds, if not to get rid of it altogether. 7月13日菅直人表示如果不是全部取消,他想日本在安全基础上减少使用核能。
A PET-CT scan is an amazing bit of nuclear medicine. It enables very specific diagnoses to be made. It is state of the art medicine. PET-CT检查是核医学家族的神奇一员。它使精确诊断称为可能,这是医学上最新成果。
It has no diplomatic relations and talks about the North's nuclear capabilities have ground to a halt. 美国与朝鲜没有外交关系,有关朝鲜核计划的谈判已经陷入僵局。
I was 14, and circulating petitions and selling buttons was one thing; sailing into a nuclear test zone was quite another. 对于才14岁的我来说,循环情愿卖徽章什么的是一回事,坐船去核试验区域就是另一回事了。
Earlier, the head of the United Nations nuclear agency said the situation was still very serious at the plant. 此前,联合国原子能机构负责人表示,福岛核电站的形势仍然非常危险。
Nuclear explosions are measured in kilotons , an energy release equivalent to that of thousands of tons of TNT. 核弹的爆炸威力通常是以千吨计,亦即释放出相当于千吨黄色炸药的能量。
We view nuclear energy as a very important component to the overall portfolio we're trying to build for a clean energy future. 我们把核能视为我们正在努力建设的总体结构的一个重要部分,以建立一个清洁能源的未来。
And let me be unequivocal: Iran has the same absolute right to a peaceful nuclear programme, civil nuclear programme, as any other country. 让我说的更清楚点就是:伊朗当然有权进行和平的核项目,民用核项目,就如同其他国家一样。
Whether a country should have nuclear weapons or not should be a question of ethics, not of politics. 一个国家是否该拥有核武器应该是个道德问题,而非政治问题。
China is ready to continue playing a positive role for the comprehensive, long-term and proper settlement of the Iranian nuclear issue. 中方愿继续为全面、长期、妥善解决伊朗核问题发挥积极作用。
Russia also built Iran's first nuclear power plant and is actively trying to build other nuclear power facilities abroad. 俄罗斯还为伊朗建立了第一个核电厂,并积极在海外建立其它的核电设施。
"Jagland said the committee attached special importance to his " vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons. 亚格兰还说,他们格外重视奥巴马总统有关“一个没有核武器的世界”的愿景和努力。
Iran has also pledged to ship some low-enriched uranium out of the country to prove it is not trying to make nuclear weapons. 伊朗亦已保证要将一些低浓缩铀运往国外,证明自己并不试图生产核子武器。
Ukraine's stockpile of HEU, which Gibbs estimated to be at least 90 kilograms, is "enough to construct several nuclear weapons. " 据吉布斯估计,乌克兰的高浓缩铀库存量至少在90公斤以上,足以用来制造数枚核武器。
The push comes at a time Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government is trying to seal a civil nuclear fuel agreement with the United States. 这个倡议是在辛格政府试图和美国达成一项民用核燃料协议的同时提出的。