
美 [nɑd]英 [nɒd]
  • v.点头;点头致意;点头示意;(朝…方向)点头(表示所谈论的人或物)
  • n.点头
  • 网络非肥胖型糖尿病(non-obese diabetic);打瞌睡;点头表示

过去式:nodded 第三人称单数:nods 现在分词:nodding



v. n.

1.[i][t]点头if younod ,nod your head or your headnods , you move your head up and down to show agreement, understanding, etc.

2.[i][t]点头致意;点头示意to move your head down and up once to say hello to sb or to give them a sign to do sth

3.[i]+ adv./prep.(朝…方向)点头(表示所谈论的人或物)to move your head in the direction of sb/sth to show that you are talking about them/it

4.[i]打盹;打瞌睡to let your head fall forward when you are sleeping in a chair


have a nodding acquaintance with sb/sth

与…有点头之交;对…略知一二to only know sb/sth slightly


网络用语大全 ... msg Message, 消息,信息。 nod 点头(动作)。 nr 脑弱。 ...

非肥胖型糖尿病(non-obese diabetic)

...ID突变( Prkdc scid ) 基因被移转至non-obese diabetic(NOD)的小鼠, Prkdc scid 基因位於第十六对染色体上,转译为DNA-ac…


打字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 打开龙头〖 widen〗 打瞌睡nod;dozeoff〗 打揢,打揢儿〖 pause〗 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... nobody 没有人 nod 点(头);点头表示 noise 噪声,吵嚷声,杂音 ...


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... doze( 瞌睡,打盹儿); nod打盹,瞌睡); colossal( 巨大的,庞大 …


天龙八部2动作表情代码大全-766天龙八部2 ... jump1- 高兴地跳了起来。 nod1- 你点了点头。 fear0- 你露出恐惧的表情。 ...


新概念第二册单词表(附音标)_百度知道 ... god 神,上帝,偶像 nod 点头,低头 food 食物,养料 ...

With a nod of his head he indicated to me where I should sit. 他点头示意我应坐的地方。
Delilah Sterne, " Delilah offered with a nod, the lie coming easily to her lips after years of use. " 用了多年以后,这句谎话很容易就从她的嘴里滑了出来。
This week, in a nod to the French, Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's prime minister, said the firm's takeover offer complied with market rules. 本周出于对法国的同意,意大利总理贝卢斯科尼声称,对于公司的收购要遵守市场规则。
Usually, he adds with a laugh and a nod at his bloody fingers, "it involves a little bit of blood. " 望着手指上的血迹,他点头笑着补充说,“通常还要付出一点血的代价。”
Though I knew there were several she could have married at a nod of her head, but I pretended to be surprised. 虽然我知道只要她一点头就会有好几个人来娶她,但是我故作惊讶。
More than three children did not come to sell fish, and 52 Although many, if really can let him sell, he would not nod 520. 余三儿不是来卖鱼的,五十两虽然不少,可要是真让他卖,五百两他也不会点头。
The implication or allegation by opposing counsel would be that this constituted a wink and a nod to the interrogators. 控方律师会指控或者暗示这构成了一个对发问者眨眼或是点头的形势。
He seemed lost in thought and nod his head, but I can still see the upset and loss from his confused eyes. 他若有所思地点了点头,但是我从他迷茫的双眼当中,仍看得出一丝不安与彷徨。
I doubted that, though there were several she could have married at a nod of her head, but I pretended to be surprised. 我怀疑她的话,虽然有好几个人是只要她一点头就可以与她结婚的,但是我故作惊讶。
But with a nod to the increased attacks in parts of Afghanistan, he did not rule out a small uptick in U. S. troops there. 但是由于在阿富汗部分地区遭受的袭击成上升趋势,他不能取消增加美国军队人数。
'Here's Mr Pip, aged parent. Nod your head at him, Mr Pip, he's completely deaf, but he likes to see people nod at him. ' 这是匹普先生,老父亲。向他点点你的头,匹普,他完全耳聋。但是,他喜欢看到人们向他点头。
Instead, what was slipped into the design for the bottles were a few fluorescent leaves, a nod to Basso & Brooke's newest patrons. 相反,出现在酒瓶设计的是一些荧光色的叶子,这是在向他们的最新顾客致意。
There were basically two: "One is worries whether China's economy can develop sustainably, " he said, in a nod to environmental concerns. 大概主要是两方面:“一个是担心中国经济能不能够持续发展”,这是在回应人们对环境问题的担心。
Sniff welcomed Haw with a nod of his head, and Scurry waved his paw. Their fat little bellies showed that they had been here for some time. 嗅嗅冲唧唧点了点头,表示欢迎,匆匆则朝他挥了挥爪子。他们胖胖的小肚子表明,他们在这里已经有一段时间了。
One of us mentioned three Wurzburgers to the waiter; the dark-haired young man acknowledged his inclusion in the order by a smile and a nod. 我们当中有人向侍者要了三杯维尔茨堡酒,黑发小伙子明白也包括他有一杯在内,便笑了笑,点了点头。
He turns and gives a signal nod to another inmate. The inmate moves towards a C. O. overseeing the line-up and punches him in the face. 他转过脸来,对另一个囚犯点头示意了一下,那个囚犯扑向了监督排队的狱警,当头给他一拳。
Jaejoong nod his head and I thought he said sorry. 在中著点头,我认为他是说,不好意思。
He gave me a brief accepting nod. With his hand he made a little acquiescent gesture. 他用一个简洁的点头示意接受我的意见,并且用手做了一个轻微的默许动作。
A chronic lack of sleep may cause far more serious problems than a tendency to nod off the next day, researchers warn. 科学家警告说,长期睡眠不足可导致的问题也许会比白天老打瞌睡更严重。
The woman had motioned Robert Jordan over to her with a nod of her head. 那妇人点点头,示意罗伯特·乔丹到她身边去。
He could nod his head up and down, and he insisted that only he had the right to make decisions about the Shepherdess. 他能上上下下的点头,他强调只有他才有权对牧羊女作出决定。
As their eyes met he gave a brief, quizzical nod as if to say 'Don't I know you from somewhere? 当他们的眼神相遇的时候,教授朝他简单而戏谑的点了下头,好像在说:“难道我不知道你从哪里来吗?”
I nod and responded the paper that writes full label and telephone digit and cautiously fold to heap up to accept into a schoolbag. 我点头,接过那张写满名字和电话号码的纸,小心折叠起来收进书包。
An electric guitar and bass player stand off to one side, not really part of the scene, just as a sort of nod to gringo expectation perhaps. 电吉它和低音乐器演奏者站在一旁,他并不是站在舞台的一部分,大概只是为了等待外国佬的到来。
Listen to what a critic is saying. Really listen, try to understand that point of view, don't just nod while you formulate your retorts. 听一听批评者在说什么。真正倾听,试图了解观点,不要一边点头,一边准备自己的反驳。
"Every once in a while, " Rich says, "she'd reach out with her arm . . . smile and nod . . . and then go back to pulling weeds. " Rich说,“每隔一会儿,她都会伸出臂膀……微笑并点头……之后继续除草。”
Whenever I raise my head, I'll see them in front of me, sort of like a little nod of affirmation. 每当我抬头,我都能看到它们在我眼前,好像一个个都在对我点头肯定似的。
My partners would give a grunt and nod in a knowing manner, as if I were admitting fault or a deficiency of some kind. 对方就会哦一下点头表示明白了,就好象我是在承认做了件错事或者有什么缺陷似的。
He'll say, "You're gone, aren't you? " to which I can only nod an emphatic "Yes. " 在这种情况下,他就会说:“你晕菜了吧?”我只有重重地点一下头表示“是”。
What I'd like you to do is, just really quickly, is just, sort of, nod to the person on your right, and then nod to the person on your left. 我想请你们仅仅是,迅速地,稍微,向你右边的人点个头,然后再向你左边的人点个头。