nobody else

  • na.此外无别人
  • 网络别无他人;没有别的人;没有其他人

nobody elsenobody else

nobody else


nobody的翻译... ... a mere nobody 无足轻重的人, 微不足道的人 nobody else 别无他人 nobody's fool 聪明的人; 表现不错的人 ...


春季出版的专辑《此外无别人》(Nobody else)成为排行榜冠军,但威廉斯却未参与这张唱片的录制。1995年夏季,威廉斯开 …


初中英语短语汇总 A- Y_英语网 ... next to 贴近,靠近 nobody else 没有别的人 no hurry 不要着急 ...


else可以用在句首吗?_百度知道 ... anybody else n. 别人 nobody else 没有其他人 who else 还有谁 ...


Ryan... ... We're living like in a Dolce Vita 我们就像生活在甜蜜的生活中 Nobody else 不是别人 (Instrumental) 乐器演奏 ...


这张新专辑是1995年《最爱是你》(Nobody Else)后的第一次5人合作。罗比的回归无疑为销量打了一剂强心针。


查英文的句子 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 它只属於你一个! It's only belong to you! 不会有别人就只有你Nobody else! ...

I wish I were on an island with you and nobody else, with no trouble or danger or terrible memories to make me suffer. 我希望我和你待在一个小岛上,没有别人、没有麻烦、没有危险、没有痛苦的记忆折磨我。
She said she would go to the office even if nobody else came, and she would die in her chair if she had to. 她说,即便一个人也不来,她也要去办公室,如果真的有什么世界末日,她宁愿死在自己的椅子上。
WHEN it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs. 当要举行一场展览会时,计算机行业或任何其他行业在对待这件事情上没人可以和史蒂夫•乔布斯相提并论。
The master was a fat, healthy man, but he turned very pale. He looked at the little boy in front of him with amazement. Nobody else spoke. 管事的是一个脑满肠肥的壮汉,但他一下子显得大吃一惊,脸都白了。他惊讶地看着站在他面前的这个小男孩。这时屋里鸦雀无声。
This is how much I believe in the power of the new techniques that I am teaching that nobody else knows about. 因为如果你对课程不满意,可以要求退款!由此可见我对所教授的这种世人未知的新技术充满信心。
If you're spending money as if it was your money and nobody else has a right to tell you what to do with it, your relationship is doomed. 如果你还是像以前一样大手大脚觉得别人没权利对你指手画脚,那么你们的感情就完了。
He spots balls that nobody else does and it's nice to see him back out on the pitch and playing well. 他能发现其他人都不能发现的传球路线,很高兴能看他回归球场并且很好的进行比赛。
Do this for a year. Note that you are now interested in several important things that nobody else is thinking about. 坚持一年,你会发现你现在已经对很多重要的东西感兴趣,而很少有人思考过它们。
Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else dose. 做生意没广告犹如在黑暗中向女孩眨眼睛。你知道自己在做什么,但其它的人不知道。
The Iranian Government did not know what to do with this large group of people that nobody else wanted, so they just kept them safe. 伊朗政府不知道应该如何安置这些其他人不想接纳的一大群人,所以他们只是保证他们的安全。
When I came in here and I saw that you could get the most amazing things that nobody else had at this kind of prices. I was just stunned. 当我一进这家店,我发现我可以用这样的价位买到别人买不到的好东西,我就呆掉了。
NOBODY else in the computer industry, or any other industry for that matter, could put on a show like Steve Jobs. 在计算机行业或任何其他行业里,没人能像史蒂夫•乔布斯那样对待举行一次产品展览会。
Well, it was still in the window of the shop after a week, so I thought, nobody else wants this dress, so I don't want it either. 嗯,因为它仍然在那家店的镜柜里已经一星期了,所以我觉得,没有人想要那条裙子,所以我也不想要了。
You always gonna stand up for yourself. You just have to fight for yourself, because basically nobody else gonna fight for you. 你要为自己辩护。你要为自己斗争,因为其他人是不会帮你做这些事情的。
'Only the linesman can tell why it is not a goal, only him, nobody else, ' said the manager. 只有那位边裁能告诉我们那为什么不是一个进球,只有他,没别人。
My sole dependence was on you; and I am sure nobody else will believe me, if you do not. 我唯一希望全寄托在你身上,要是你不相信我,就没有人会相信我了。
"We have no competition. There's nobody else who's ever made a widget like this. " 比如,“我们没有竞争对手,从来没有人做过类似东西。”
You were expected to belong to nobody else but me for ever if you should permit me to love you. 如果你允许我爱你,期待你永远属于我而非其它任何人。
You may be doing something that nobody else you know has ever attempted before. 你可能正在做的是一件在你所熟悉的人中谁都未曾尝试过的事件。
It would be a great thing if somebody in the household gets a cold, everybody else takes a nasal spray and nobody else gets sick. 要是家里有人患了感冒,每个人只要使用一些鼻喷雾剂之类的就不会有人得病,这样多棒啊。
'I'm very proud of myself because I've accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish, ' he said. 特朗普说,我为自己感到非常骄傲,因为我做成的事情此前无人能做到。
I wore the same suit five days in a row until I realized nobody else was wearing a suit and I never wore one again. 我曾经一连五天穿着同一套西装,直到发现别的人都不穿西装,我也就再也没有穿过了。
At other times we doubt the fact that we are even capable of coming up with good ideas nobody else has thought of yet. 还有时,我们会怀疑自己能否提出别人不曾想到的好点子。
It seems nobody else will admit to a love affair with the rain, nobody else will groan when it's hot outside and join me in a rain dance. 似乎没有其他人愿意承认喜欢雨,但在外面很热时,也没有人为加入我的祈雨舞会而感到犹豫。
Young Wu rolled all over the floor and kicked and screamed, but nobody else could see any turtles at all. 小吴在地上滚来滚去,又叫又踢,但是其他人都没看见乌龟。
Nobody else has Beckham's touch on the ball, and he helps all of us, defenders and attackers, in dead-ball plays. 没有人有贝克汉姆对球的那种感觉,在定为球方面,他帮助我们所有人,防守球员和攻击球员。
I'm the smartest, most clever, most physically fit, but nobody else seems to realize it. 我是最聪明,最聪明,最适合身体,但似乎没有人意识到这一点。
The risk is blathering, but you need to add something, and you know something that nobody else knows. 那有可能讲废话,但是你得讲点什么,讲点别人不知道、你自己知道的东西。
Honest, I only came to see you, just you and nobody else. 说真的,我来这儿仅仅是为了看你,只是你,别无他人。
Nothing else is possible, and nobody else is like you, so nobody can become your ideal. 没有其他的什么是可能的,没有其他人像你,所以没有人能够成为你的理想。