get away

  • na.逃脱;出发;把…送出
  • 网络离开;逃离;逃跑

第三人称单数:gets away 现在分词:getting away 过去式:got away 过去分词:gotten away

get awayget away

get away


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get at 到达;了解;查明 get away 逃脱;离开;出发 get by 通过;走过,侥幸躲过 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get at 到达;了解;查明 get away 逃脱;离开;出发 get by 通过;走过,侥幸躲过 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... get at 到达;了解;查明 get away 逃脱;离开;出发 get by 通过;走过,侥幸躲过 ...


中考短语 - 豆丁网 ... with 和睦相处 278. get away 逃,离 279. get angry with sb. 对…生气 281. ...


新课标普通高中英语单词_百度知道 ... speed up 加快速度 get away 逃跑 run out of 用完 ...


英语选修8单词表_百度知道 ... 129. get along with 与……相处 130. get away 逃走 131. get back 回来 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... get along 进行,过活,相处,走开 get away 逃掉,逃跑 get away from 避免,摆脱,离开 ...


急需高中所有关于get的短语,谢谢啦~_百度知道 ... get at 到达:成功地接触或到达: get away 脱身,逃脱 get by 通过,越过 ...

Besides, he would be known to a certain extent among old school-fellows, and he wanted to get away from them all. 此外,他的老同学在某种程度上都了解他,他不想同他们再处下去了。
I said to tell that man to get away from here with that camera. 告诉那个男人摆脱这里的那台照相机。
Suddenly I saw a man riding on my bike and trying to get away with it. I quickly ran to him. 几分钟后,我从商铺里出来,俄然看见一小我骑在我的自行车上,要逃跑。
Pops: 50's. A World War One veteran who loves to make corny jokes. He joined the army to relieve his youth and get away from his wife. 波普:50岁左右。一战老兵,热爱创作低俗笑话。为重温年轻时光和躲避老婆而参军。
Can you think of any other Western leader, in today's economic climate, who could get away with that? 在如今的经济环境下,你能想象其他任何一位西方领导人能不因这种言论受到谴责吗?
I ran back in the direction of my house but I forgot about my school bag which I had dropped while trying to get away. 我朝着我家的方向跑去,我的书包在我挣扎的时候掉在了地上,但是我忘记了。
They were not to get away with it if they continued to violate the law. 如果他们继续违法乱纪,将会受到法律的严惩。
When a party to pay all of a sudden one day awareness, get away with it high above the party will fall badly battered. 当付出的一方某天忽然觉悟,抽身退出,那高高在上的一方就会跌得鼻青脸肿。
I love you love the wrongfulness get away, I do not know if you know ah know that I do not know so like you, ah! 我爱你爱的不法自拔,不知道你知道啊,知道不知道我那么的喜欢你啊!
Even when managers do get away, one-quarter check e-mails and voicemail messages, and 13 per cent call the office at least once a week. 即使经理人真的去度假,其中也有四分之一要查阅电子邮件和语音留言,还有13%的人至少每周要给办公室打一次电话。
'So you wanted to get away, my dear, did you? Wanted to call the police and get help? We'll cure you of that. 这么说你想离开这儿,是吗,亲爱的?想叫警察来救你?我们先来治治你。
slightly from the edge of the chair, holding tightly to its arms with his hands, as if it might get away from him and buck him to the floor. 他感到好过了一点,从椅子边沿往后靠了靠,同时两手紧抓住扶手,仿佛怕它挣脱,把地摔到地上。
When I feel under pressure and wish to get away from it all, I simply pick up one of these novels. 当我感到压力,并想逃离一切的时候,我就会拿起一本侦探小说。
And don't think you could get away with saying "it's sort of brown and woody" . 而且,不要以为回答成“这是种褐色的木头片”就能侥幸过关。
Anyways try to be a good girl because its easier for a man to get away with being bad but it is really hard for a woman to do so. 不管怎样学着去做个好女孩,因为男人学坏很容易而对女人来说并不轻松。
I believed if I could get away from my parents and all the chaos that went on at home I probably stood a good chance of being happy. 我相信,如果我逃离父母,家里就会乱作一团,那么我可能就有机会快乐了。
Although he was a prince born into a wealthy and powerful family, the young Siddhartha often just wanted to get away from it all. 仅管他是个王子,与生俱有财富与权力,但年轻的悉达多却只想要逃开这些东西。
She also dreamed of the day she would be old enough to leave home and get away from her controlling father. 她还梦想有一天她长大成人好离开家,脱离她专横的父亲。
Why has SAS been able to get away with a compensation system that seems to violate industry conventions? SAS公司的薪资制度似乎违反了产业协定,他们为什么能够不受约束呢?。
This is one of the great things in - life for you and for me-- a challenge: How far can you go and get away with it? 这是你和我,一生中的美好时刻-,一个挑战:你能走多远,能摆脱它?
He was so lucky to get away with a fine for such a serious mistake. 他犯了那么严重的错误,却侥幸只交了罚款了事。
A hacker can get away with the most outrageous stupid plays merely because he is doing what everyone expects of him. 一个臭球即使打得再愚蠢糟糕也没人责怪,只是因为这在人们的意料之中。
It was his "think-machine" that had gone wrong, and there was no cure for that except to get away to the South Seas. 出了问题的是他的“思想机器”。要不一走了之,到南海去,就无法治好。
he was trying to get away from them , but they would not let go of his shoulder for a second. 他试图摆脱他们,可是它们根本不放开须臾也不放开他的肩膀。
Impossible, she said her ex-boyfriend found her, and she was shaked, she said she could get away from the last amor. 不可能了,她说前男友找到她,而她也动摇了,说还是无法摆脱上一段恋情!
Michal told him, "He said to me, 'Let me get away. Why should I kill you? '" 米甲回答说:“他对我说:‘你放我走,不然我要杀你。’”
He'll known how much it cost rape somebody and get away with it, that's all? 那么他就知道强奸后扬长而去要花掉多少钱,仅此而已吗?
His mother had thought it would be good for his character to get away from home and earn some money on his own. 他的妈妈认为让他离开家并自己挣些钱对他的性格会有好处。
He thought that the yogi was just trying to be smart and get away. 蚁垤却认为这个瑜伽士不过是想要耍小聪明然后逃走而已。
In his last letter, though, he said he couldn't wait to get away from that land and the war. 然而在他的最后一封信里,他说他恨不得立刻从那块土地上、那场战争中逃走。