
美 [ɡoʊl]英 [ɡəʊl]
  • n.目标;目的地;(足球等运动的)球门;守门员


achieve goal,reach goal,accomplish goal,seek goal,choose goal
ultimate goal,Common goal,main goal,same goal,final goal


When you're just starting out on your goals, you may face the same situation as I used to. 如果你的事业刚刚起步,你可能会遇到和我相同的情况。
As an extra benefit, when goals are specific, it's easy to measure employee progress toward their completion. 而这也能带了额外的好处,目标具体了,衡量员工的进展情况也就变得简单了。
By revealing that she intends to continue bilateral negotiations with the North, she gave Pyongyang one of its major goals. 她透露打算继续与朝鲜进行双边谈判,让平壤达成一大目标。
Think how much more progress Hillary, Herb, and the entire team might have made if Herb had kept relationship and identity goals in mind. 可以想象,如果希拉里和赫伯以及整个团队都有建立关系和身份目标的意识,那取得的进展该有多大!
"For any given keyword and any given application, " he says, "the censors have different goals that they're trying to achieve. " “对任何设定好的关键词和任何设定好的程序来说”,他说,“审查人员有着他们试图达到的各种不同的目标。”
And yet, we seem to struggle with our goals more than we should, or more than we expect in the beginning. 但是,我们好像做太多了,超出了实现目标所应做的,超出了我们开始时的预期。
It's frustrating, because without a certain amount of self-discipline, you know your goals are going to slip away. 没有一定的律己意识,你知道自己的目标注定要悄然逝去,多么令人沮丧啊!
Plus Owen has Jermain Defoe in front of him at the moment and in terms of form, fitness and goals the Tottenham striker is miles ahead. 另外,在欧文的前面还有一个伟大的迪福啊,这位在身体条件和进球上面都甩肥欧几十条长安街呢。
Yet it is healthy to ask such questions, at least sometimes, for ourselves and to correctly define the goals of medical policy and research. 但是,至少经常性的思考一下这样的问题是一种更为健康的状态,也能帮助我们更好的确定医疗事业研究的目标和方向。
Life changes, circumstances change and with that your goals will naturally change as well. 生活变了,环境变了,你的目标自然也会变。
Allied to his technical expertise and composure in front of goal, he looks as though he could score two or three goals every game. 联系到他的技术专长和在门前的冷静,他看起来好像能每场球都进两到三个。
The main thing for Mandy was to focus on her goals and keep her eyes peeled for Greg. 曼迪最重要的事情是集中于她的目标,看紧格雷格。
Treatment goals, objectives, and techniques are presented in an easy-to-read outline form for each specific disorder. 处理目标,目标和技术被以每具体的混乱的一个方便阅读的概要形式提出。
Making the decision to do something about it right now is often times the hardest step in achieving your goals and going after your dreams. 在追逐梦想达成目标的过程中,最艰难的就是下定决心立刻采取行动的那一步。
One of my current motivations for staying healthy and reaching goals is to be a good husband and father to my two sons. 我目前一个保持健康和达到目标的动力是要做一个好丈夫和好爸爸,对于我的两个儿子来说。
economist John Maynard Keynes was one of its most vocal critics, arguing that it would not be effective in achieving its goals. 其中,经济学家约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的争议最大,说那样达到目的将是无效的。
First, look at the goals on your list, like getting out of debt and saving for retirement, and figure out how much each will cost. 首先,要认真地审视一下你列出的目标,比如偿还债务和退休储蓄,然后计算出实现每一个目标需要多少钱。
One of the goals of WebSphere sMash is to provide conventions to make it easy to implement applications. WebSpheresMash的目标之一是提供约定,以便更容易地实现应用程序。
One of the goals of this case study was to come up to a design that allows for a highly testable implementation. 本案例分析的目的之一是符合设计标准,允许高度可测试的实现。
The goals of scheduling are to know which work has been completed, how much work is still left to do, and when it will all be finished. 进度安排的目的是为了方便知道那些工作完成了?还有多少工作没做?以及何时可以完成?
Before you know it, you're back in control - actually achieving those goals you've set for yourself. 在你明白这些之前,你还要回到自己的控制之下--努力去达成自己定下的目标。
If so, how much capacity does our current staff have to take on new work? Do we need to add positions, or scale back our goals? 如果有的话,那么我们现有的工作人员能够担负多少新工作?我们是否需要增加职位或者减少我们目标的范围?
While you're at it, briefly remind the interviewer how your skills and achievements can help the company meet its goals. 写信时,应简要地提醒面试官你的技能和成就可以帮助公司实现目标。
Once you reach this point, the only way to get more progress towards your goals is to stop doing work. 一旦你达到身体负荷的最大点时,获得目标的唯一的方法就是停止工作。
Once you've made the long term goals, go through your values again and ask yourself where you want to be in terms of that value in one year. 一旦你制定了长期目标,回顾一下你的价值观,问问你自己一年之内你想做到怎样。
And for him to feel good about himself he must achieve these goals alone by himself. is a symbol of efficiency, power, and competence. 为了满足自我,他必须自己完成目标,其他人不可替他完成。火星人以自力做事为捎。自主是效率、力量和能力的象征。
Winning the day, having the last word, being ruler of all that I surveyed were the goals. 我的目标也曾是做个王者,有最后的决定权,凡是我的事情我得说了算。
Publishers say , America textbooks have to meet the goals that [of] different states for what should be taught in each grade. 出版商说美国的教科书必须面对一个目标:不同的州在每一个年级应该教什么。
Then, develop some business-related arguments for your goals and desires, stressing your support of the company's goals. 然后,为自己的目标和愿望找出一些与业务有关的说法,强调你对公司目标的支持。
Lu said the programme would be a "guideline" , and therefore mentions few numerical targets in describing future goals. 吕学都说,该规划将会是一个“纲领性”的文件,所以不会对未来的一些目标提出具体的数字上的规定。