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Honestly there is no time for me to breathe and I must continue to work on the next project. 诚实地讲,我连喘口气的时间都没有,我必须继续制造下一套服装。
DK: This next project, we were asked to design a pavilion to celebrate the recycling of the water on the Millennium Dome in London. 大卫:下一个项目,是设计一个水榭来庆祝伦敦千禧穹顶的水循环系统。
Thinking about nothing but getting through the next project, the next work week, so I could enjoy the time on the weekend. 脑袋里只会想着怎样完成下一个项目,怎样度过下一个工作日,从而能享受周日的美好生活呢。
The next project takes place in Kenya, where the blog Global Warming contends the mobile phone is revolutionizing society. 另一项计划位于肯尼亚,GlobalWarming博客认为手机正为社会带来革命
He contacted Blake, who invited him to the group's next project, hauling trash and brush out of a vacant lot. 他与布莱克取得了联系。后者邀请他参与该组织下一个活动:清运垃圾,并清整出一块空地。
Better to look like you did it all on your ownAndwhen you need some help on the next project where do you think your coworkers will be? 最好看上去是你一个人完成这项工作的。这样,下次你工作中需要帮助时,你认为你的同事还会帮你吗?不会的。
Money is a way of keeping score and providing capital for the next project - not the prime objective. 金钱是一种衡量表现的方式,同时可以为下一个项目提供资金——但却不是首要目标。
Collect many goodies as you can, while you can. Then, get into the preparation for your next project. 趁情况允许,尽量蒐集好货色,然后准备下一个计划。
The next project on your agenda when attempting to achieve multiple streams of affiliate income should be to create your email capture page. 未来计划对你的议程企图,以实现多重溪流从属收入应为你创造电邮捕捉页。
Fox, like most inventors, was already on the next project, becoming champion for a new thermoplastic called PPO (polyphenylene oxide). 福克斯,就像大多数的发明者一样,已经开始了下一个新项目的—新耐热塑料PPO(聚亚苯基氧化物)的研发。
This provides the working capital for the next project and is the essence of capitalism; without financial gain, the risks seem pointless. 这能为下一个项目提供营运资本,而且也是资本主义的神髓所在;如果没有财务收益,所有冒险看起来都毫无意义。
Now I'm in Tokyo getting ready to start my next project. Should be pretty fun. 现在我正在东京准备开始下一部电影,应该会很有趣。
Teams can take advantage of new insights right away, instead of waiting until the next project to try out improvements. 团队可以马上利用新的见识,而不是等到下一个项目来试验改进。
In any given situation you probably which role gets to do which test - but in the next project it may be different. 在具体的情景下,某种角色会执行某些测试。但是,换个项目这种关系就可能不一样。
Users love it, the company is getting the information it needs to make strategic decisions, and you're happily planning your next project. 公司在不断获取所需的信息来进行战略决策,并且您非常高兴地规划下一个项目。
Don't be so hard on yourself; you will gain from experience, and there's always the next project. 别为难自己;你会从经验中得到益处,并且你总会有下一个项目。
Incorporate lessons learned into the next project and grow the architecture and service base over time. 并在下一个项目中借鉴获得的经验教训,逐步累加架构和服务。
Several unrelated events occurred which resulted in Iron Lore being unable to secure funding for its next project. 几个无关的事件发生,导致铁传说无法保障的资金为自己的下一个项目。
As the final release progressed, we needed to transfer team members onto the next project, exactly the same as non-XP projects need to. 在最终版本进行过程中,我们需要将团队成员转移到下一个项目中,跟非XP项目的需求完全相同。
The next project will be to fill the gap between the Cambodia-Singapore and Vietnam-China lines. 下一个项目将是柬埔寨和新加坡、越南和中国之间线路的连接。
Today, I'm going to give you a few great tips on how to hire the right web designer for your next project. 今天,我想给你一个关于如何雇用你的下一个项目的开发权三亚网络公司做三亚网站建设设计师少数大秘诀。
Ideally, they'll be so happy that they'll be ready to host a house party when you start your next project! 理想情况下,他们会很高兴的是,他们将准备举办一个houseparty当您启动您的下一个项目!
And, when you need some help on the next project, where do you think your co-workers will be? 这样,下次你工作中需要帮助时,你认为你的同事还会帮你吗?
Call or email me today for your next part with your next project. 今天就致电或发电子邮件给我讨论您的下一个项目。
That may help the next project - but it's too late for the project you've just finished. 这对下一个项目是有帮助的----但是对您已经完成的项目来说已经太晚了。
The next project is the team idle is idle, making the bureau into the turn up on the wheel disk. 下一个是工程队,闲着也是闲着,半推半就入了局,这轮盘就转了起来。
Our next project is to set up a top quality CMS SEO friendly UK Escort Directory. 我们下一个项目是建立一个高质量的CMS的搜索引擎友好的英国护送目录。
The next project in the pipeline is a bigger family car running on electric batteries. 正在规划中的下一个项目是一种电池驱动的较大一些的家庭汽车。
For the things that were not optimal, they need to discuss how they might change for the next project they work on. 对于那些不是最佳的事物,他们需要讨论在下一个项目中需要做出什么改变。
Measurement of the project results will usually not happen as the development team moves onto the next project. “谁”取决于可用的人员。项目结果的度量常常被省略,因为开发团队转到下一个项目了。