golden light

  • 网络金光;金色阳光;流动的黄金之光

golden lightgolden light

golden light


...undwork for the jinguang 金光 (golden light) puppetry approach used on television, which employs transformable three-dim...


金色阳光Golden Light)今天七点多时,很幸运地让我碰到刚刚下完雨,太阳刚露脸的金色光线。


流动的黄金之光(Golden Light)2010年4月~2010年5月长 30 宽 30 高 2.5 重量约 0.5kg (一件) 曹家诚(1) 陈 逸(1) 陈君岱(1) 陈映 …


Flickr: phenuncle 汾叔's Photostream ... Yellow field 黄油田 Golden light 金曦 Wedding 结婚典礼 ...


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Whether or not the ray in the series of "Extention" is inspired by the golden light of the Bernini sculpture West Baroque times? 《延伸》系列中的射线,是否受到西方巴洛克时期贝尼尼的雕塑那种金色光线的启发?
of my bed and saw Beloved Adi Da standing there, surrounded by golden light, with His hands on His hips, and an amused look on His face. 我在我的床尾看到挚爱阿谛达站在那儿,他的手和臀部都被金色的光芒环绕,脸孔流露出愉悦的神情。
Golden light came through the window and fell upon a bed. The Princess was on the bed. Her eyes were shut. She was asleep. 金色的阳光透过窗户洒落在床上,公主躺在床上,她的眼睛闭着,也睡着。
The morning sunlight, I recall, had a splendor I shall never forget, its golden light full of beauty and promise, offering yet another day. 记得那天的晨曦具有一种让我永难忘怀的壮丽光辉,它那金子般的光芒美丽夺目,充满希望,带来新的一天。
"I must really be sick, " he thought as they made their way, "Everything looks hazy, and glowing in a golden light. " “我一定是真的病了。”他边走边想,“所有的东西看起来都很模糊,还隐隐约约地发着金光。”
The dusk of early summer in London lasts quite long. The entire city is folded in golden light from seven to ten in the evening. 伦敦初夏的黄昏很长,从晚上7点到10点以后,整个城市都笼罩在一片灿灿的金光之中。
Slowly, the wind stirred the crystalline green seas, when the warm sun sprayed golden light on the ripples of seas. 风轻轻地吹动水晶般透明的绿海当温暖的太阳洒下金色的光茫在一波波的浪上。
If the urn is already sealed, a little super glue can be put on the lid of the urn, before sprinkling the Sand of Bright Golden Light. 若骨灰坛已密封,可挤少许强力胶于骨灰坛盖上,再撒下金光明沙。
Like all of us to regard the responsibility of carrying the heart of life on the road to life emitting a golden light. 愿我们所有的人都把责任之心携带在人生的道路上,让人生散发出金子般的光芒。
While channeling, Rev. Jean perceives Archangel Gabriel as a golden light and he often visits along with Archangel Michael. 在通灵的时候,Rev。吉恩感觉天使长加百利如同金色之光并且他经常与天使长米迦勒一起访问。
This new realm of golden Light is to extend throughout the length and breadth of this solar system. 沐浴在金色光芒中的新的实相,将把它自身的长度和宽度扩展到整个太阳系。
The night star smiled to smile and took out a golden light flickering gold hat from the shoulder bag! 夜星笑了笑,从背包掏出了金光闪闪的黄金冠!
Gather this into a ball of golden light above your head and allow this to begin to fill you. 将这些收集起来成为一个金色的光球在你头顶上,允许它开始将你充盈。
And so the sun rose again in the sky, and shone his golden light upon the earth. 太阳重又升起到了天空中,并向大地散发出它那金色的光芒。
Little Qing, the golden light is intermittent, the sky is shine, only Emperor dynasty hall, in addition to Gao Tai, all became one ruins. 少倾,金光间歇,天空明亮,唯有天子朝堂,除了高台外,皆成了一片废墟。
The Dog' s collar shone too, with many other bright marks that surrounded her head with a corona of golden light. 狗的项圈也闪烁起来,还有许多其他的闪亮印记环绕在狗的头上。
Sunlight through the trees, a bunch of screen under the golden light beam, according to the grass to put coat encrusted in Phnom Penh. 太阳光透过树梢,筛下一束束金光,照在草地上,给草儿穿上了镶满金边的外衣。
The Golden Light that will be diffused throughout all the happy world from the rays of the risen sun of Socialism. 高高升起的社会主义的红日,将射出万道金光,照遍整个幸福的世界。
The Dawning of this New World takes place as a birthing within you of golden light. 这新世界的黎明由于你内在的金色之光而发生。
If for any reason you couldn't reach my own page on The Tree of the Golden Light, there are a number of other ones. 如果因为任何的原因你无法打开我的页面,还有许多其他的网站。
Qi, mix the body flashing blue golden light, abruptly next to the blow. 斯琪混身闪烁着蓝金色的光芒,硬生生地接下来了这一击。
Delivering a plait to comb is intact, take golden light on the face flickering is the mask that the gold produces. 发辫梳理完好,脸上带着一副金光闪闪似是黄金打制的面罩。
Conversely, in summer, colour is just about everywhere, from golden light to verdant green or floral backdrops. 反之,在夏季,色彩到处都是,从金色的阳光到翠绿的植物,或者植物的背景。
No golden light had ever been so precious as the gloom of this dark forest. 金色的光辉从来没有象在这黑树林的幽暗中这么可贵。
Golden light slanted through the wavy yellow glass of the round window. 金色的阳光斜洒进微微晃动的圆窗黄玻璃。
This is a long story. Just look at the moment, Northwest had this massive Nuggets have lost their shining golden light. 这真是个遥远的故事。只看眼下,西北这支曾经声势浩大的掘金,已经失去了他们的闪闪金光。
Among the brilliant golden light in the evening cast a long shadow. 在黄昏辉煌的金光之中投下了长长的身影。
When the double lips mutually depends on, the dazzling golden light too thoroughly gobbles up 2 people. 双唇相依之时,耀眼的金光也彻底将二人吞噬。
In the brook beneath stood another child- another and the same- with likewise its ray of golden light. 在她脚下的小溪中站着另一个孩子——是另外一个,但又一模一样——身上同样洒满阳光。
A lot of gold effect, yarns, printing with special effects, shades with golden light and delicate dust. 大量的金黄色效应,纱线,特效印花,金色调阴影和精美的金粉。