
美 [waɪld]英 [waɪld]
  • adj.狂热;自然生长的;野的;野生的
  • n.自然环境;野生状态;偏远地区;人烟稀少的地区
  • adv.狂暴地;猛烈地;胡乱地
  • 网络狂野;野性的;野蛮的

比较级:wilder 最高级:wildest

wild animal,wild beast,wild fruit,wild bird,wild enthusiasm



1.自然生长的;野的;野生的living or growing in natural conditions; not kept in a house or on a farm


2.天然的;荒凉的;荒芜的in its natural state; not changed by people

失去控制out of control

3.缺乏管教的;无法无天的;放荡的lacking discipline or control


4.感情炽烈的full of very strong feeling

不合情理not sensible

5.盲目的;瞎抓的not carefully planned; not sensible or accurate


6.(informal)很棒的;高兴的;令人激动的very good, enjoyable or exciting


7.(informal)~ about sb/sth热衷于…;狂热very enthusiastic about sb/sth


8.狂暴的;暴风雨的affected by storms and strong winds


beyond sbs wildest dreams

做梦都没想到;远远出乎所料;大大超出希望far more, better, etc. than you could ever have imagined or hoped for

not/never in sbs wildest dreams

(表示完全出乎意料)做梦都没有,从来没有想到used to say that sth has happened in a way that sb did not expect at all

run wild

变得荒芜;自由生长;任其发展to grow or develop freely without any control

wild horses would not drag, make, etc. sb (do sth)

任何事情都不能阻止(或促使某人做某事);八匹马拉不了某人回头used to say that nothing would prevent sb from doing sth or make them do sth they do not want to do


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... vivid a. 生动的 wild a. 野生的 untold a. 数不尽的 ...


意大利浓缩咖啡_百度百科 ... Sweet【 香甜】 Wild狂野】 Winy【 葡萄酒味】 ...


切原赤也_百度百科 ... Victory—— 胜利 Wild—— 野性的 Yesterday—— 昨天 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... wife n. 妻子 wild a. 野生的;野蛮的 will aux.v. 将要,会;愿 ...


许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... forest n. 森林 wild adj. 野的 beast n. 兽 ...


荒字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 荒烟〖 alloverspreadedsmog〗 荒野wild;wilderness〗 荒淫〖 dissolute;licentious;debauched …

When the cat looked around, the wild boar moved it ear. The cat thought it was a rat moving, it jumped at it and bit it bitterly. 正当猫仔细地四处查看时,野猪动了一下耳朵,猫以为那是只耗子在动,猛扑上去狠狠咬了一口。
William got so excited when making his speech that he went completely over the top. He made some wild statements which were simply untrue. 威廉作演讲时非常激动,致使他说话过了头,讲了些虚假的狂言。
However, Naoto Kan, said he did not know the details after the wild things secret visit to China. 不过,菅直人之后表示他并不知道细野秘密访华之事。
"We had quite a bit of money doing absolutely nothing in the portfolio during a wild bull market, " McDermott says. 麦克德莫特说,“在牛市疯狂时期,我们的投资组合中有相当一部分资金闲置。”
We don't want to spend time listening to your wild plans to improve the company or find extra projects for you to work on. 你想为公司出谋划策或为自己找一套工作方案,但我们没有时间来听你的漫无边际的计划。
Luckily, we're out in the boat most of the time, with Kyla pointing out rock striations and eagles and tiny wild sheep on the high crags. 幸运的是当天我们大部份时间是在小船上,吉拉给我们指认岩石的纹理、高飞的雄鹰和峭壁上幼小的野羊。
Among the many wild changes observable on familiar things which made this wild ride unreal, not the least was the seeming rarity of sleep. 在这次荒唐的骑马旅行中他发现许多日常事物发生了近于虚幻的荒唐变化,睡眠很少似乎并不是其中最小的变化。
Scientists don't yet know why wild elephants seem to fare so much better than their zoo-raised counterparts. 科学家尚不清楚野生大象比动物园大象获得更好的原因。
There was such a note of wild despair in his low voice that she dropped her hand from his arm and stepped back. 他那低沉的声音中有那么一种痛感绝望的语调,使得她把搭在他臂上的那只手抽回来,同时倒退了两步。
As you know, wild pandas eat only bamboo, so to save them, we have to save the forests they live in. 众所周知,野生大熊猫只吃竹子,所以,要救助它们就必须要保护它们赖以生存的森林。
What secret? ' said the Witch, wrestling with him like a wild cat, and biting her foam-flecked lips. “什么秘密?”女巫说,如一只野猫般和他扭打着,紧咬着她冒泡的嘴唇。
He said councillors had approved the payments because of a "sense of entitlement gone wild. " 他说,议员已批准因支付他补充说:“狂野的权利意识。”
As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. 正如人们经常在报纸上看到报道,野生动物特别是珍稀物种濒临灭绝。
But the wild child boldly gets rid of him with a fluid shield and has yielded a building without welds. 但是这个野孩子大胆地用一种流体防护物摆脱了他,并且建立了一座没有焊接点的建筑物。(好怪异啊)
because it grieved her to have done harm to a little being that was as wild as the sea-breeze, or as wild as Pearl herself. 因为她伤害了一个如海风或者说和珠儿她本人一样狂野的小家伙,很为此伤心。
Maize plants exudate proline, which allows CS-4 to colonize the rhizosphere at a similar level to that of the wild-type strain. 玉米植株分泌物脯氨酸,使铯4殖民根际在同一水平,与野生型菌株。
The snow walls pressed him on every side, and a great surge of fear swept through him--the fear of the wild thing for the trap. 厚重的雪从每个方向压迫着它,一种恐惧涌向它——对圈套的恐惧。
The virus is currently spreading westwards along the flyways of wild birds and it has arrived at the front door of European countries. 病毒目前正在沿着野鸟的飞行路线向西蔓延,已经抵达欧洲国家的前门。
She plays this wild woman who draws Ben Stiller out of his shell " someone who's very loose, which is not the way Rachel is at all. " 她扮演了一个将本。斯蒂勒(的灵魂)抽离出躯体的疯狂女人,这种人非常放任散漫的,与瑞秋根本是不同的。
"Mrs. Narracombe, my aunt, " had a quick, dark eye, like a mother wild-duck's and something of the same snaky turn about her neck. “纳拉科姆太太,我的姑母,”长着一双锐敏的黑眼睛,活象只野鸭,脖子也有那么点儿细细弯弯的。
shot I walked all the way, any access to my eyes, and even the wild flowers also did not miss a shot, called take-all. 我一路走一路拍摄,凡是进入我的眼睛里的,连野花也不放过一个镜头,这叫通吃。
I'll try and be what father loves to call me, a little woman and not be rough and wild. 我要力争做一个“小妇人”--爸爸喜欢那样称呼我,不再冒冒失失,野头野脑了。
The newspaper reporters wanted to know why I had resigned form the cabinet but wild horses wouldn't drag it out of me. 新闻记者想知道我为什么辞去内阁职务,但是他们休想从我这里探到口风。
Miss Rachel walked swiftly through to her bed- room , wild and anger, with fierce eyes and flaming cheeks . 雷茜儿小姐怒不可遏地匆匆走到卧室里,两眼冒火,脸颊通红。
I mean, I'm trying to do you a favor here by finding a use for your brain and out of nowhere you turn on me like a wild dog. 我在这里是帮你的忙想出一个方法使用你的大脑不知道为什么,你像条疯狗一样蹿过来。
It was as though I'd encountered a college friend I hadn't seen in years and together we reconstructed the memory of a wild party in 1972. 那种感觉就好像我邂逅了多年未见大学好友、并和他叙旧、共同回忆1972年那一场狂野派对一样。
The participants rejected any suggestion of trying to stop the spread of HPAI by killing wild birds. 与会者拒绝接受任何试图通过捕杀野鸟的办法来遏制高致病性禽流感传播的建议。
The misgiving of Shu aroma didn't ease how much, she is scared namely she brought difficulty wild goose south to fly. 淑芬的担忧并没有减轻多少,她害怕自己连累了雁南飞。
Louie was then a tall, creative 16-year-old whose wild, curly hair made him easy to find in a crowd. 路易当时已经16岁,个子高大,处事很有创意,长了一头狂乱的鬈发,在人群中显得很突出。
He said, I'd like you to be in the soundtrack for the "Wild, Wild West" . 当时他对我说,我很希望电影《狂野西部》插曲中能有你的歌。