
美 [wɜrd]英 [wɜː(r)d]
  • n.词;单词;字;消息
  • v.措辞;用词
  • int.说得对
  • 网络话;一个字;文字处理

复数:words 现在分词:wording 过去式:worded

say word,use word,hear word,keep word,speak word
single word,english word,good word,right word,same word


语言单位unit of language

1.[c]单词;词;字a single unit of language which means sth and can be spoken or written

说的话sth you say

2.[c]说的话;话语;言语a thing that you say; a remark or statement


3.[sing]诺言;许诺;保证a promise or guarantee that you will do sth or that sth will happen or is true


4.[sing]信息;消息a piece of information or news


by word of mouth

口头上;经口述because people tell each other and not because they read about it

(right) from the word go

从一开始from the very beginning

(not) get a word in edgeways

(因别人说话太多)插(不上)嘴(not) to be able to say anything because sb else is speaking too much

have a word in sbs ear

和…说私话;与…密谈to speak to sb privately about sth

have/exchange words (with sb) (about sth)

(与某人)争论,争吵to have an argument with sb

in other words

换句话说;也就是说;换言之used to introduce an explanation of sth

(not) in so/as many words

(并非)一字不差地,原原本本地(not) in exactly the same words as sb says were used

in a word

简言之;一句话;总之used for giving a very short, usually negative, answer or comment

in words of one syllable

用极其简单的言语using very simple language

the last/final word (on sth)

(对某事的)最后意见,最后决定the last comment or decision about sth

(upon) my word

(表示惊奇)哎呀,咦used to show that you are surprised about sth

not have a good word to say for sb/sth

从不说…的好话to never say anything good about sb/sth

put in a (good) word for sb

为某人说好话;替某人美言;推荐某人to praise sb to sb else in order to help them get a job, etc.

put words into sbs mouth

硬说某人说过某些话to suggest that sb has said sth when in fact they have not

say/give the word

下命令;吩咐一下;提请求to give an order; to make a request

take sb at their word

完全相信…的话(或许诺);深信不疑to believe exactly what sb says or promises

take the words right out of sbs mouth

说出…想要讲的话to say what sb else was going to say

too funny, silly, ridiculous, etc. for words

有趣(或愚蠢、荒唐等)得难以言表;极其有趣(或愚蠢、荒唐等)extremely funny, silly, ridiculous, etc.

word for word

一字不差地;(翻译时)逐字地in exactly the same words or (when translated) exactly equivalent words

sbs word is their bond

一诺千金;言而有信somebody's promise can be relied on completely

words to that effect

诸如此类的话;大致是这个意思的话used to show that you are giving the general meaning of what sb has said rather than the exact words

两个(Word)的对象头 Java HotSpot虚拟机采用了两个字的对象头,而不是像经典虚拟机中那样使用三个字。由于Java对象平 …


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 665 visit v 访问,参观,拜访 666 word n 词,单词 667 well adv 好 ...

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... description n 描述;记述 word n. 字;词; teacher n. 教师 ...


一个字长所占字节数为8 个一个字(word)所占字节数为4个


文字处理(WORD)之文档的排版 (2012/4/10 0:00) 文稿录入排版技巧(最终版本) (2012/4/10 0:00) 完全免费——word实际操作小 …


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... woollen a. 羊毛制的,毛线的 word n. 词;话;消息;语言 worker n. 工人;工作者…

如果(WORD)可以用言语(Language)道(解说)出来, 这就不是太初长存(一体)的道(WORD)。如果一个WORD的"实化表现",你 …

As a matter of fact, the word "exam-orientation" is just a neutral expression which is not necessarily negative or positive. 从事实的角度看,“应试”仅仅是一个中性词,它既不必然是贬义的,也不必然是褒义的。
Life is not the word, the sharp eyes visible wonderful expressions; Book is the word of life, rich feelings in people deeply understood. 生活是无字的书,眼光敏锐的人看得见精彩的词句;书是有字的生活,感情丰富的人才能深刻领悟。
Tell the truth, I also do not know I came to which, but from this dope out this word not be commendatory word likely. 说实话,我也不知道自己来了哪一套,但由此猜出这词儿多半不是褒义词。
One of the association's biggest challenges is to spread the word about what a satisfying profession aircraft maintenance provides. 一个协会的最大挑战是要传播什么满意的专业飞机维修提供。
Our new president is in the broadest sense of the word. . . a reader, and a writer. 从最广义上说,我们的新总统是一位读书人和一位作家。
And err, he informed me that uh, she took the news rather badly, in fact, he uh, mentioned the word frenzy. 他说她听到这个消息无法适应,实事上,他用了狂暴这个字眼。
Not a word. I gathered it was a clerical or executive job of some kind, because he had the appearance. And his hands were soft. 一句也没说。我推测他是一个办公室的工作人员或者干的是某种行政上的工作,因为他具有这种外表。而他的手很软。
"There's so much more to talk about apart from a word. It's about nutrition and improving your health, " he said. “除了这词之外,有那么多的话题可以谈,这是有关营养和改善你的健康,”他说。
In the American tradition of blended families, John McCain's family is a textbook example in every sense of the word. 以美国传统的混合家庭而言,约翰·麦凯恩一家可算是经典代表。
and he didn't blame me for not having heard a word of a story which had lasted while we walked three miles. 我们走了三英里路,他讲了一路故事,这故事我一句也没听见:这件事他不怪我了。
The trouble is the word 'bubble' is, with all due respect to you and the media, is vastly overused. 问题是,世界经济泡沫这个词已经被你们媒体界用滥了。
Shanghai justifies the word. I've only been at for two years and Shanghai's changed out of recognition. 我只不过离开了两年,上海就今非昔比了。
Chen Connaught people understand that the word fish is carved up the post, that this was very cruel. 市民陈诺了解到鱼身上的字是刻上去的后,认为此举很残忍。
" The word comes from Serendip, the name of a country in the fifth-century fairy tale " The Three Princes of Serendip. 这个词源自Serendip(锡兰的旧称),是五世纪时童话故事《锡兰国三王子》中的国名。
In His own prayers He used the word Abba (Daddy), an informal address that Jews had not previously used in prayer. 耶稣自己祷告的时候,称父为阿爸父(Abba);这种非正式的亲密称呼,以前犹太人祷告时从来不曾用过。
We recommend you to the word, words, and four words were appropriate keywords to get the frequency spread in the body which. 我们建议你将两字、三字和四字得关键字以适宜得频率散布在正文当中。
Students are easy to leave out one or two letters of this word. 学生们很容易把这个单词中的一两个字母遗漏。
She said that the British Library is home to the whole of the English language memory since the English word began. 大英图书馆的藏书包罗万象,囊括了自英语产生以来的所有英文书籍。
Unlike Kleinfeld, Pollack does not feel that the word "crisis" should be avoided when discussing boys' issues. 普莱克认为“危机”一词在男孩问题的讨论中不应当被回避,这点和克莱菲尔德不同。
And two months later, at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer. 两个月后,在新学期的开始,她的死的血液肿瘤。
Sally: It's a very exciting place. But I don't like the word "foreigner" . My visit here is all about making friends. 莎莉:这是一个非常令人激动的地方。但是我不喜欢“外国人”这个词。我在这里的访问都是为了交朋友。
On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord. 到下安息日,合城的人几乎都来聚集,要听上帝的道。
How would one test for competence, if I may use that word as a symbol for an alternative approach to traditional intelligence testing? 如何将一个测试的能力,如果我可以作为一种替代方法,传统的智力测验这个词的象征?
And it rocks day and night, like a boat, on every wave of the hours, the word that I had to say to her. 我要对她讲的话,像一叶扁舟日日夜夜随时间的浪潮而颠簸起伏。
The aphasics knew that the president did not mean a word of what he was saying. He was lying! 这些失语症患者知道,总统所说的并不是真心话,他在说谎!
Callum: Exactly. And that's what the word used to mean, but now it refers to a rude and violent man, often a young man but not always. 对极了!这个单词过去就是“男孩”的意思,但是现在用来指粗鲁粗俗的男人了,通常是指年轻人但有时候也不一定。
The concept of the word of art has a very long process of developing in Chinese art history. “意境”这一概念,在我国文艺史上有着漫长的发展过程。
And he gave him no answer, not even to one word: insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly. 耶稣仍不回答,连一句话也不说,以致巡抚甚觉希奇。
Sat in the front row, his mouth half open, his head thrust forward so as not to miss any word. 他坐在前排,口半张着,头往前倾,唯恐听漏一个字。
and you could then use a sequence of CTRL-N and CTRL-P (or the up- and down-arrows) to step through the menu and select the word you wanted. 然后,您可以分别使用CTRL-N和CTRL-P(或上下箭头)来在菜单的候选项上移动并选择您想要的单词。