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As with its predecessor, Ground Control II seems to make the greatest impact with its superb graphics engine. 关于它的前任,地面管制2似乎用它的超级图形引擎来制造最好的冲击。
after Pearl Harbor led to American involvement in World War II and a shortage of building materials it would not be any time soon. 珍珠港事件后,导致美国在二战中的参与和建材短缺,它不会被任何时间很快。
The post-World War II period is also given just a quick once-over; instead the series ends with a discussion of the American character. 后二战时期也采取很快带过,取代它的内容的是片尾处关于美国人性格的讨论。
Ramesses II is was the third king of the 19th dynasty Egypt, and is often regarded as the most celebrated of ancient Egypt's pharaohs. 拉美西斯二世是埃及第19王朝的第三位君主,他常常被认为是古埃及最了不起的法老。
In World War II th e general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole. 第二次世界大战时,那将将军骄傲地强调自己挖散兵坑。
It produces results within 3 hours, and its accuracy is similar to that of the Hybrid Capture II test used in the current study. 3个小时的检测结果,其准确度与目前研究的杂交捕获II检测相当。
When I first picked up the book (Iris Chang's The Rape Of Nanking ) it had the words The Forgotten Holocaust Of World War II on the cover. 第一次看到张小姐的书《强暴南京》,封面上写着‘二战里被遗忘的大屠杀’,我马上对它感兴趣,就开始搞这个电影。
Sometimes, when Wendell was busy, he would try the insight out on me instead, or discuss a fine point of the Apple II firmware. 有时候,温德尔忙得不可开交,他就会转向问我这方面的东西,他也和我讨论苹果II方面的固件细节。
Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the crash was the most tragic event of the country's post World War II history. 唐纳德·塔斯克总理说,此次坠机事故是二战后波兰遭遇的最大悲剧。
"What they also did is showed me a picture of Murmansk at the end of World War II, and it was an aerial photograph, " he says. “他们给我看第二次世界大战结束时摩尔曼斯克的照片,这是一张空中拍摄的照片,”他说。
In World War II the general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole. 在二战中,这位将军不无骄傲地强调说他亲自挖散兵坑。
He had served in the marines in World War II, had been a great governor, and was the best speaker in the Senate. 他二战时曾在海军陆战队服役,州长的工作也做过很出色,在参议院也是最好的议长。
One of my earliest memories in World War II Belgrade, where I grew up, was going to see a Buster Keaton film. 我在我长大的地方,贝尔格莱德,最早的记忆之一,便是去看一场巴斯特基顿的电影。
Acquiescence of his German officers there to provide him with food, Szpilman able to hang on until the end of World War II. 德国军官默许他的存在并向他提供食物,斯皮曼得以撑到二战结束。
During World War II, you had limits on what you could say if it would inspire the enemy. 回想二次世界大战期间,那时候,要是说什么话能够为敌人雪里送碳的话,那我们也是有限制的。
It HAS caused controversy in a country still trying to come to terms with the events of World War II. 这部电影在德国引起了争议,毕竟德国人民仍在慢慢接受二战遗留下来的阴影。
He is Wentworth Miller III and his dad is Wentworth Miller II, so no prizes for guessing the name he's picked out for his future offspring. 他是温特沃斯.米勒三世,而他父亲是温特沃斯.米勒二世,所以也不用猜米帅将来的子嗣会起个什么名儿了。
The early intensity of the concrete mixed with the admixture is superior to that of concrete mixed with II-level fly ash. 本掺和料的碾压混凝土早期强度优于掺加II级粉煤灰的碾压混凝土早期强度。
And passing them in review with a glance of a Frederick II. at a Potsdam parade, he said to the three "chimney-builders" 接着,他以弗雷德里克二世在波茨坦检阅部队的神气,挨个儿对那三个“通烟囱的”说
I had been teaching my seventh-graders about World War II, and a test question was, "What was the largest amphibious assault of all time? " 那时,我给七年级的学生讲有关二战的课程,有一道测验题问,“史上最大规模的两栖攻击是什么?”
He made his first jump as a Navy pilot when his plane was shot down over the Pacific during World War II. 二战期间,飞行员出身的老布什在飞机被击中后,完成第一次高空跳伞。
The server needs some fine tune for better performance and I will tell you how. The installation of the softwares is in Part II. 我后面会介绍服务器需要调优提高性能的位置。第二部分是软件的安装。
But, as was stressed at Habitat II, the similarity of the problems all over the world at least provides common cause in tackling them. 但是,正如第二届生境会议强调的,在全世界遇到的相似的难题至少提供了为之共同努力的目标。
John Paul II stated that an end to the Great Schism was one of his fondest wishes. 若望·保禄二世说,结束宗派分裂,是他最大的心愿之一。
And the PC version of the same name in World War II-themed strategy game round, the enemy's intelligence nice, Interactive company Chu Pin. 和电脑版同名的以二战为主题的回合策略游戏,敌人的智能不错,互动公司出品。
The Emperor, from the moment he first touched down on Death Star II, made it clear that it was he who was in charge all along. 从他初次驾临死星2号的那一刻起,皇帝让人们更清楚地认识到,是他在自始至终掌控着一切。
We need to think very differently than we have done over the nearly seven decades since the end of World War II. 我们要改变自二战结束后近七十年间的思路。
Pluto II also permits wide rolls to be slit down in preparation for flexographic printing, laminating or other converting processes. 冥王星二世还允许广泛的轧辊要狭缝下来,准备为柔版印刷,层压或其他转换过程。
During World War II, the Shipyard's primary effort was the repair of battle damage to ships of the U. S. Fleet and those of its Allies. 二战期间,船厂的首要工作是修复损坏的战斗舰艇编队与美国盟友。
Zeus II did not marry the successor to Hestia however, as she was his mother. 不过宙斯二世并没和赫斯提的继承者结婚,因为后者是他的母亲。