if you

  • 网络如果你;如果起床晚了你怎么办;你上学就要迟到了

if youif you

if you


秋宪坤_百度百科 ... (Suddenly) 突然 (If You) 如果你 (feat. Thomas cook) 你经常 ...




康妮、Glee重新演绎卓别... ... when there are clauds in the sky, 当天空布满阴云, you'll get by,if you 你都将渡过难关,只要你 ...

If you still do not understand, you can contact our online experts, for you to make further details. 如果您还有不明白的地方,可以联系我们的在线专家,专家会为您做出进一步的详细介绍。
Even if you can figure it out, it's better to ask for a quick overview. 即使你自己可以搞定,也最好去问一下简单的使用说明。
Also we would need the client that would function like a proxy. If you are able to make it undetectable, that will be an added advantage. 此外,我们需要的客户端的作用相当于一个代理。如果你能使其无法检测,这将是一个额外的好处。
See? That's why you should never see a cyclist. It would have been much better if you were with me. 明白没?这就是为什么你不应该和骑车的人约会。如果你和我的话,肯定会好很多。
If you've lost respect for me that's totally fine but please don't let me or my words lose the respect off the WNBA and what it stands for. 如果你不再尊重我,完全没关系。但是请不要因为我或我说的话让你失去对WNBA(美国女子篮球联盟)的尊敬。
Whatever you think about using grating words, at the end of the day it's actually better not to say whatever, if you know what I mean. 不管你对使用恼人的词语怎么看,到头来最好还是不要说“whatever”(无所谓),你懂我的意思吧。
If you say that someone is on the side of the angels, you mean that they are doing what you think is morally right. 如果你说某人在天使的边上,低劣的他们是你所想的道德上正确的做你。
"It was as if you put Venice in Kansas, " says Don Lessem, producer of a new Genghis Khan exhibit touring the country now. “这就好比你把威尼斯放进了堪萨斯州,”唐莱森说。他是一个新的成吉思汗展的制作人,该展现正在国内巡回展出。
Please do us a favor to make a credit certificate. And I would appreciate it if you could send me a copy. 这是为答复别人的一个邮件,内容如下:谢谢贵司为我们开信用证,开证完成后麻烦回一个副本给我。
If you did not select an item, the report will be run for the item that would be first if the list were sorted alphabetically. 如果没有选择项目,并且列表按字母顺序排序,则会对其中的第一个项目运行报告。
If you don't know the meaning of the word, please look it up in a dictionary. 如果你不知道这个单词的含义,请在辞典里查一下。
The next time you see a rainbow notice that you are in the center of the arc , and that if you move the rainbow moves with you. 下次当你仔细观察彩虹,你会发现你正处于彩虹弧度的正中,并且当你移动是,彩虹中心也随你移动。
Phoebe: You know, if you tilt your head to the left, and relax your eyes, it kinda looks like an old potato. 如果你们把头向左偏,放松你们的眼睛,它看起来很像一个老土豆。
If you were working for one of these agencies that relies on discretionary funding, how would you be feeling right now? 如果你正在这样一个全权依靠资金的机构工作,你现在会有什么感觉?
Cut it out and see if you can make it a week. 在你的生活中除去它们,看看你能不能坚持一周。
If you are going to lead an Agile team, you need to have the courage to speak the truth and let your team members speak the truth as well. 如果你准备去领导一个Agile团队,你需要拥有勇气说出事实,并鼓励你的团队成员也说出事实。
If you were to walk up to Arthur Bonner and say, " Hey, Butterfly Man, " his face would break into a smile. 如果你走向亚瑟·邦那并且说:“嗨,蝴蝶男人”,他的脸上会绽放出笑容。
I wonder if you could spare some time to help me with sth. 不知道可不可以占用您的一点时间帮我做某事。
If you use portable heaters in a child's room, be sure to put it out of reach. Be sure, too , they are not close to blankets or clothes. 如果在你孩子的房间里使用便携式的加热器,一定要确保不能让孩子够得到,并且要确保不要将加热器放置在离衣服或毯子很近的范围里。
Paolo: You can add more if you think it needs it later but you can't take it out once it is in. 如果过一会你觉得还需要更多的盐你是可以再加的但是如果你加多了却收不回来了。
But if you let me, I swear, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. 但是如果你给我机会,我发誓我会用我的余生来补偿你
If you had to write an autobiography at age 60, would telling the reader that this was your job accomplishment be satisfying for you? 当您在60岁写自传的时候,您会告诉读者您对这份工作中所取得的成就很满意吗?
They all said the same thing: he took no notice of you if you left him alone, but he might charge if you went too close to him. 他们说的都一样:如果你让它去,他不理你;如果你走得太近,它就向你冲来。
If you could give me some idea of your requirement, I might be able to help you. 如果你告诉我你们的具体需要的话,也许我能够帮助你。
Let me ask you a few questions, just to see if we've missed something, or to see if you've left anything out. 我再问你几个问题,看看我们遗漏了什么,还需要补充点什么。
If you want, it's the plane in which the motion seems to be going at the given time. 如果你愿意的话,这是在给定时间,行星运动的平面。
I figured it out while he was Watching your dress, He'd give you his all If you'd but agree, A man is in love, And he's me. 我想通了,当他看你的装扮,他给你他的所有如果你不得不同意,一个男人在爱,而他的我。
If you approach a red light and a traffic officer directs you to go through the intersection without stopping, what should you do? 如果在红灯时交通警指示你穿过十字路口,你应如何?
Knowing this should enable you to face it with absolute confidence, as if you handle it badly that will most likely create more karma. 要知道这需要你以完全的信心去面对它,如果你处理不好的话便可能制造出更多的业力问题。
But if you displayed that on a CRT or flat panel display, it would be meaningless to hold up an arbitrary object, a real world object on it. 但是如果你把它显示在投射或平板显示器上,然后随便举着一个东西,一个现实世界中的物体,它不会有任何含义。