good wife

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good wife


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... 先决条件 prior condition;precondition;prerequisite 贤内助 good wife 现代意识 modern thinking ...


想起最近看过的一集《法妻》(Good Wife),女主角Mrs Florrick被委派入特别调查组,为具争议的案件研究证据及证供,她以为 …


讲故事Tell Me a Story[旺旺英语论坛] ... Silly William 傻瓜威廉姆 Good Wife 好妻子 Tom & the Magic Fiue 汤姆和魔笛 ...


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I should say she was a devilishly accomplished, clever girl, and would make a good wife with a sensible husband. 我得说,她是一个非常完美,非常聪明的女孩子,在精明的丈夫那里可以成为得力的贤内助。
No matter how mildly I mentioned it to her, she would be deeply hurt. Honestly, she was a good wife. 不管我用怎么样温和平静的语气讲出来,她还是会深深地受到伤害。
No matter you believe or not, everyone you know thinks you are a good wife and mother. 不管你信不信,每个认识你的人都认为你是位好妻子和好妈妈。
Soon Peter, simple as he was, began to see that he had got a very good wife. 彼得虽然笨,但很快就看出他娶的是一位很贤惠的妻子。
The Maasai girls are raised with the only thought of becoming a good wife to her future husband, most likely to be wed at age twelve. 马赛女孩从小就被教导要做她们未来丈夫的好妻子。她们在12岁时就很可能结婚了。
'And you're very glad to leave your dear good wife in such a comfortable home, ain't you, Sir? “您把您亲爱的善良的妻子留在这么舒适的家庭里,您很高兴吧,先生?”
Perhaps I do not know if you feel the idea did not quite know how you would like to find a good wife, but all with the wish to please? 也许我不知道你内心的想法,也不太知道你有多么想找到一个好妻子,但一切随愿好吗?
Instead he told her to be loyal to her husband and to be a good wife to him. 反之,他劝勉她们要忠于自己的丈夫,和尽量做好妻子的本分。
Thank you. There will be very little merit in making a good wife to such a man as Mr. Weston. 谢谢。给韦斯顿先生这样的人做个贤惠的妻子,这并不说明我有什么了不起的。
"If I weren't so fat, I'd have made you a good wife, " she teasingly told Patriarch Bartholomew who, as an Orthodox bishop, is celibate. “我要不是这么胖的话,就要做你的好妻子。”海森夫人故意揶揄巴塞罗缪主教——这位东正教主教还是单身。
He also happily finds out that their daughter will also be a good wife for someone in the future just like her mother. 同时他也欣慰地发现,她们的女儿也会在将来成为另一个男人的好妻子,就像她妈妈一样。
Thank you for being a good wife, an excellent cook, a great daughter to your parents, and a professional manager to your company. 谢谢你让自己成为一个合格的妻子、出色的烹调高手、父母的乖女儿、公司的专业经理人。
Hestia appeared to be the perfect wife and stood as an example of the good wife for the slaves. 赫斯提看来是一位完美的妻子,并成为奴隶们好妻子的榜样。
Mom: But don't you know that a woman's job is to be a good wife and mother? 妈妈:但是难道你不认为一个女人的工作就是做个好妻子和好妈妈吗?
I love you so much, and I promise I will learn to be a good wife who works hard, just because you are my husband! 我是那么那么的爱你,我一定会努力学着做一个好妻子,很努力的工作,因为我的老公是你!
Julianna Margulies was named best actress in a drama series for the second year running for her role in The Good Wife . 朱丽安娜马古利斯因在电视剧集好妻子中的出色表演连续第二年获得了最佳女演员的称号。
Depending on who you believe, the secret to longevity might be a good wife, a lack of stress, red meat or even gin. 长寿的秘诀也许就是拥有一位出色的妻子,她能使得你减少点压力,少吃肉甚至少喝点酒,不过这一切取决于你对于她的信任。
She was such a good wife. Sandwiches chocolate, fruit the whole lot. And u know wot she didn't get angry or av tantrum. 她是这样的一位好妻子。三明治巧克力,大量的水果。你知道她并没有生气或者突然发怒。啊哈哈!
please love me with your sincere heart , i will be your good wife , lovely lover , soul ' s friend. 请用你真诚的心来爱我,我将会是你贤惠的妻子、可爱的情人、灵魂的知己。
They each deserved a good wife, and as she could not be a wife of both, she would leave both wifeless. 他们两个人都应该的到一个好妻子,但她不能同时做他们两个人的妻子,她将要离开他们。
He married a good wife and lived happily with his mother ever afterwards. 他娶了位好姑娘,和他母亲一起快活地生活着。
If I had a good wife like yours, I'd want to stay around the house. 如果我有你这样好妻子,我愿意留下来围绕房子。
By all means marry, if you get a good wife, you'll be happy, if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher --- Socrates. 务必要结婚,娶个好女人,你会很快乐,娶个坏女人,你会成为哲学家。
I can't be a good wife, I can't be a good mom and I can't deal with my job too. 我无法成为一个好妻子,我无法成为一个好母亲,我也无法处理好我的工作。
He said I wasn't a good wife. Wasn't that a horrible thing to say? 他说我不是个好妻子。那话不是很伤人么?
L. by all means marry . if you get a good wife , you 'll be happy. if you get a bad one , you 'll become a philosopher. 想法结婚吧——如果娶了个好老婆,你会快活似神仙;要是娶了个泼妇,不要紧,你会成为哲学家。
I told her the day I saw her for the first time that she would make some man a good wife and mother. 我头一次看见她那天就同她说,她将来是一位贤妻良母。
She plays private investigator Kalinda Sharma in The Good Wife, a CBS legal drama, which will return for a second season this fall. 她在CBS摄制的法律剧集《傲骨贤妻》中扮演私家侦探卡琳达•沙玛一角,该剧的第二季将于秋季与观众见面。
By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you will become very happy, if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher. 无论如何你要结婚。如果你娶了个好妻子,你会无比幸福,如果你的妻子很糟糕,那么你将成为一个哲人。
Like, say, wanting to be a good wife while also wanting to seduce strange young men. 比如说,你想要做个好妻子同时又想去勾引年轻男人。