not fair

  • 网络不公平;不公平的;我要公平

not fairnot fair

not fair


It's Not Me, It's You -... ... The Fear( 没在怕) Not Fair不公平) I Could Say( 可以这么说) ...


高等教育自学考试网上辅导《英语词... ... (not classical) 非经典的; (not fair不公平的; (concerning two languages) …


《2014文都教育:考研英语阅读同源外... ... Under the mistletoe 槲寄生下 Not fair 我要公平 Private space mission 私人太空任 …


嘎嘎,“这样很不公正not fair),所以马丁·路德·金要改变它,就像亚伯拉罕·林肯,也是要改变不公正的规定,就被打死了。” …


诚品网路书店 - 唯一是爱 ... 08. Through My Eyes 在我眼中 09. Not Fair 不平之鸣 10. Seasons 四季 ...


...报酬意味著对农民的援助(Aid),对购买者来说可能不是公平的(not fair)。

I used to complain that God was not fair to me to let me be born into a poor farmer's family, but now I will not think that way. 我曾抱怨上天是不公平的,让我出生在这样一个贫穷的农民家庭,然而现在我却不这么想。
Ah Mui said such report is not fair to the kid. She said that magazine is the enemy of Gor Gor , is one of the murderers. 阿梅称这报道对细路仔(指霆锋)不公平,她称某传媒是哥哥(张国荣)的仇人,是凶手之一。
Ningquewulan. Do not readily grasp of a lonely woman, which is not fair to you and her, and the lack of sense of responsibility too. 宁缺毋滥。不要因为寂寞随手抓一个女人,这对你和她都不公平,而且太缺乏责任感。
"It's not fair for you to come here, " I tell Depression. "I paid you off already. I served my time back in New York. " “你们到这里来,这不公平,”我告诉“抑郁”,“我欠你们的已经付清。我在纽约已服了刑。”
It's time we get out of this contract, its not fair to us, they make all of the money, we make nothing. 是我们跳出这个合同的时候了。这合同对我们不公平,他们赚去所有的钱,我们什么都没有得到。
If he's home all day with the kids, it's not fair for her to come home and complain about the way he's dispensing his parental care. 如果他整日和孩子呆在家里,她回到家里抱怨他抚育的方式是不公平的。
You're too quick for me, cause if you haven't seen the movie, it's hard for me to ask you about it. That's not fair. 你反应太快了。因为如果你还没有看过那部电影,那我问你有关它的东西就太难了。这太不公平了。
"It would have been a media frenzy and that's not fair on the other students, " he said. 他说:“如果我参加的话,晚会就会变成媒体的天下,那样对其他同学是不公平的。”
Not readily grasp as a lonely man, which you and he does not fair, but is too lacking in a sense of responsibility. 不要因为寂寞随手抓一个男人,这对你和他都不公平,而且太缺乏责任感。
am i to go back, in a blink, in the same stark nakedness? it is not fair though: why should i have made such a trip for nothing! 我赤裸裸来到这世界,转眼间也将赤裸裸地回去罢?但不能平的,为什么偏要白白走这一遭啊?
the question of an uneasy conscience, he said this is not fair. 把良心不安的问题先放到一边,他说这这样才公平。
Khan Hawker's Diamond Shark forces did not fair well in the Trials and was forced to accept a position as a reserve Clan. Hawker可汗的钻石鲨部队在试炼中做得不太好,被迫接受了预备氏族的位置。
I have to talk to the club about this, as I cannot accept another season on the bench! It's just not fair! "he grinned. " 我和俱乐部谈过这个,我不能接受再坐一年的板凳了,这对是我不公平的。
He said he had no other choice because his state's system of executing criminals is not fair. 他表示,他没有其他的选择,因为他所在州的判刑制度不公平。
Rebekah looked as if I'd slapped her. "That's not fair! " she wailed, eyes wide with shock. 利百加看着我,好像我摑了她一巴掌似的。“这不公平!”她哭喊道。眼睛因为震惊而大大的圆睁着。
It's not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and take it out on your wife and children. 白天的工作不顺心,回到家里拿老婆孩子出气,这是不公平的。
Mr. Grasso: To say that the noise around my departure caused people [at the NYSE] to go into a nuclear winter is not fair. 格拉索:要说因我离职而起的种种传言导致了纽交所的员工进入严冬,那是不公平的。
And the atmosphere for bridging the gap between the two of us is not fair. As I say, we have tended to feel that we are being railroaded. 弥补双方之间差距的氛围不公平,就像我所说的,我们一直感到我们被迫草率行事。
Life is not fair and people do not always behave well or kindly. 生命本来就不公平、人们也不总都善良亲切。
Several countries have maintained direct contacts with the Haqqanis, " he said. " Singling out Pakistan is not fair. 吉拉尼说:“几个国家都与哈卡尼保持着直接联系。把巴基斯坦挑出来说是不公平的。”
This world is not fair and there is not there a little bit of respect for those of us who ah! 这天下还有没有公平还有没有一点点对我们这些人的尊重啊!
I had no problem with that. It did sound more dramatic, and people probably thought that's not fair, but I prefer it that way, he added. “我对那没有问题,它确实听起来更戏剧性,人们可能认为那不公平,但是我更喜欢这样的方法,”他补充到。
Silly child. The world is not fair. At least, you expect that you want justice. 傻孩子。世界上是没有公平的。至少,你奢望不到你所想要的公平。
"That's not fair, " snapped Hermione. "She still hasn't got over what happened. . . you know. . . I mean, he was her cousin! " 赫敏厉声说道,“她仍然没有从那件事情当中缓过来……你知道的……我是说,他毕竟是她的亲戚啊!”
It's not fair that I have to work so hard. My sister gets paid twice my salary and only works three days a week. 这样真不公平,我不得不辛苦地工作。我的姐姐一个星期只要工作3天,而她的薪水是我的两倍。
Don't ever call your own kids a son of a bitch since, from the genetic point of view, it is not fair to yourself as the parents. 别骂自己的孩子是小兔崽子,因为从遗传学的角度来讲,这对家长是不利的。
Scar: Life is not fair, is it? You see I, well, I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day, and you. . . 刀疤:生活是不公平的,不是吗?你看看我,呃,我永远都做不了国王,而你将永远见不到明天的阳光,你会……
It is not fair to couple his name with that of Miss Z. 将他的名字与z小姐的联系在一起是不公平的。
It's not fair that I'm always assigned to do the grunt work with no chance of getting those juicy jobs like the others on my team. 这个雇员非常生气,他说:我老是被指派去做那些繁重的工作,没有机会像我小组里那些人那样得到一些美差。
Life is not fair, regardless of your circumstances, you can only do your best. 生活是不公平的,不管你的境遇如何,你只能全力以赴。