
美 [ɡræs]英 [ɡrɑːs]
  • n.草;草地;牧草;青草
  • v.(向警方)告密
  • 网络格拉斯;草场;小草


green grass,long grass,tall grass,dry grass,lush grass
cut grass,grass grow,eat grass,mow grass,plant grass


n. v.

1.[u]草;青草;牧草a common wild plant with narrow green leaves and stems that are eaten by cows, horses, sheep, etc.

2.[c]禾本科植物any type of grass

3.[sing][u]草地;草坪;草场;牧场an area of ground covered with grass


the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence)

草是那边绿;这山望着那山高said about people who never seem happy with what they have and always think that other people have a better situation than they have

not let the grass grow under your feet

(做事)不拖拉,不磨洋工to not delay in getting things done

put sb out to grass

迫使(年老者)退休;让某人离职to force sb to stop doing their job, especially because they are old

人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... other 其他的 grass sleep 睡觉 ...


cgcloud CG筋斗云/独立CG分享博客 ... 腐朽水泥墙 |DecayedWall 草地 |Grass 井盖 |Wellshutter ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... grape n. 葡萄 grass n. 草;草场;牧草 great a. 伟大的;重要的;好极了 ...


“世界香水之都”格拉斯Grass)坐落于法国南部的一个小乡村,是香水的起源地。一到花开时节,格拉斯的空气中仿佛也绽放 …


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... grape n. 葡萄 grass n. 草;草场;牧草 great a. 伟大的;重要的;好极了 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... grasp 抓紧 grass 青草 grasshopper 蚱蜢 ...


剑桥少儿英语重点句型_英语网 ... 小丑 clown, 小草 grass, 太阳 sun, ...


苏教版初一英语预备课程单词第六单元_百度知道 ... come 来 grass草坪 Start 开始 起点 ...

I had been thinking of you, and was kneeling in the grass among fallen blossoms. 想你已久,屈膝跪地,于青草落花之中。
I had my stick with me, so I gave it a tap to send it round, and, unfortunately, it fell off the stake on to the grass. 我手中有棍,就碰了一下以让它再次动起来,不幸地是,它从树桩上掉下,落入草丛。
As you know, most alive plants are green, like grass and trees. 就像你知道的,大多数植物是绿色的,像青草与树木。
After passing through numerous, Alice suddenly wake up, realize that they lay on the grass asleep, all adventures are nothing but a dream. 历尽艰险之后,爱丽丝猛然苏醒,原来自己躺在草地上睡着了,一切奇遇都不过是梦幻而已。
Sometimes she saw him in a little ship on the river. She then hid in the long grass near the side of the river. 有时候,她看到王子坐着小船在河上游玩,她就躲藏在河边的高高的草丛里。
I walked through the street and sat down in the cool grass beside IT. 我穿过街道,坐到她旁边的清凉的草地上。
Grass was hand in hand they are not afraid of the wind are not afraid of rain, that the mighty momentum like a wall of steel wall. 草儿们手挽着手不怕风不怕雨,那威猛的气势有如一堵钢铁长城。
The grass swayed and bowed low, as if before a king, but no king appeared to her. 草丛继续摆动着,垂了下来,仿佛在向国王屈膝,不过没有国王出现在她面前。
Even the grass was not green, for the sun had burned the tops of the long blades until they were the same gray color to be seen everywhere. 即使是草也不绿,因为太阳烤炙着它们的顶部长叶,使得它们不论从何处看起来,同样的都是灰色的。
How, just a few days, it was weed and grass. 怎么,短短的几天,心里便野草丛生。
In a minute he had squeezed through the fence and was standing in the long grass outside his yard. 片刻工夫他就挤过篱笆,站在了他院子外面的深深的草丛中。
I need to work with my team to recover well, work on my physical condition to be at my top form and get ready to play on grass at Wimbledon. 我需要配合我的团队工作使我的膝盖恢复良好,让我的身体状况提升到最佳状态,同时准备好在温布尔登进行比赛。
When all was prepared, the gardener took a bag of grass and a container of honey with him. 一切布置妥当后,园丁一手拿着一整袋的草,一手拿着一瓶蜂蜜。
Quiet small square grass trees, silent, silent, but I seem to hear them whisper. 宁静的小广场,小草无声,树木无声,可我似乎又听到他们在低语。
but the Nightingale made not answer, for she was lying dead in the long grass, with the thorn in her heart. 但是夜莺没有回答,花刺插在她的心房,她静静的躺在高高的草丛中,离开了尘世。
In the spring, the new calves would be branded and turned out with the rest of the cattle to grow fat on the summer grass in the mountains. 到了春天,新生的小牛也会被烙上印记,牛仔会再把牛群带回山上享受青草,并逐渐长大。
The horse wallow In the rank grass; the children run about to gather stick for the fire. 马儿纵乐於茂密的青草中;孩子们跑来跑去拾柴生火。
The opposite side of the cattle or two or three, or five or six, are eating grass. 对岸的牛或者二、三,或者五、六,都在吃着草。
He sat down in front of the grave for two, the lush summer grass giving way beneath him. 他在这座为两人修建的坟墓前坐下,夏日茂盛的草在他身下让出一席之地。
The traveller spread his hands, palms downwards, on the grass, and looked at Shelton with a smile. 那位旅客把两手张开,手心朝下,放在草地上,笑嘻嘻地盯着谢尔顿。
She doesn't have to close her eyes and dream of the sweet smell of fresh grass and the gentle breeze coming up from the pasture. 她不再需要闭上眼睛梦想那嫩草的芳香与那草场上吹起的轻柔的风儿。
Straw mats made of natural materials, such a lin grass, rattan and bamboo, are good. It's best not to use mats made of manmade straw. 草席则用蔺草、一般草席、藤席、竹席等天然材质为主,最好不要用人造草席;
Perhaps it is to be separated from the fact of it, to see schools spend a grass one, could be so lovely to come! 也许是将要的离别的缘故吧,看到学校的一花一草,竟是如此的可爱可亲!
"In the moon thou sent thy love letters to me, " said the night to the sun, "I leave my answers in tears upon the grass. " “在月光中,你松给我的情书,”黑夜对太阳说,“我已将含泪的回答留在青草上”
"What shall we do now? " asked the Tin Woodman, as the Lion lay down on the grass to let the sun dry him. 正当狮子躺在草地上,让太阳晒干时,铁皮人问:“现在我们要做些什么?”
The Boscombe Pool is thickly wooded round, with just a fringe of grass and of reeds round the edge. 博斯科姆比池塘附近都是茂密的树林,池塘四周只长了一圈杂草和芦苇。
I wish to turn into a lamb, forever inseparable from you, smell you smell the fresh grass, smell your scent of fresh soil. 我愿化作一只小羊,永远的离不开你,嗅你清新的青草味儿,嗅你新鲜的泥土香味。
A week of rain the next, everywhere wet, grass grows very fast, the leaves are thick, and full of green. 下了一个星期的雨,到处都是湿湿的,青草长得很快,树叶也茂密了,到处绿意盎然。一切都是清新的绿色,看起来很舒服!
Then Wu noticed its mother a few feet away in the grass. He couldn't get a good shot at her from his angle, so he waited. 然后他注意到小鹿的妈妈就在草里几英尺远的地方。从他这个角度不能打中,所以他等待着。
Bards sublime "who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments, " expressed the grace of the children for the mother of endless feelings. 千古绝唱“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,表达了儿女对母亲的恩惠报答不尽的感情。