
美 [ˈɡæmb(ə)l]英 ['ɡæmb(ə)l]
  • n.赌博;冒险;打赌
  • v.打赌;冒风险;碰运气;以…为赌注
  • 网络投机;宝洁;孤注一掷

第三人称单数:gambles 现在分词:gambling 过去式:gambled

huge gamble,big gamble
take gamble


v. n.

1.[i][t](牌戏、赛马等中)赌博,打赌to risk money on a card game, horse race, etc.

2.[t][i]冒风险;碰运气;以…为赌注to risk losing sth in the hope of being successful


21世纪大学英语读写教程单词表(一) - 豆丁网 ... painter n. 画家 gamble n. 赌博 v.赌博;打赌 snobbish a. 势利的 ...


第三人称 - dsen0110 - 网易博客 ... gallon n. 加仑(液量单位) gamble v. & n. 赌博,投机,冒险 gang n. 一群,一伙 ...


第三人称 - dsen0110 - 网易博客 ... gallon n. 加仑(液量单位) gamble v. & n. 赌博,投机,冒险 gang n. 一群,一伙 ...


Universal Ideas 万佳 ... Johnson & Johnson 强生 Procter & Gamble 宝洁 Seven & I Holdings 7&I控股 ...


大学英语六级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... fuss n. 大惊小怪,过份照顾 gamble v. 赌博,孤注一掷 gangster n. 匪徒,歹徒,暴徒 ...


2012年财富美国500强排行榜... ... 美国电话电报公司( At&;;;T) 宝洁公司( Procter &;;; Gamble) 强生( Johnson …


英文名查询 ... Richards 理查兹 Gamble 甘布尔 Ferguson 弗格森 ...

It was bit of a gamble on him at the time but, by and large, most people say that Jeremie did very well during his time at the Club. 当时对他来说这是场赌博。但是最终大体来说,多数人认为杰勒米在俱乐部效力期间表现不错。
If commercial banks were to be protected, they should not be allowed to gamble in the securities markets. 如果商业银行要得到保护,那就不允许他们在证券市场厮混。
But in a nation where the urge to gamble is never far below the surface, the stock market has sometimes come to resemble a casino. 但在赌博欲从来都没有掩藏得太深的中国,股市有时就像赌场。
I think we know that Cole is used to pressure, and despite massive wages, the lack of a transfer fee made it a gamble worth taking. 我觉得我们都知道,科尔习惯于压力,虽然工资高昂,但不需要转会费使得这也是一个值得尝试的赌博。
Time may yet show that he should have doubled down on the gamble he took when he accepted Mr Obama's offer. 时间会证实他应该在接受奥巴马录用时下双倍赌注。
It's a gamble. The hedge funds are mostly new to Hollywood. They've been warned against trying to run a studio on the cheap. 这是一次赌博。这些对冲基金多数都是刚刚接触好莱坞。已经有人劝过它们,不要用低成本来运作一家电影制作公司。
The gamble paid off, and within a couple of years, the company moved to a real office in Seattle. 最终他们投下的赌注带来了回报,就在几年内,公司搬进了位于西雅图的正式办公室。
Robert: (Laughing) If you gamble all night, you'll run out of money in a few days. (笑)如果你整晚都赌博,你几天内就会把钱用光的。(实验室的主任走了进来。)
I didn't want to take the gamble, it is only a little problem on his groin and I decided to replace him. 我不想进行赌博,他的腹股沟有一点小问题,因此我决定找人替换他上场。
Blackburn Rovers midfield ace David Bentley admits he took a huge gamble leaving Arsenal. 布莱克本中场球员大卫·本特利离开阿森纳对他来说是一次巨大的赌博。
You know your family better than anyone else does, it might be a gamble, but it's your decision. 你比其他任何人都更加了解你的家庭,就算孤注一掷,决定权终归取决于你自己。
Bob used the money he stole from his company to gamble again. This time, he cashed in. He made a lot of money. 他用从公司偷的钱赌博。现在,他兑现了大笔钱。
And as one analyst pointed out, a bet on these two casino listings could prove to be, well, a bit of a gamble. 如一位分析师所说,对这两家博彩公司股票的投资本身就颇像一次赌博。
When I was a child, his shoulders like a mountain, magnificent and steadfast, he never gamble, don't drink or smoke. 小时候,他的肩膀就像一座高山,雄伟而又踏实,他从不赌博,也不喝酒抽烟。
Since the bankers had taken a big gamble by signing on without seeing the bottom line, he said, he'd go straight to the numbers. 因为银行家们签约受雇时没有关注到底下的合约而打了一个大赌,他说,他最好是直接谈数据。
we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commander decided to take a gamble. 我们很多人担心会陷入泥潭陷入泥潭之中。陷入泥潭我们营长决定冒一下险。
But pause and reflect. Marriage must always be something of a gamble. 但停下来反思,婚姻常常是一种赌博。
And it's remarkable I think that they decided to let me stay there and probably they felt that it was a bit of a gamble. 并且我认为很明显,他们让我呆在那里,对他们来说有点冒险。
Speed's gamble of being the first to stop for dry tyres backfired and he needed four pit stops in total on his way to 12th place. 斯毕德第一个进站换上干胎的赌博算是输了,在拿到第12名之前,他总共进了四次站。
If you were my boy I'd take you out and gamble, " he said. " But you are your father's and your mother's and you are in a lucky boat. 如果你是我自己的小子,我准会带你出去闯一下,“他说。”可你是你爸爸和你妈妈的小子,你搭的又是一条交上了好运的船。
For the first 85 years, this would have been a very uninteresting gamble, generating an average return of only around 2% a year. 在起初的八十五年间,这场赌博会显得索然无味,年平均回报率仅在2%左右。
What beginners call gut feel is usually an urge to gamble, and I tell them they have no right to a gut feel. 新手的内心感觉就是赌博的冲动,我告诉他们,他们并没有权利谈自己的内心感觉。
For America's existing allies in the region, that means helping to usher them out even when their successors are something of a gamble. 对美国在该地区的现有盟友来说,这意味着帮助引导他们走下权力舞台,尽管其继任者的行为仍是变数。
Abandoning the old British model is a gamble and no-one knows how it will play out in terms of quality. 舍弃英联邦旧制是一场赌博,没人知道最终的结果会怎样。
The secrecy surrounding the trip is a sign of its sensitivenaturalnature as well as the fact that this is a gamble by Washington. 围绕这场访问之旅的秘密是其敏感自然的象征,也是这是华盛顿放手一搏的的事实的象征。
But he has to keep his promise to his wife: he would not reveal his identity as the God of Gamblers and not to gamble for one year. 高进本欲报仇,但遵守跟妻子的约定,一年内不跟任何人开赌局,更不会透露自己的真正身份。
I argued at the time that he ought to let Lehman fail and I still believe that it was a gamble worth taking. 我当时认为,他应该让雷曼破产,而且我现在仍然相信,这是一种值得冒险的赌博。
When he was an inexperienced young man, he burned his fingers in the casino, and he swore never to gamble again. 当他是个乳臭未干的毛头小子时,曾在赌场里上过当,因此发誓从此不赌。
Apparently the interest in him was more of a gamble to reiterate City's financial power. 显然,他的兴趣是向世人夸耀曼城的经济实力,而非一场赌博。
She said her elderly father, Stanley Gamble, was trapped, and she and her mother, Louise, could not free him. 她说她的老父亲斯丹利.甘伯被埋在里面,她和她母亲路易斯没办法救他出来。