
美 [ˈɡrʌmpi]英 ['ɡrʌmpi]
  • adj.脾气坏的;性情暴躁的
  • 网络爱生气;脾气暴躁的;性情乖戾的

比较级:grumpier 最高级:grumpiest




白雪公主 (电影) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 万事通 Doc 爱生气 Grumpy 开心果 Happy ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... cal abbr. 卡,小卡 grumpy adj. 脾气坏的, 性情乖戾的, 脾气暴躁的 repeatedly adv. 重复地, 再三地 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... cal abbr. 卡,小卡 grumpy adj. 脾气坏的, 性情乖戾的, 脾气暴躁的 repeatedly adv. 重复地, 再三地 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... cal abbr. 卡,小卡 grumpy adj. 脾气坏的, 性情乖戾的, 脾气暴躁的 repeatedly adv. 重复地, 再三地 ...


科技,别总翻新太快-英语点津 ... 29. pump out: 喷出,此处指“播放(节目)”。 30. grumpy: 坏脾气的。 31. idiosyncrasy: 特色…

I'd get a sickening sense of dread for the fortnight leading up to them, knowing that I would become a sleep-deprived grumpy, spotty hermit. 十四天的夜班后我发现感到胆战心惊的害怕,我很清楚的知道自己会变成一个睡眠不足的,性情乖戾情绪不稳的隐士。
I can see she is a woman of her word. Most people would have made this weather an excuse not to come so far to visit a grumpy old man. 可以看出她是个守信用的人。遇到这种天气,大多人会以此为借口,不来看望一个脾气不好的老人。
James Halliday has never been busier, though he admits his commitments have made him a bit grumpy. 詹姆斯-哈利迪(JamesHalliday)从来没有这么忙过,他承认工作压力让自己有点脾气暴躁。
Just today, we were driving home and my son was a bit grumpy. I handed him my phone and let him play "The car sounds game" (as he calls it). 就在今天,我们开车回家的路上,我儿子有点淘气,我就把手机给他,让他自己玩“汽车叫游戏”(他是这么叫的)。
If one of you is a bit grumpy try not to let one person's mood affect the whole day. 如果你们中有个脾气不好的,不要让这一个人的心情影响他一整天。
"When a man becomes grumpy or irritable, it's easy to blame work or simply the effects of aging, " says Petty. 佩蒂说:“当男人变得暴躁或易怒时,我们往往把原因归咎于工作或仅仅是年龄大了。”
But what they don't realize is that kids don't care about toys -- what they care about is parents being grumpy and taking it out on them. 但父母们没有认识到,孩子并不在意玩具。孩子们在意的是他们父母的暴躁脾气,以及是否能带他们出去玩。
If you want to work your way out of a bad mood or out of a grumpy lifestyle consider trying a few points I mentioned above. 如果你想赶走坏心情或者糟糕的生活方式,考虑一下我以上提到的几点。
If you start each day desperately wishing for an extra hour in bed, the following is likely to leave you feeling even more grumpy. 如果你每天起床时,都巴不得再多睡一小时,那下面的调查很可能让你感觉更焦躁。
As I can't see you landing a peachy job outside, you can either stick it out gracefully or become a grumpy nuisance. 我估计,你在外面也找不到一份很好的工作,因此,你要么体面地做好这份工作,要么做一个脾气暴躁的讨厌鬼。
He has a stubborn, grumpy face, but looks extremely fit for a man of his age. 顽强执拗的情态,看起来同他这样年纪的人是极其相称的。
For 54 per cent of grumpy Brits, a simple cup of tea or coffee is all it takes to brighten their mood and help them to wake up. 对于54%有起床气的英国人来说,一杯热茶或咖啡就足以点亮心情,让他们赶快清醒过来。
So I'm just going to lie low and if you need me, please be understanding if I'm a bit grumpy today. 所以我打算潜伏起来,如果你需要我,请理解如果我有一点乖戾。
It made me grumpy because afterward I thought about how eating junk while out is not at all what I want for my life or who I want to be. 我很恼火因为在此之后我一直想着如何吃喝而不是我的生活要什么或者我想成为谁。
Upon arrival, the check in process was as follows: Waited for 10 minutes for a very grumpy receptionist to serve us. 到达酒店的时候,登记入住程序是这样的:等了10分钟,来为我们服务的是一个脾气暴躁的前台接待。
But America cannot fix any of these mistakes by folding its tents and slinking home to a grumpy isolation. On the contrary. 但是,美国也不能靠卷起铺盖、龟缩孤立来妥善处理好这些失误。
When I am REALLY into a book, I cannot stop, even if it means I lose sleep and wake up grumpy. 当我沉浸在一本书里的时候,我往往会停不下来,即使这种情况会让我晚上失眠早上起来发脾气。
SIXTEEN years ago an American presidential election was fought against the backdrop of a weak economy and a grumpy electorate. 十六年前的美国大选面对的是疲软的经济和气急败坏的选民。
He drives a taxi in Liverpool. In his own words, he's a grumpy bastard at the best of times. 他在利物浦开出租车,用他自己的话说,他是个脾气暴躁的人。
For the professional rider whose groom is an intermediary between himself and his mount, a grumpy horse in the stable is of little concern. 对于职业骑手,马夫是他和马匹之间的中间人,即便有一匹脾气暴躁的马匹在马场里也不是什么问题。
Bring to her mother. I gotta take a grumpy. 抱给她妈我得去上个厕所
While you might be inclined to get grumpy at this dilemma, a simple solution is to use an interface map. 这种窘境常常使人感到沮丧,此时可以使用接口映射这个简单的解决方案。
Grumpy is one of human nature, are the vile person is angry if in human progress on the steps of the step backwards. 脾气暴躁是人类较为卑劣的天性之一,人要是发脾气就等于在人类进步的阶梯上倒退了一步。
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. 多数时间,你对他人都性情乖戾的,脾气暴躁。你不感激任何人想插手你的事。
You're very grumpy today--what's the matter? 你今天脾气真坏。怎么回事?
If you didn't, she warned, you'd be exhausted and grumpy and would not be able to cope with the following day. 她警告说,如果不这样做,你就会疲惫不堪、性情暴躁,无法应付第二天的生活。
He said that, after a couple of sessions of Botox, the habit of 'grumpy face' could be broken. 他说,经过几个疗程的肉毒杆菌注射,爱摆“暴躁的面孔”这样的坏习惯可能得到改正。
I would be grumpy and cause those around me to be unhappy. 我的脾气这时候也会特别暴躁,令我周围的人怏怏不乐。
He explained that cicadas do not like being moved from place to place, and sometimes they get so grumpy that they refuse to sing. 他交代说,知了不喜欢被挪来挪去,有时候脾气不好了,它们会拒绝鸣叫。
Contrary to the UK stereotype of the grumpy old man not wanting to be dragged to the shops, men shopped more often than women did. 与英国典型的脾气暴躁的老年男性不愿意被拖去购物相比,这里男性购物的次数多于女性。