
美 ['ɡʌ]英 ['ɡʌ]
  • adj.泌尿生殖的
  • n.
  • 网络谷;顾;胃溃疡(gastric ulcer)



名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 苟 : GOU : GU 顾 : GU ...

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 郜 gao gu 桂 gui ...

名字 中国人姓名_百度文库 ... 古 : GU : GU 谷 : GU ...

胃溃疡(gastric ulcer)

溃疡病是胃溃疡(GU)和十二指肠溃疡(DU)的总称,因溃疡形成与胃酸...详细中药方剂助他远离了糜... 33岁的张先生,是江苏徐 …

新编粤语字典_粤语吧_百度贴吧 ... gou3 告, 膏, 郜, 锆 gu3 故, 估, 雇, 锢, 痼, gui6 癐 ...

乔治城大学(Georgetown University)

在华盛顿的最后一天,我们去Foggy Bottom 及Georgetown参观了华大(George Washington University)与GUGeorgetown

Only Gu dictator hands in the sky wipe in the pocket, heel in the behind of Zhao Tie Zhu, came out a hospital. 独孤皇天双手擦在口袋里,跟在赵铁柱后面,走出了医院。
Shen was terrified, but there was nothing she could do to stop the torture that Mrs. Gu created for herself by years of mistreating animals. 沈怕极了,但是她又不能停止古夫人的痛苦。那是她多年虐待动物造成的。
Fond told me Gu-ang was a post-graduate student and a nice boy. When Fong talked about him, she avoided eye contact with me. 广是她们学校别的系的研究生,人很好。方说这话看我的时候,眼神有点游离。
WANG Jian Qin did not listen to see his opinion, went back home on the Gu Bing. 王翦见秦王不听他的意见,就告病回老家去了。
Gu Xiaobai is ready to go Mo Xiao Min time, accidentally found Mo Xiao Min in and her former boyfriend. 顾小白正准备去找莫小闵的时候,却意外地发现莫小闵在和她的前男友见面。
It should not be. Recently I knew brother Gu had two pieces of Ming Jian without scabbards when communicating with him. 应不是,最近和谷兄交流得知他得手两把无鞘明剑。
Ms. Gu peeps out a difficult color, she very cautiously looked the beam Nan namely the eye seem to be excrescent dispassion. 谷女士露出为难之色,她小心翼翼的看了眼显得异常冷静的梁楠。
Dijia Gu part of the market is already doubled, profit -taking continued to leave the pressure. 市场上有部分低价股已经是翻了一番,获利盘持续离场的压力非常大。
And, then, that the GU group of eight quarters strict management standards, farmers seem to do not need aware of these. 而且,当时的顾八群认为宿舍的管理严格规范,农民工们似乎并不需要了解这些。
The Gu is to wear to think for you and sound out whether Gao Yi Jin really thinks greatly of you. 孤也是为你着想,试探一下高奕槿是否真的看重你。
In the dark of night, Gu Fan long journey, surging waves swept to open his heart to become at this point is so fragile. 在漆黑的夜里,孤帆远行,汹涌的海浪席卷开来,心在此时变得是那么的脆弱。
Gu Xiaobai also made a nightmare, dreamed of him with a thousand " beyond friendship" . 顾小白还做了一个噩梦,梦见他与阿千“超出友谊”。
She knows thunder Gu any can't pass hers, whatever don't narrate to, she had not wanted as well to drift onward favor this of on the hoof. 她知道雷孤凡不会放过她的,不过没有关系,她也从来没有想着这样苟且的活着。
Liang Jan felt great with Gu Wan by his side, and she felt happy working with him, too. 粱江祇知道有顾婉在身边他便会愉快﹐而顾婉也感觉到和粱江在一起工作很快乐。
Gu, for his part, says the academy is only part of his extra studies outside of his elite Shanghai high school. 但在谷看来,这个项目只是他在上海精英高中之外的尝试与研究。
With Yi Gu sad, the heart will not help a soft, hand-stretch with a sad mood of those books. 带着一股伤感,心就会不由自主地柔软,手伸向那些带有悲伤情调的书。
Gu Gang and his wife accepted the proposal immediately, while Gu Wan blushed, hanging her head without saying a word. 顾刚和他的妻子当场接受了这个婚姻﹐顾婉脸色羞红低下头一句话也不说。
Powerful bronzed arms. Whiskers. A pair of blazing eyes. This was Gu Yanlong, known far and wide as the king of the cattle butchers. 黝黑有力的手臂、络腮胡须、一双明亮的眼睛,这就是古严龙,远近闻名的最能杀牛的屠夫。
Gu Kaizhi's theory of painting is quite rich in aesthetic thinking, and with a very useful reference value today. 顾恺之画论包含的美学思想颇为丰富,迄今仍然很有借鉴价值。
Gu got to work on the Great Mercy Mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Pure Land Mantra of Amitabha. 然后顾书志就开始念诵观音菩萨的大悲咒和阿弥陀佛的净土咒。
This is Miss Gu's Paper Cut Class's assignment: Rat marry to a girl and a woman with her baby. 这是顾老师带我剪纸课临摹的两张剪纸:老鼠娶亲和抱娃娃。
During one of these quarrels, a furious Gu cut off his penis with a kitchen knife. 一次争吵之后,辜某竟一气之下拿起菜刀对自己的下体砍了下去。
also known as zij in mountain , consist of the ming xiao ling , the sun yat sen mausoleum and ling gu temple. 钟山即紫金山,三景位于南京市东郊,包括明孝陵中山陵和灵谷寺。
The ideal state is critical fine for a few days, and one or two days of Gu Huayu, the Fu fine. 最理想的状态是暴晴几天,然后下上一两天的谷花雨,后儿转晴。
Mr. Gu said that the academy is only one part of his extra studies outside of his elite Shanghai high school. 顾说,到这家机构学习只是他课外活动的一部分。
"It is all right. That-" the clear Mei touch the nostril utter Chi along while, eventually of Gu Nong two words come. "The spring spends. " “好吧。那个——”明寐摸着鼻子吭哧半天,终于咕哝出两个字来。“春花。”
" Let her go. " I saw a familiar voice in her ear, she raised her narrow eyes, that this man is Gu p5. “放开她。”只见一个熟悉的声音在她耳边响起,她抬起眯的眼睛,那眼前这个人竟是顾小五。
Foshan earliest smelting iron point of the new Chung is said to be in Foshan, Foshan Eight Sights edge of the old one, "Gu Cun Zhu Lian. " 佛山最早的冶铁点,据说是在佛山新涌边的旧佛山八景之一的“孤村铸炼”。
Gu artistic appreciation of the poems do not much, but he has this sense, this is one of his strengths. 顾氏对诗歌做的艺术鉴赏并不是很多,但他已有这个意识了,这也是他的一个优点。
The theory of "Soul Communication" , raised by Gu Kaizhi in Dongjin Dynasty, was the earliest and a mostly comprehensive theory in painting. “传神论”由东晋·顾恺之提出,是我国最早较完备的绘画理论。