
美 [fɔɪl]英 [fɔɪl]
  • n.箔;【船】(船艇的)水翼;陪衬物;【体】花剑
  • v.衬托;阻止;挫败;【猎】搅乱
  • 网络金属薄片;金属箔;锡箔纸

第三人称单数:foils 现在分词:foiling 过去式:foiled



n. v.

1.[u](尤指包装食物等用的)箔metal made into very thin sheets that is used for covering or wrapping things, especially food

2.[u]箔纸(覆有箔的纸)paper that is covered in very thin sheets of metal

3.[c]~ (for sb/sth)陪衬者;陪衬物a person or thing that contrasts with, and therefore emphasizes, the qualities of another person or thing

星火考研词汇 - 豆丁网 ... foggy a. 有雾的 foil n. ;陪衬 follow v. 跟随;从事;密切注意;是…的必然结果 ...


奥运会运动项目名称汇总 [南方网教育频道] ... Eventing 三日赛 Foil 花剑 Epee 重剑 ...


3M 中国 ... 纸带 Paper 金属薄片 Foil 橡胶 Rubber-mastic ...


帮想想英语单词了_百度知道 ... etch 铭刻 foil 金属薄片,挫败 fuse 保险丝,导火线 ...


印刷排版英语词汇二|各类常用英语词汇 ... Expanded-Gamut Color 扩展色域系统 Foil 金属箔 Gamma (伽玛值) ...


张红岩TOEFL ... fog n. 雾 foil vt. 阻止 foment v. 引发 ...


英美文学名词解释_kiwi_新浪博客 ... 47. Figure of speech( 修辞特征) 48. Foil( 衬托) 49. Foot( 脚注) ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... recoil 退却,退缩 foil 钝剑,箔,锡箔纸 foil 阻挠 ...

It was not surprising that she had recognized him, for his dark gray eyes stared out from his photo on the foil embossed cover. 她认出他来,并不值得惊讶,因为他深灰的眼睛,在镶了金边的封面的照片上光芒四射。
If your opponent is shifting in an attempt to set up a charge or a ranged or area attack, either of these allies might foil those plans. 如果你的敌人想要迅移准备冲锋或使用远距或范围攻击,你的伙伴们有机会阻扰这些计画。
FIG (For Intimate Gatherings) is a cool catering service that provides a lot more than just a few foil pans full of lukewarm food. FIG(ForIntimateGatherings---给密友的聚会)是一个绝妙的餐饮服务,它提供许多不只是平底锅煮出来的冰冷的食物。
Draco Malfoy has always been the evil foil. . . a bit of a fool really. 德拉科•马福尔是邪恶的陪衬角色,也真的有一点傻。
Surface of the hydrophilic foil shall be clean and flat, folds and scratches are unacceptable. A slight mark on the surface is possible. 亲水铝箔表面洁净平整,不允许有皱折和碰伤。表面允许有轻微印痕存在。
We want to ask if you can produce a plastic foil with a bag on its top like you can see on the attached pictures and drawings . 我们想知道你们是否能产生一个在它顶上有一个袋子的成形金属薄片就像你在附件照片和图纸上看到的一样。
Waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them: a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box. 她正和妈妈在收银台旁排队等候交钱,忽然,她看见一串闪闪发光的白珍珠,装在一个粉红色的金属盒里。
Make a small boat using the aluminum foil. Place the boat in the water. Wait for it to stop moving. 用铝箔纸做一艘小船,把铝箔小船放到水中,并等它静止不动。
Among other plays on the geo- political chess board, Obama could turn out to be something of a foil for Beijing's plans in Africa. 在地缘政治角力棋盘上的各种力量中,奥巴马可能被证明会对北京在非洲的计划产生几分阻挡作用。
Tetra Pak aseptic packaging for milk, one of the general by the paper, plastic, aluminum foil composite material formed. 利乐包装的牛奶无菌包装的,一般一个由纸张,塑料,铝箔复合材料组成。
The corner of Sunset for the pool surface is coated with a layer of gold foil, everything appears to be that kind of harmony. 夕阳的余光为池面镀上了一层金箔,一切显得是那样的祥和。
I thanked them again and walked back to my car and opened the foil on the tamale (I was starving by this point), and what did I find inside? 再次表示自己的感谢后走回自己车内打开玉米粉蒸肉包裹纸(此时我正饥肠辘辘),猜猜发现了什么?
A resistance between a first place and a second place of the foil 112 is measured by a resistance measurement section of a microcomputer. 通过微型计算机的电阻测量部来测量箔(112)的第一部位和第二部位之间的电阻。
The coating can be applied to any coated paperboard substrate, including foil or metallized laminates. 该涂料可用于任何基材涂布白纸板,包括金属箔或金属复合材料。
Some agitation is achieved with combinations of foil blade angles, but this does not always provide enough control. 通过组合脱水板角度可获得一定程度的搅动,但这并不总能提供足够的控制。
Okay. Can you check to see if I put any aluminum foil , napkins and disposable platters in the basket? 好的。能不能请你检查一下我有没有把铝箔纸、巾纸跟免洗盘放进篮子里。
easy to use alternative to aluminum foil pull ring, to prevent the plastic particles on pharmaceutical pollution. 采用铝箔替代易拉环、杜绝了塑料微粒对药剂的污染。
Old for gers could cover a metal lump with thin silver foil and heat it to fuse the foil on to the surface. 过去的造假者可以用一层很薄的银箔覆盖金属块,并把它加热,以便熔合到表面。
You can put foil paper on the bottom of your oven to help keep it clean. 为了保持烤箱干净,你可以在下面垫些锡纸。
To prevent light from shining through where the logo used to be. I merely taped on a piece of aluminum foil. 我只用了一点铝箔就避免了亮光从原先商标所在的位置投射出来。
They are of little importance, nothing but a foil. Their bodies are invisible. 女性在此没有重量,只是一种完全的陪衬,在身体上是隐形的。
Take the foil off the celeriac cake and put the tray back in the oven to brown the top. This should take about 10 minutes. 将西芹根蛋糕的锡纸除去,在烤箱中继续烤,直到土豆呈金黄色。需要花10分钟。
OFT GmbH headquartered in Neuss, Germany buttoned up to the consumer sales cold foil membership card after decoration techniques. OFTGmbH总部设于德国的Neuss,向顾客销售冷箔会员卡制作后装饰技术。
In this process, the membrane is in contact with at least one supporting foil during all processing steps. 在该方法中,所述电解质膜在所有工艺步骤期间至少与一个支撑箔接触。
Her sparkling jewellery served as the perfect foil for her fine complexion . 她戴着闪闪生辉的首饰,更显得容貌姣好。
The adoption of any additional equipment to make plastics and metal foil class substrate business card printing more simple and easy. 拔取其他附增摆设可使塑料及金属箔类承印物的制卡愈增简单易行。
Open pizza box and glue foil shiny side up, foil side up , to the inside of the box, except the top. 揭开胶铝箔光泽的一面打开比萨盒,铝箔的一面向上,到盒子里面,接受最高。
The dark ones continue with their attempts to foil progress, but it is now impossible for them to stop the Divine Plan. 黑暗者们继续他们的阻止进程的企图,但是现在他们已经不可能阻挡神圣计划。
a talented British designer, made detailed 3D replica of his own face out of regular tin foil. 英国天才设计师多米尼克·维尔克斯,以自己的脸为蓝本,用锡箔纸制作了3D局部肖像。
For centuries, Yangxunqiao has been a centre for manufacturing the foil papers used in Chinese funeral rites. 数百年来,杨汛桥镇一直是用于中国葬礼仪式中的锡箔纸的制造中心。