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Sina Guang found a stone near the vat, and he lifted the stone very high and threw it towards the vat. 司马光在缸旁看见一块石头,他高高地举起那块石头朝水缸砸了过去!
The guang-an-men sincerely invites you to visit instructs, hand in hand altogether will create the glorious future with you. 光安人诚挚地邀请您来参观指导,与您携手共创美好未来。
Li guang ming: she is only a girl. Just think out an idea to tickle her. Do not be the same with her. 李光明:女孩子嘛,你就想个点子逗她开心就好,别跟她一般见识嘛。
General comments: do not understand why Yang Guang sing, like the hardware with a sore stand in front? 总评:不明白,为什么杨光唱的时候,主持跟个疮似的硬站在跟前?
It comes up to its peak in Qianlong period, after one decline with managment and up to another peak in Guang Xu period. 在乾隆时期达到高峰,经过一段衰落以后,在同治和光绪时期又达到另一次高峰。
Li guang ming: yes. Our a xing said that she wants to help you go back to look for that girl, and she took this measurement, right? 李光明:就是啊,我们阿星一直说要帮你回去找那个女的,所以才用这一招对不对?
Well is the kind of mosquito-like bottle, the next smooth the beam, wall chisel too Guang Liu, there is no place for climbing. 井是那种大肚瓶似的,下畅上束,井壁凿得光溜,没有可供攀援的地方。
Li guang ming: if you really hate to part with him, i will take a rope to tie him, and do not let him go tomorrow. 李光明:你真的那么舍不得天骐,那我干脆拿一条绳子把他绑起来,明天别让他走。
After I got off the streetcar at the Carter Road stop, I hurried excitedly to call on Guang Guang. 车子驶到卡德路,我就下来了。怀着一颗兴奋的心,跑去找光光。
Great, I could recognised him, Li guang yi, then the girl felt a little bit disappointment and returned to her room. 还好,我认出了这个男孩,李光义,然后这个女孩很失望的走回了自己的房子。
Introduction: Introduce origin of Guang Ya Shuang Zheng, the author as well as the main contents of this book. 绪论:介绍《广雅疏证》的由来、作者以及这部书的主要内容。
I just got back from Guang zhou. Let me talk about some words about this trip. 我刚刚从广州回来,让我来谈谈这次的旅行吧!
Cangzhou Chen-Guang Light Industry Products Company Limited specializes in producing the blown-made glassware with its own processing base. 沧州市晨光轻工制品有限公司是一专业生产吹制玻璃产品的厂家。
As a Chicha stadium was once famous wrestling master, Hao Cheng Guang this point is very clear: no fewer than FireWire minor injuries. 作为一名当年曾经叱诧赛场的著名摔跤健将,郝程光这一点还是非常清楚的:轻伤不下火线。
Yue Guang came to see him and asked about the cause of his disease . 乐广跑来看他,问明起病的缘由。
I can't even afford to buy an apartment or to get married, " say Shan Guang Dian. " How can anyone expect me to care about the environment? 陕广电(音译)说:“我根本买不起房子或者结不起婚,别人怎么能期望我去关注环境问题呢?”
He decided to leave for Guang Zhou tomorrow. 他已经决定明天去广州
In the face of a common Chinese manufacturing " " headache cost growth problem, xing guang can be said that early could a rear area. 面对“中国制造”共同头痛的成本增长问题,星光可以说提早给自己找好了一个大后方。
And this licence " " hua guang PS plates limit is reached, the graphics and text parts of the layer are going to. 与此刻所拔取的“华平”牌PS版到达耐印力极限时,其图文局部的胶层都被磨去的环境差别。
It's obvious to me that the distinguishing characteristic of Fo Guang Shan is serving others. 我很明显,佛光山之特点就是为他人服务。
Ling Guang Shan County water around the ring, formerly known as Yang Shui shrines , built in the Ming Dynasty Jiajingnianjian. 广灵县山环水绕,原名洋水神祠,始建于明代嘉靖年间。
Tragedy strikes when Guang Xi suddenly has to go through a major brain surgery which causes him to lose his memory. 然而悲剧发生了,光晞因为突如其来的脑部手术让他遗失了所有的记忆。
The organic growth of fingers of a baby is an integration of the four typical agriculture civilizations in Guang'an. 利用婴儿的五指作为有机增长的形态抽象元素,整合设计出四种典型的广安传统农业文化。
Zhao Qi Guang, a spokesperson for the company, on Tuesday said that the offer was driven by purely commercial reasons. 该公司发言人赵启光周二表示,此次出价完全出于商业理由。
Li guang ming: a xing, wake up. Thank goodness. I thought a xing just goes like this, like her daddy and mummy. 李光明:阿星,醒了啊。老天保佑,我还以为阿星会像她爸妈一样,就这样走了呢。
Perhaps at the time of the historical background for " create your own zhengqi for zheng guang, Chairman Mao as socialist motherland. " 也许正是当时的历史背景,为“造出自己的争气机,为毛主席争光,为社会主义祖国争光。”
This program is an exciting one and is the most content of a novel, refueling, Yang Guang, to GREet you! 这节目很精彩,应该是内容最新颖的一个了,加油,杨光,向你致意!
Li guang ming: a xing, you cannot drive my little vernon away. He is now the mainstay of our shop, and i will let him stay here forever. 李光明:阿星啊,你可不能把我的小天骐给赶走,他现在可是这个店的台柱啊,我要让他一直住下去。
In this movement, autocratic Huo Guang, having the aid of Confucian scholars and by means of holding a meeting, launched an attack fiercely. 盐铁会议从本质上讲,是专权的霍光通过开会的形式利用儒生对桑弘羊施以打击的政治运动。
In the eyes of these children, I saw the Hope of Guang Xi, and I believe it's future is bright. 从这些孩子们的眼睛里,我看到了广西的希望,我相信它的未来是光明的。