
美 [ˈtrʌb(ə)lsəm]英 [ˈtrʌb(ə)ls(ə)m]
  • adj.令人烦恼的;讨厌的;令人痛苦的
  • 网络麻烦的;困难的;棘手的

troublesome problem


1.令人烦恼的;讨厌的;令人痛苦的causing trouble, pain, etc. over a long period of time


英语常见词根前缀后缀大全 ... burdensome 累赘的,沉重的 troublesome 麻烦的 laboursome 费力的 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... trouble vt. 使苦恼,使忧虑,使麻烦 troublesome a. 令人烦恼的; 讨厌的 trousers n. 裤子,长裤 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... trouble vt. 使苦恼,使忧虑,使麻烦 troublesome a. 令人烦恼的; 讨厌的 trousers n. 裤子,长裤 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... to be crowned with success 成功地完成了任务 troublesome 困难的 unipolar world 单极世界 ...


四级阅读理解常见词汇_百度文库 ... practical 实际的) ; 54. troublesome 棘手的; 55. mechanical 机械的; 56. ...

"That shows how much you don't know, " Yossarian bluffed, and told Doc Daneeka about the troublesome pain in his liver. “这说明你多么没有知识,”犹索林虚张声势地说,然后告诉丹尼卡医生他的肝脏给他带来的疼痛。
She had a way of speaking about her children as if they were rather troublesome nephews on a prolonged visit. 她讲起自己的孩子时,用的是一种特别的口气,仿佛他们是什么作客过久讨人嫌的外甥似的。
This is more like an air rage incident in which you land and get rid of the troublesome passengers and then continue on to your destination. 这更像是一起这样的劫机事件:着陆,然后摆脱制造麻烦的乘客,然后继续飞往目的地。
She looked a little bored by his insistence. She knew very well that they couldn't, but it was troublesome to have to produce a reason. 她看上去对他的执拗有点不悦,她很清楚他们不能那样做,不过要说清道理却又很难。
Mamma, " Later on, I found Mummy to be a little bit troublesome and wordy , but I had no antipathy. " 起初,我还能接受,有时回复一句:“妈,放心吧!”后来,渐渐地觉得妈妈有点啰嗦,但并不反感。
The project team should assess the architectural soundness of applications that turned out to be troublesome in a production environment. 项目团队应当评估应用的体系结构中将会在生产环境下导致麻烦的地方的可靠性。
Tom wasn't worried about his head injury, but it was to be troublesome for him later. 汤姆没有担心他头部的伤,可是后来对他来说,那肯定是麻烦事。
The company soon realized she had an unusual knack for identifying extremely low levels of troublesome chemicals. 该公司很快就意识到,在识别极低水平的不良化学成份方面,她拥有不寻常的能力。
Xu: You dare to have her idea! Did not say that this, has taken the contract, so as to avoid you annoy troublesome. 徐:你敢打她主意!不说这个了,把合同书拿出来,免得你们惹麻烦。
Who knows, she might even do it persuasively enough to be able to dispense with her troublesome SPD partners next year. 谁知道呢,也许她甚至能够将这件事做得如此令人心服口服,以至于明年她能够抛弃掉那令人恼火的社民党伙伴呢。
On top of that Tracy McGrady will supposedly be shut down again, this time for at least two weeks, to rest his troublesome knee. 最重要的是麦蒂理应被关闭了,这个时候至少两个星期,他的麻烦休息膝盖。
The fourth is in heaven rule out the toilet is a very troublesome thing, fix a state of weightlessness flying everywhere. 第四就是在天上排除大小便是一个很麻烦的事情,弄不好失重状态下飞得到处都是。
"What is so troublesome stem? Is a tiny bit extra uncomplicated and direct, how much do you want? " Tang asks after Long Nu. “这么罗嗦干什么?直截了当一点,你想要多少?”唐继龙怒问。
Looking at it, this kind of appellation in China is a Bit troublesome, but it hidden a rich and special meaning of the culture. 看起来﹐中国的这些称谓是有点儿麻烦﹐但其中蕴涵着丰富而特殊的文化意义。
If it can escape that troublesome debt, the least sexy of publishing companies ought to be around for a while yet. 如果能摆脱债务麻烦,这个不太性感的出版公司应该还能挺一会。
This will be a troublesome job but members of every haudio-videoe expressed a desire for doing this and I feel prepared to join them. 这将会是一项艰巨的任务,不过两党成员已经表示故意处置这项任务,而且我也预备加入他们。
She cannot do anything about the images in your head. It's up to you to replace those troublesome pictures with something else. 她无法处理你脑子里的这个场景,你应该抛弃掉这些令你烦恼的景象而去想想别的。
If he proves himself a man of worth, not a hair of his head shall fall to the ground; but if he is found to be troublesome, he shall die. 如果他证实自己是个有品德的人,他头上一根头发也不会掉下,大如果他图谋不轨,他就必死无疑。
Congo is now at the bottom of global measures of both health and wealth, behind even Rwanda, its troublesome neighbour. 按照全球关于健康与财富的评价标准,刚果如今被列为倒数第一,甚至排在了讨厌的邻国卢旺达之后。
To the unreasonably troublesome person who intentionally speak ill of you, just give him a smile, letting the time to prove the truth. 对于那些无理取闹、蓄意诋毁的人,给他一个微笑,剩下的事就让时间去证明好了。
It was easy to fudge in normal times, but it became troublesome when we went down to the countryside for labor exercise. 尤其是那种旁开门的女式裤子。平时还可以蒙混过去,一下乡劳动可就麻烦了。
Falling in love with a person is a very troublesome thing, especially knowing you will give her a lot, as she has done a lot of things. 爱上一个人是一件很麻烦的事,特别是你不知不觉中会为她放弃了很多事,为她做了很多事。
He instinctively felt that in this respect it would be troublesome--and also rather bad form--to strike out for himself. 他本能地感到,在这方面他若一个人标新立异,肯定会引起麻烦,而且也很不得体。
Do not know the key to the queue, it will be very troublesome Oh, no letter? ! 不知道排队要诀的话,会很麻烦的哦!不信?
Although his grades in top class, he found that students don't seem to like to play with him, he is very troublesome. 虽然他的成绩在班里名列前茅,但他发现同学们好像不太喜欢和他玩,他很烦恼。
Many new features like the Render extension have to be implemented and tested for each driver, which is a tedious and troublesome work. 许多新的特性比如渲染扩展需要对每个驱动程序加以实现和测试,这是单调和麻烦的工作。
I'm trying to stay clear of my troublesome neighbor. 我试着避开那个爱惹麻烦的邻居。
To us, with recent memories of such a troublesome winter in the Alps, it was simply glorious. 但一想到阿尔卑斯山同样令人烦恼的冬天,不用说,这里确实是难得的去处了。
To raise such a troublesome kid and still face the public with a smile, you are the real best actor dad. I'm sorry. 要养大一个这么惹麻烦的孩子还仍然微笑着面对公众,爸爸你是真正的最佳演员。我真的很抱歉。
Troublesome electronics and poor assembly quality were partly to blame, but a bigger problem was the unmistakable air of poor taste. 电子元件的质量和装配的质量不足,可能也是造成这款车型难以为继的原因之一,但更大的问题无疑是它的设计品味太差。