
美 [ɡʌn]英 [ɡʌn]
  • n.枪;炮;喷枪;喷射器
  • v.快速运转;使(车辆)加速
  • 网络鲧;手枪;荒野枪神

复数:guns 过去式:gunned 现在分词:gunning

carry gun,fire gun,drop gun,pull gun,turn gun
loaded gun,heavy gun


n. v.

1.[c]枪;炮a weapon that is used for firing bullets or shells

2.[c]喷射器;喷枪a tool that uses pressure to send out a substance or an object

4.[c](informal)受雇杀人的枪手a person who is paid to shoot sb


hold/put a gun to sbs head

威胁某人;胁迫某人就范to force sb to do sth that they do not want to do, by making threats

under the gun

承受很大压力experiencing a lot of pressure

(with) all/both guns blazing

充满活力;精神抖擞with a lot of energy and determination

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... mirror n 镜子 gun n 炮; hammer n 锤子;槌 ...

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... mirror n 镜子 gun n ;枪 hammer n 锤子;槌 ...



高中英语单词表 ... gust n. 阵风;突然一阵(雨、烟等);(感情的)迸发 gun n. 枪,炮,手枪 guidebook 导游书,导游小册子 ...


... Condemned:Criminal Origins( 炼狱死囚:罪恶根源) Gun荒野枪神) Kameo:Elements of Power( 卡米欧:力量之源…


火字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 火奴鲁鲁〖 Honolulu〗 火炮gun;cannon〗 火盆〖 hibachi;firepan〗 ...


枪 - 搜搜百科 ... ◎枪榴弹[ riflegrenade] ◎枪炮[ gun] ◎枪杀[ shootdead] ...


虽然枪支gun)特指弹道低平的加农炮,但所有类型的火器也都叫枪支(gun)。枪支(gun)是手枪的口语表达方式,虽然 …

Zhou usually liked to use my camera as a machine gun. He said he would like to capture every beautiful moment. 周拍起照片来好像在用机关枪,他说他是在捕捉每一美妙的瞬间。
Prison officials in Colombia say they've caught an 11-year-old girl trying to smuggle dozens of mobile phones and a gun into a jail. 哥伦比亚监狱官员表示,他们逮捕了一名11岁的女孩,她试图向监狱中偷运数十部手机和一支手枪。
From a heavy gun was raised, the captain realized that the ship must have been a cruiser. 船长根据捞上来的一门重炮,判断出这条船大概是一艘巡洋舰。
After being slammed into the back of a squad car at gun point, they realized the car was actually recovered a week ago. 等我被枪指着塞进警车后面的时候,他们才发现那辆被偷的车已经在一个礼拜之前找到了。
within 72 hours after their surrender, they were killed in groups by machine gun fire along the bank of the Yangtze River. 在投降的72小时以后,他们被用机关枪在长江边集体杀害。
"Like the gun, " he said, lowering his arm and fixing his gaze on the boys who now looked at him wide-eyed. “这名儿像枪。”说完放下胳膊,盯着已看得目瞪口呆的男孩子们。
Their abductor pulls over and gives chase, gun drawn, and corners them in a warehouse, but Michael gets the drop on him with a two by four. 绑架他们的人停下了车,拔枪追击他们,将他们逼进了一块货仓,但是迈克尔用一根木棍先发制人。
and that ' s when he pulled out his gun , like this . 而那时,他抽出他的枪,这样
Then he took two steps, still holding the gun, and kicked the dog's body away, for us to bury it as well. 接着他朝前走了两步,手上仍然握着枪,将那条狗的尸体踢到一边,我们把它也给埋了。
He began to shake as with an ague-fit, till the gun fell from his hand with a splash. 他开始像发疟疾似的颤抖起来,手中的枪哗啦一声掉进水里。
Justice Stephen Breyer referred to proportionality in a recent opinion on gun control, provoking scholarly excitement. StephenBreyer大法官在最近关于枪支控制的意见中也引用了比例原则,也引发了学术方面的争议。
You could actually cock the gun back and it had a separate clip and really crazy detail for something so small. 你可能实际上公鸡枪回来,它有一个单独的剪辑,真正疯狂的东西这么小的细节。
In the end, she put down her gun. And when she did. . . she rejected her entire life up to that point. . . including me. 她最后还是放下了枪。而一旦放下枪,她就否定了直至此刻她的全部人生,包括我。
He is purported to be one of the reasons for the popularity of aviators back in the 80's when he wore one for Top Gun. 他自称是为普及的飞行员早在80年代的原因之一的,当他穿着的壮志凌云之一。
He walked into the bank, went up to the bank teller, pointed a gun at her and side, "Give me all the money or I'll shoot. " 抢匪走进银行,径直朝着一名银行出纳员走去,站在一旁用枪指着她的头,说道:“把所有的钱都给我,否则我就开枪了!”
Don't be so ready to move gun dynamic cannons, make people's no peace with suffering. 不要动不动就动枪动炮,搞得人民不得安宁跟着受苦受难。
I thought, 'That's what I need. I need to get out of my nightgown and I need a gun. ' 我当时就觉得,‘这正是我需要的,我想脱掉睡衣,好好拿枪过把瘾。’
He ran through the door, he fired his gun, he yelled at me to kiss the floor. 他跑着闯进门开了一枪大声叫我趴在地上。
It was just a lot of physical training, and I had to shoot a gun and zip around on these wires that were six feet high in the air. 我要做很多体能训练,我要学会射击以及如何在六英尺的半空中来回荡。
The power of the gun depended on how much gun powder the hunter put into it. 枪的威力取决于猎人填进多少火药。
Jones was hurled into a pile of dung and his gun flew out of his hands. 琼斯猛跌在粪堆上,手中的枪也甩了出去。
A small man robbed a bank with a toy gun in broad daylight, and was caught red-handed by a young lady-teller of the bank. 有一个矮小的男人带着玩具枪在光天化日之下抢劫了银行,但是被一位年轻的女出纳员当场抓住。
So if the British wanted a regime change in say Iran it was a matter of a few gun boats and a couple of battalions of troops. 因此,如果英国希望一个地方的政权发生更迭,比如说伊朗,这不过就是几船的枪和几个营的部队的问题。
He asked if I used to operate the laser gun on the A5 in North London, I said 'yes', " Flitton told the newspaper. " 他又问我是否于伦敦北部的A5号公路用过雷射测速枪,我回答『是的』。
Jay: Honey, you know there's a gun in the footlocker in the garage, if I ever say no, I want you to use it on me. 亲爱的,你知道车库里有一把枪的,要是我敢说一个不字,我希望你用它崩了我。
But in the fire he stood very straight with his gun in his hand, and with his eyes fixed on the beautiful dancer. 但身处大火中他仍然手持着枪很挺直地站立着,目不转睛地看着那位美丽的舞蹈家。
Now the Greggs are a family of birds, and like it or not, they're going to find out how it feels to be on the other end of the gun. 现在的格雷格家族都成了鸟了,不管他们高兴不高兴,他们将发现他们将成为众矢之的,那是一种什么滋味啊!
Hale looks in her eyes, gun trained, but he just can't squeeze the trigger. A gunshot rings out. Hale看着她的眼神,举枪对准了她,但是不能扣下扳机。
The pilot felt a gun sticking in his back, and a voice hissed in his ear, "Take me to London. " 飞行员感觉到有一只手枪正顶着他的后背,耳边传来一阵嘶嘶地说话声,“把我带到伦敦去!”
Gap Generator - Instead of being able to use its gun, a cloaking field in a moderate distance around the Mirage Tank hides friendly units. 电子干扰器——代替他的主炮,一个中型隐形场建立在幻影坦克周围,以隐藏友军单位。