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They also thought it was good to see a look I decided to buy a pair, but they also boast my eyesight Hao O! 他们一看也觉得很好看就决定给我买这双,而且他们还夸我眼力好哦!
If I had done meal, not the rice Sheng Hao, to coax him to eat, he would rather go hungry abdomen a few days, will never speak to you. 我若是做好了饭菜,不把饭盛好,哄他来吃的话,他宁可饿几天肚子,也绝对不会搭理你。
In an online post, Guo Hao said he and his wife, both in their 20s, save the majority of their income. 在网上的一个帖文中,郭昊说,他和他妻子,都是20多岁的,存下了他们大部分的收入。
This time, not hesitate to tear up the old agreement with the Group of Hao Jiang, is certainly what has been a significant change. 这次,老大不惜撕毁跟豪强集团的协议,一定是有了什么重大的变化。
Disciple Wang Hao had wrote my three poems on Deep Silence on a piece of paper. It looks very nice and I share it with all of you. 弟子王浩在一张纸上写了我所作三首有关深寂的诗。写得很好看,我和大家分享。
But it was the couple's authentic thought that school was only a place for Jiang Hao to stay in, not for his future. 可这是姜春阳夫妇的真实想法,让姜浩上学并不是为了让他学出啥出息,就是有个地方可待。
The investment opportunity that Hao fell for was all the rage at the peak of the stock market two years ago. 让郝失足的投资机会源于股市两年前的那次顶峰。
So happy to see others smile, suddenly feeling good eye glare, Hao Teng, are doomed to sorrow with me over it? 很高兴看到别人微笑着,突然觉得好眼睛怒目而视,豪滕兴善,注定要悲伤与我过来了吗?吗?。
Take boat the tour hao river, you can grasp to the beautiful landscape of the near the bank. 乘船游览濠河,您可以领略到岸边的优美景色。
As a Chicha stadium was once famous wrestling master, Hao Cheng Guang this point is very clear: no fewer than FireWire minor injuries. 作为一名当年曾经叱诧赛场的著名摔跤健将,郝程光这一点还是非常清楚的:轻伤不下火线。
Reached by phone in his home province of Henan, Hao said he lost a small fortune, more than $3, 000, after being forced into the deal. 打电话到他位于河南省的家,郝说这笔强制交易让他损失了3000多美金。
This has been a lesson for Wang Hao, I think the club should also be no more punishment of the action. 这件事已经对王皓是个教训了,我想俱乐部方面也应该不会再有处罚的动作了。
Lies in the feminine values which the Hao Sijia image refracts to enable her to have the new significance. 在于中郝思嘉形象所折射出的女性价值观使她具有了新的意义。
Yu Hao-ming, a sweet, innocent, happy little prince, in the Xinghai, dedicated to his own flashes of the brilliance was. 俞灏明,一位可爱、纯真、快乐的小王子,在星海里执着地闪烁着属于他自己的一片光芒。
Lu Hao, Mr. Yao's agent in China, said he had lost track of how many condolence and news-media calls he took yesterday. 姚明的中方经纪人陆浩说,他已记不清自己周三接到了多少慰问电话和来自媒体的电话。
This time in Bei Jing disciple Wang Hao offered me such a seal using one of my poetic sentence. 这回在北京弟子王浩供养我一个这种使用我诗句所刻的印章。
She devoted to her last drop of blood to the Hao's, Mrs. Hao's mainstay, the despair of her three daughters. 她在郝家里,是把全副心血都用在里面的,一向是郝太太的左右手,却是三个女孩子的眼中钉。
But The last test I only you, my eyes is the Zhibu Hao, because there is no perception of me, only you! 但是,上次我只是试探你的,我的眼睛已是治不好的,因为这个世界已经不认知我了,唯一是你!
Hao Xiaozi did not disappoint him in the end, that is really a fight with. 好小子到底没令他失望,果然一打即着。
Mainly coaches and athletes do not have to cite examples of it, Baidu, hole * Hui, * Hao. . . 主要是教练和运动员,例子不用再举了吧,百度一下,孔*辉,*皓…
Zhang Hao said through The four-month run-in , and is now basically the shape. 张昊透露,经过四个月的磨合时间,现在已经基本上已经成型了。
Hong Hao does not only offer us a new view to see things, but more importantly, he tries to re-construct our knowledge about perception. 洪浩通过作品试图做的也并非仅仅是一种有关事物新角度的呈现,而重要的是在于一种引出对于认知方式的重建问题。
Therefore, each time Jiang Hao made mistakes, he would never get critism but encouragement from his parents. 所以,每次姜浩闯祸,从父母那里非但听不到批评,反而是鼓励。
There`s no apparent discomfort among the parents who frequent attend matchmaking events, according to one of the organizers, Hao Pengfei. 作为组织者之一,郝鹏飞(音译)说,看上去那些频繁参加相亲活动的家长并未感到什么不适。
Tang Hao, you have displayed firm and innovative leadership during the lead up to IBPC launch and during the few days of intensive delivery. 唐昊,无论是在为IBPC准备期间,还是在开课期间,你都展示了坚定且有创意的领导能力。
I dare say if you can do so in the administration of the case, then any disease in humans, did not you Zhibu Hao of the disease. 笔者可以大胆的说如你在用药中能作到这样,那么在人体的任何疾病当中,没有你治不好的病了。
Do not use the phrase was too difficult for high school, and with the attributive clause Ye Hao. 不要用太难的句式、适合高一的,用定语从句也好。
Mr Zhao's enthusiasm has inspired Lu Hao to concentrate more on history lessons and his grades have improved a great deal. 赵大爷的热情鼓舞了陆浩在历史课上集中精力,他的水平提高了很多。
To the Yuan Dynasty, Quyang Stone has a reputation emerged Qiong Yang, Wang, Wang Hao and a number of outstanding folk carving artists. 至元代,曲阳石雕已享有盛名,涌现出杨琼、王道、王浩等一批杰出的民间雕刻艺人。
Hao Hao said he was a good skin, white water of, and the Nen Nen. 豪豪说他皮肤好,白白的水水的,嫩嫩的。