
美 [ˈpet(ə)l]英 ['pet(ə)l]
  • n.【植】花瓣
  • 网络花瓣片片;落花;花瓣色彩





五个花瓣 (Petals) 及五个萼片 (Sepals) 为耶稣的十个使徒 (彼得及犹大不计在内);雌蕊 (Pistils) 呈三分义柱头,为钉在十字架 …


上海声像出版社——RAINROW(七色彩虹) ... DID I DO THAT?( 那是我吗?) PETALS花瓣片片) THANK GOD I FOU…


Ruby Lin (Lin Xin Ru) - Music, Songs, Albums ... Love stories( 爱情小说) Petals( 落花) Eighteen Springs( 半生缘) ...


...分(2) 萼瓣色彩(Sepals) 10分(3) 花瓣色彩(Petals) 5分(4) 袋瓣色彩(Pouch) 5分 其他性状占20分,其中又细分为:(1) 花朵大 …


夏亚珠宝 | Favorite Pendants !|发烧网 ... Narcissus/ 纳西斯之心 Petals花绽 Rose Manor/ 玫瑰庄园 ...


petals是什么意思|petals的中文意思... ... Petals : 花瓣片片 Petals翼瓣 Petals : 落花 ...

Pattern Enhancement Tool for Assisting Landmine Sensing

...示了一款可以和智能手机相连的地雷探测器,它采用了 PETALSPattern Enhancement Tool for Assisting Landmine Sensing

He felt his way to a wild rose bush; he then put two rose petals in for his eyes. 于是他一边探路一边奔向玫瑰花海,然后摘了两片花瓣放在眼眶里当眼睛。
The next day, the large-scale nest disappeared, wandering the streets of the petals have been , without leaving the slightest trace. 第二天,那个颇具规模的窝也不见了,满街飘零的花瓣也被扫净,没有留下一丝痕迹。
And every spring people come from all over the city to see unusual flowers to boom, each one was four long white petals. 每到春天,所有人都会来参观一种不寻常的花:每一朵花都长着四瓣白色长长的花瓣,每当微风吹过的时候…
One morning it had quite opened, and its little snow-white petals stood round the yellow centre, like the rays of the sun. 一天早上她已开得旺,那小小的雪白花瓣挺立在黄色的花芯上,像太阳的金黄光线。
On the name of life, this sad city must be revived with the steps of love, just like a flower blossoming its tender petals. 以生命的名义,这座伤城必将在爱的脚步中苏醒过来,重新展开温暖的花瓣。
She sat down on the sofa next to me, tore the petals from the rose, cast them up in the air above us and called out "Three! " 她挨着我在沙发上坐下,扯下玫瑰花瓣,并扔向空中,嘴里喊出“三!”
Had a few gusts up to full house floral white movie film-like petals of children, the wind drift, such as under a light snow. 几阵风过,满院花香,片片白玉片儿似的花瓣,随风飘荡,像是下了一场小雪。
Then spray with an insecticide like Malathion after the flower petals are at full bloom, and about a week later, as they are falling. 然后花花瓣喷洒杀虫剂马拉硫磷后,都喜欢在盛开,大约一个星期后,因为他们正在下降。
Now, even if I hurry to that city, it is no use already. Even the petals fallen on the ground have been blown away. It is really depressing. 现在,纵使我再匆忙赶往那个城市已是枉然,甚至连落到泥地上的花瓣都被风吹散了,真的感到有些悲哀。
Youth should appear red or purple spring, but now only piece of the withered petals whirled in the wind. 少年时代本应呈现吒紫嫣红春天,可如今也只剩下片片凋零的花瓣在风中回旋。
The little prince crossed the desert and met with only one flower. It was a flower with three petals, a flower of no account at all. 小王子穿过沙漠。他只见过一朵花,一个有着三枚花瓣的花朵,一朵很不起眼的小花…
And tell it my own thoughts, or whisper, or bath in rain of petals . . . Such a life is so beautiful, isn't it? 告诉它自己的心事,或是低声轻唱,抑或是沐浴在花瓣雨中……这样的生活,难道不美吗?
Acquisition of the four seasons garden, more petals, just a touch of your fingertips, will have more love and fall, precipitation. 采集花园里四季的花瓣珍藏,更多的时候,只要碰一碰你的指尖,就有更多的爱,纷纷飘落、沉淀。
Solemnly in the sun in full flower, this life of my past life of the afterlife are looking forward to writing in the middle of petals yard. 在阳光下郑重地开满花儿,将我前世的今生的来世的期待都写在花瓣中叶子里。
The children trampled over the fallen petals, and where it had been crushed that tender silk turned darker, like a human bruise. 孩子们踏过坠落的花瓣,如绸缎般柔软的花瓣变得黯淡,像人类的瘀伤。
Magnolia stellata (often referred to as the star magnolia) - its flowers, which consist of up to 30 petals, open before its leaves. 重华辛夷(常被称为星花木兰)——它的花有30片花瓣组成,通常在树叶生长出来之前开放。
I walked around the tomb, spreading petals to every corner of it. I felt as if I could see Mahatma Gandhi's unyielding image and clear eyes. 我绕陵墓一周,将花瓣撒在每一个地方,仿佛看到了圣雄不屈的身躯和清澈的眼神。
See it out of hand if the air petals, filled with a baffling heartache again this shaky world. 看到它伸出的如手朝天的花瓣,莫名其妙地又一次心痛充满这个摇摇欲坠的世界。
Again the next day to see that it already thanks. At the time, I lament the one hand, picked up the side of the petals fall on the ground. 第二天再去看,它早已谢了。那时的我一边叹惜,一边拾起落在地上的花瓣。
In the wind, I drilled at the new leaves of a cherry tree, waves heaters to be left on the branches of the petals breeze on my face. 在风中,我停留在一株钻出新芽的樱花树旁,一阵阵暖风把残留在树枝上的花瓣吹过我的面庞。
Through bustling era, all love like the late-spring petals withered in the wind , but it left scent in real life . 走过繁华的年代,一切的爱恋化作那晚春的花瓣在风中枯萎了,现实生活中依旧留有清香。
Look, the bottom one after another rain , drag a tour in the rain, as if drifting in the water one after another of the petals. 瞧,雨下边那一朵朵花伞,在雨中游曳着,犹如漂在水上的一朵朵花瓣。
He was as white as ivory, his lips were like the petals of a red flower. 他的肌肤就像象牙一样白,嘴唇像红色花瓣。
Sad sound as if they are all over the world, from pedicel fragrant petals wither. 哀伤的声音仿佛是全世界的芬芳、花瓣都从花梗凋零。
The petals of a white flower set off the white stripes of this zebra-winged butterfly at a children's zoo in Lincoln, Nebraska. 大自然的图案:蝴蝶。这翼瓣上的白色花引起白色条纹的斑马-翅膀蝴蝶在一个林肯儿童的动物园,内布拉斯加州。
Used in brewing herbal tea, dried herbs, can use this method leaves, petals spread out a film to be dried. 冲泡香草茶所使用的干燥香草,均可用这种方法将叶片、花瓣一片片的摊开来加以干燥。
This is a limitation of the Petals Mail component, the subject of the email message sent is always set to the name of service. 这是Petals邮件组件的一个局限,待发送邮件消息的主题通常被设置成服务的名字。
The squiggle line inside is the best I could do to represent what looks like the petals of an open Lotus flower. 我尽力描绘的就是这弯曲的线条内部,看起来像是一朵开放的莲花花瓣。
When men are rightly occupied, their amusement grows out of their work, as the color - petals out of a fruitful flower. 当人们忙碌的时候,工作给他们带来乐趣,就像艳丽的花瓣源于茁壮的花朵一样。
Would like to see that purple petals as soon as possible, also diligent manner to loosen the soil fertilizing watering. 想早日看见那紫色的花瓣,也就勤快地去松土施肥浇水。