
美 [ˈhɑrbər]英 [ˈhɑː(r)bə(r)]
  • n.港口;港湾;〈比喻〉避难所;【军】坦克掩蔽场
  • v.停泊;包含;隐匿;怀抱(恶意)
  • 网络海港;怀有;心怀

复数:harbors 现在分词:harboring 过去式:harbored

enemy harbor



文明2_百度百科 ... Super Market( 超市) Harbor港口) Factory( 工厂) ...


常见英语单词听力mp3_线话英语 ... handwriting n.书写,笔迹 harbor n.港口,海港 harden v.(使)变硬;(使)变得坚强 ...


石油词汇英语翻译(GH)--石油百科 ... harbor radar 港口雷达 harbor 港湾 harborage 停泊处 ...


挟字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 挟制〖 coerce〗 怀抱,怀有harbor〗 携带〖 carry〗 ...


同义词与词根记忆_英语杂谈_天涯论坛 ... hamper[ v]妨碍,阻挠 harbor[ n]港,避难所 hatch[ v]孵出 ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... 384. grope v. 摸索 385. harbor v. 心怀 386. harmony n. 和谐 ...


NK-words2 - 博客的日志 - 网易博客 ... /jail 使…坐牢 /harbor 隐匿,窝藏 /honor 尊敬 ...

The United States the cost of these conflicts will be reduced from a lot of fundamental significance, since Pearl Harbor does not occur. 美国在这些冲突上的花费从根本意义上会减少很多,因为珍珠港事件不会发生。
after Pearl Harbor led to American involvement in World War II and a shortage of building materials it would not be any time soon. 珍珠港事件后,导致美国在二战中的参与和建材短缺,它不会被任何时间很快。
One of the first projects we ever did was the harbor bath in Copenhagen. Sort of continuing the public realm into the water. 我们做的最早的一批项目之一就是哥本哈根海港浴,也可以说是公共领域扩展到了水域。
As for people who love us but whom we do not love, we may be indifferent, or at least would not harbor such a deep overall concern. 至于爱我们但我们不爱的人,我们可能是不关心的,或者至少不会怀有这样一种深切的全面关心。
Smith rubbed condensation off the inside of a porthole and peered out at the boats bobbing up and down in the harbor. 史密斯用手抹去舷窗内的蒸气,看着港口内浮动的小船。
The harbor superintendence departments shall not accept the ship exit formalities of any violator. 违者,港务监督部门不予以受理船舶人出境手续。
Dale O'Banion, the man she was about to have dinner with in Green Harbor, the first time she'd been out with a man in a long while. 戴尔·奥班宁,就是要和她在绿港共进晚餐的男子。这是很长一段时间来她和男人第一次约会。
The buyer agrees that this kitten will always receive prompt, top-notch medical care, and will never be allowed to harbor parasites. 买主同意会给予小猫,适当的医疗处理,不让猫咪感染寄生虫。
The only force able to interfere with a Japanese drive into the East Indies? The U. S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor. 而能够阻止日本人开进东印度群岛的唯一力量就是美国驻珍珠港的太平洋舰队。
The fish was two feet longer than the boat. No catch like it had ever been seen in Havana harbor. 这条马林鱼比船还长两英尺,哈瓦那港从来没有见过捕到这么大的鱼。
If you were on a voyage and the ship anchored in a harbor, you might go ashore for water and happen to pick up a shellfish or a plant. 如果你在航海旅行,而船在某个港口靠岸,你有可能上岸取水,顺便捡拾贝壳或挑选一棵盆栽。
Instead, Spielberg gives him a slap and says "You Chinese people bombed our Pearl Harbor, get out of here. " 可是斯皮尔伯格给了他一个嘴巴,说:“你们中国人炸了珍珠港,给我滚开这里!”
I feel what I choose to feel by choosing what thoughts I choose to harbor and how I choose to think about things. 我通过选择已选好的思维和考虑事物的过程感知我能感受到的。
Channel is in inland, lakes, harbor etc. such a water aerial for the ship security navigable. 航道是指在内河、湖泊、港湾等水域供船舶安全通航的的通道。
And he began to rebuild the American naval forces destroyed at Pearl Harbor. 他开始重建在珍珠港摧毁了美国的海军力量。
The United States had a good radar system and it was able to predict the attack on Pearl Harbor an hour before it happened. 美国有了一个良好的雷达系统和它能够预测珍珠港事件前一小时发生。
You think the plane is bad? Security checkpoints harbor a host of hazards as well, researchers say. 你觉得飞机上很糟糕?研究人员发现,其实安检处也好不到哪里去。
The US would not drift into the second world war if Japan had not attacked the Pearl Harbor by stealth. 如果日本没有偷袭珍珠港美国是不会卷入二次世界大战的。
The company flow, the logistics, funds flow, the information flows the high and concentrated intelligence to turn the logistics harbor. 商流、物流、资金流、信息流高度集中的智能化物流港。
It was built up as a coal station for British merchant ships traveling to India, and its large natural harbor should make it a regional hub. 它是英国商船运往印度的煤碳中转站,它超大的天然海港理所当然的使之成为该地区的枢纽中心。
This was our second stay and this time we were upgraded to a corner harbor view room which had a great view over to the old airport. 这是我们第二次在这里住宿,而这一次,我们升级到一间位于拐角的海景房,从那里能俯瞰整个旧机场的美景。
Is a warm harbor, we are in her arms out of the boat, whether we opal is a terminal, all the lights flashing her navigation lights! 是一处温馨的港湾,我们是她怀中驶出的小船,无论我们将来泊在哪一个码头里,都闪烁着她的一盏航灯!
In the heart of rain falling in my heart shake and crumble, floating, shake shake, do not know what Chucai is safe harbor. 心在风雨飘洒中摇摇欲坠,我的心飘啊飘,摇啊摇,不知道何处才是自己能够安全停泊的港湾。
Young Franklin did not like the smell of candles and, when no one was watching, often left shop to go down to the harbor. 年轻的富兰克林不喜欢蜡烛的气味,在没有人看管的时候,他常常离开店铺到港口去玩。
After we said goodbye, I drove the car onto the ferry and climbed out, so I could stand on deck as the boat motored out of the harbor. 我们说完再见后,我把车开到了渡轮上,爬了出来,所以当船发动驶出港口时,我能站在甲板上。
I was like the ship before my education began , only I was without compass , and had no way of knowing how near the harbor was . 我就想前登船,只有我开始我的教育没有指南针,和没办法知道怎么港口附近。
No doubt, appreciate the view of Sydney is one of the best cruising in the clear water of Sydney Harbor to see the two sides. 无疑,欣赏悉尼的最佳视点之一是游弋于悉尼港的碧水中向两岸眺望。
Triggered by an earthquake off the coast of Japan, it sent a five-foot surge into the harbor, causing up to 700, 000 dollars in damages. 这次海啸是由日本海岸的地震引起的,形成了五英尺的海浪向海港涌来,造成了高达700.000美元的损失。
It would be easy to assume, at first glance, that the watery rectangle in the center of this image is a harbor. 可以简单的设想一下,第一眼看上去,这张图片上那个充满水的长方形区域应该是一个港口。
Video: We're just sailing out of harbor now, and it's at this stage when one can have a bit of a wobble mentally. 录像:我们的船刚刚离开港湾,也就是在此时心头会涌起一丝犹疑。